Showing posts with label There's the sex hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label There's the sex hair. Show all posts

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson with fans at a wedding (June 23rd)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson with fans at a wedding (June 23rd)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart attended a wedding back east (NJ) and fans caught up with Rob for these super sexy photos.



WHAT IS THIS SEXY SEXINESS??? Did Rob think it was really ok to kill women at weddings???


And little girls, Rob?? You wanna kill little girls??? So cruel.


What are you lookin' at Rob? You're evil game plan to slaughter the female population with your hotness? Or playing Mr. DJ! The comments at the source say Rob was playing 'Return of the Mack'. LMAO


DJ Rob rocks the party, yo!

How much do we love the font/letterpress in this placecard (from the caterer)?


Zac Efron was also given a placecard. Wonder if they all had a chat. LOL
I'm crazy about that stuff. Little unknown fact: I used to have a wedding planning business. Quit it because it was a stressful environment. Like blogging about Rob is so relaxing.

The wedding was for producer, Kevin Turen, someone seen with Rob previously with then fiancee (now wife) Evelina Oboza-Turen.

Source | Source | Source | Source | Source | Via: Robstenation

New Still: Robert Pattinson Gets A Haircut in Cosmopolis

New Still: Robert Pattinson Gets A Haircut in Cosmopolis

Pretty epic shot considering the story ;)


Click for HQ Rob!

Source | Via: RobstenDreams

New/Old Pics Of Robert Pattinson At The Rome Film Festival (2008)

New/Old Pics Of Robert Pattinson At The Rome Film Festival (2008)

Rome Rob has always been a firm favourite with us on the blog.
Some things never change.


Mmmmmm hello sex hair


Click for Larger

Source TwilightFansItalia via Robstenation

Torture Tuesday with Robert Pattinson

Torture Tuesday with Robert Pattinson

I'm sooooooo excited Torture Tuesday is back. Call me sadistic. Call me a glutton for pain. I like seeing the dark recesses squirm.

The inspiration behind this weeks torture was actually PromoRob. It's always Rob that inspires (duh) but seeing so many new pics of him during Breaking Dawn promotion had me drooling over his features. What am I talking about? I'm always drooling over him. I'm just making excuses for wanting to make you

Starting from the neck up, if you have to tell someone what Rob's BEST feature is, what would it be? WHAT WOULD IT BE?????

Sexhair, cheekboneporn, profileporn & neckporn

Sexeyes & Lipsssssssssss

Scruffalicious, jawporn & sweet smile

Robert Pattinson talks about Breaking Dawn to IGN

Robert Pattinson talks about Breaking Dawn to IGN

Rob is saying the same kinds of things in this interview but his shirt is undone and his hair is YUM. Do you notice that? It's taking flight...

Starts at 3:37


New Breaking Dawn Still of Robert Pattinson looking HOT

New Breaking Dawn Still of Robert Pattinson looking HOT



Love the hair too...

Source | Via: @SkylarSpencer

Even MORE HQ pics of Robert Pattinson outside Letterman

Are you ready for more? More HQ Robert Pattinson? Of course you are... this is just the appetizers before the main meal on David Letterman tonight. And I'm SO hungry.





Click, lick and save the thumbnails below...


More fan pictures and videos of Robert Pattinson from David Letterman

More fan pictures and videos of Robert Pattinson from David Letterman

UPDATE: More fan pics and videos of Rob coming and going




GAH! So so cute...


The hair is taking flight!


TopPhotos | Photo1 | Photo2

Fan video of Robert Pattinson from UK Water for Elephants premiere

Fan video of Robert Pattinson from UK Water for Elephants premiere

Some new fan pictures and footage pulled together in one video. Yummy sexhair in the first part of the video. It takes flight! The second part of the video (when the song changes) is Rob in motion and my oh my there's somuchporn.

Thanks RPMoms!

Video Of A Smilie Robert Pattinson In Rome In 2008

Well it looks like today is the day for Rome Robert Pattinson.
I'm not sure if this is new, it looks familiar to me but I think it's because we have seen photos or a similar video. Anyway it's doing the rounds and was only uploaded yesterday and who could resist that smile and just look at the gorgeous sex hair. Is it any wonder we love Rome Rob so much?

Source RPItalia
via Robstenation

New/Old Fan Pic Of Robert Pattinson At The Twilight Premiere In Rome

I think by now everyone know how much we LOVE Rome Rob around here.
So how happy do you think we were we to see this CUTE fan pic of Robert Pattinson from the Twilight Premiere in Rome.


Thanks to @Manu3110 via PattinsonCode

A touching tale from GQ: Saying goodbye to Robert Pattinson's sex hair

A touching tale from GQ: Saying goodbye to Robert Pattinson's sex hair

This was TOO funny and made me lemsip nod...


R.I.P. The Best Hair That Ever Was, 2008-2011


By Andrew Richdale:

I'll never forget when it came into my life. It was one of those glass-half-empty days when you have a pounding headache and the spins and you're beginning to believe that myth about your body slowly coasting downward after 21 may be true. I was eating cold pizza. My DVR was broken, and, so, I was also not fast-forwarding through the commercials when it started—a Volvo ad. What kind of Volvo? I couldn't tell you. You see, it wasn't the pretty car my eyes were fixed on. It was Robert Pattinson—specifically his hair region. I bit my knuckles. I can't remember if I said "shit" audibly or just to myself, but that moment signified a new beginning.

There are dudes out there, girl-liking ones mind you, who dig looking at pictures of other dudes, say, oiled up on Venice Beach throwing 450 pounds of iron over their bare chest while grunting. Motivation. This was the same. Except my guy was clothed, fully and decently, and had a mane that could put any other juiced-up coif to shame. I was sure of it.

It's foolish the things we do out of desperation, but, me being a dreamer, I tried to grow some of my own. One summer, I gave up cutting my hair only to discover that mine grows out rather than down and is littered with cowlicks. Still, I pushed on through fro-dom against my better judgment, reminding myself regularly of the goal. After reading Pattinson forwent shampooing, I went days, weeks, hell, even a month (true story) without washing so I could build up a nice, malleable coat. I'm certain I smelled—miserably. I saw an interview wherein Kristen Stewart revealed he pulled and twisted his righteously-splayed locks in the mirror and so, I, too attempted to become the master of my do, twirling and knotting with reckless abandon until someone asked me what that nest on my head was and I died a little inside and later gave in to my barber.

From then on, I was put in my place—still I watched Pattinson's mane grow and evolve over the course of its few short years with us. At times it was a pompadour of restrained heights. At others, it was a finger-messed mop of prophetically tousled matter. In its last days it was quieter and more subdued, short and textured with an oily sheen of immortal glory. Of course, its days were numbered.

It's funny—looking at a wild head like that you always had the feeling it might live fast and die young. Things that great never stick around. But that didn't make its departure any less tragic or absurd. It's been almost a week, but I can't stop thinking of that image. Mangled and dismembered. Half-shaven like Rosie. Paraded around at fucking Comic-Con like a prize! No.

Still, we'll always have that moment, crystallized in time, accessible through YouTube— that Twilight bastard exiting some four-door, hair styled as if by accident, every strand quivering in the wind, godlike, forever young.
So poetic there at the end. *sigh* Of course we have to "pour a little drink out" for the sex hair...





More sex hair goodness and HQs after the cut!
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