The film is based on a screenplay by Madeline Stowe. She was originally slated to star in the project. Variety described the film:
She [Stowe] would have played a woman (now to be played by Weisz) whose husband is killed and her two children kidnapped by a Comanche war party in 1859. She is rescued by a frontiersman, to be played by Jackman. Pattinson will play the son.
Please keep in mind that we do not have official confirmation from anyone on Rob’s team that he has signed officially for the project. Variety does tend to be accurate, however, and Hugh Jackman was asked about Rob playing the role and seemed to confirm it as well. Once again, this article is based on information from the original script. Details, names, and plot points can change substantially during the pre-production and filming process. And since we do not wish to spoil the movie, we’re keeping this to some pretty basic information at this time, and limiting the information to Rob’s character only.
Well, with the disclaimers out of the way, let’s take a short look at Robert Pattinson’s role in “The Unbound Captives”.
Character Name: PHINEAS
*The character is shown first at age 10, then again at approximately 17
*As indicated in information published on the internet, Phineas was kidnapped as a child and assimilated in a Comanche tribe.
*Phineas (all descriptions here are of the character at age 17) is described as having long hair and pierced ears, presumably in the 19th-century Comanche style.
*Virtually all of his lines are in Comanche.*The character’s Comanche name is Tsomo, which means “bead”.
*Yes, he rides a horse…bareback. He rides quite a bit, actually.
*Although the character does have a few flirtatious scenes, this is not a romantic-type role.
* The older Phineas is in the latter parts of the script, perhaps the last third. It is definitely a supporting role.
* Our source describes the character like this: “Phineas is pretty fierce. He’s been raised as a warrior. He can be silent and standoffish, but he can throw a bit of a fit, too.”
That’s a pretty basic character breakdown. Our source felt that the role was definitely a different one for Rob and would be physical, challenging and complex.
Source-Pattinson Anonymous