Showing posts with label There's the sex hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label There's the sex hair. Show all posts

ROBsession 101: Robert Pattinson and his classic Access Hollywood interview

This class will only be half full (yeah right...resisting him is futile) because so many of you knew this quote from our last Making You The Love post:


Let's revisit this epic interview, first posted on ROBsessed Nov. 10, 2008. Shaun Robinson from Access Hollywood has done some fun interviews with Robert Pattinson over the years but this first one was solid gold. It's impossible to not laugh and beam while watching this. Seriously. Watch these videos then look in the mirror. I bet your pupils will be replaced with hearts and your cheeks will be flushed. ;)

This interview is a classic example of how one becomes ROBsessed.

*sigh* it MUST be watched.

I was going to include some hot pictures of Rob with the sex hair in full effect but after watching the videos...I think the class should just marinate in them. His laugh, the way he runs his hand through his hair, his lean back, his eyes, his mouth....I need to stop here and let the marinating happen in the comments. ;)


I lied....


It MUST be mousse...


*fans self* UHQ when you click....*fans self more* and save...

Blast From The Past : Robert Pattinson At The Rome Film Festival (30th October 2008)

Blast From The Past : Robert Pattinson At The Rome Film Festival (30th October 2008)

As the days are getting colder here and I'm pulling out my winter woolies it reminds me of Rome Rob in his black jumper, so I thought you might enjoy looking at these pics with me :-)







LOADS More pics after the cut!

Celebrating a Robiversary.... NEW photos of Robert Pattinson at the Austin Film Festival

It is two years ago today that I was in the presence of Mr. Sex Hair himself - and let me tell ya, the sex hair was in full power that night (evidence below).


Robert Pattinson in all his adorkable, gorgeousness made a fleeting visit to Austin, Texas on October 18th, 2008 to help promote the film How To Be. I had seen the film a couple of nights earlier - but when I heard Rob was going to be there for the Saturday night showing, how could I not go??

I've recounted my full story after the 'break' but first, I'd like to overwhelm you with these never before seen pictures from that night. Taken by the wonderful Laura (whose recap of the night - including a sleeping husband and Rob sat ten feet away is also after the 'break') - thank you SO much for sharing his holy hotness with us :-)








That's the lovely, lucky Laura there in the flower print dress :-)


And because it just wouldn't be right to make this post without re-sharing the sex hair that stars in the photos I took, here they are, as well as a few I believe I've kept to myself, snuggled under my pillow, until now...




Check out our recaps of the night and more photos AND A VIDEO after the break!

New/Old Robert Pattinson Pics From Rome

New/Old Robert Pattinson Pics From Rome

I think most of you already know that I LOVE Rome Rob with all my heart. If there's anyone out there that doesn't know why these should answer that question.
(Oh and I think we might have had some of these before but some are new.)

I thought you might like to try out my little Rob Recipe

Take little bit of jaw porn


Add a cute little smile


Throw in some of the famous sex hair


Mix it altogether and in no time at all what do you get?


Don't look like you don't know what I'm talking about there Rob!


You end with Kate in a big puddle on the floor.

There's more after the cut if you think you can take it!
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