Robert Pattinson & Twilight Cast On "The Oprah Show" (Full Show)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Showing posts with label The Oprah Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Oprah Show. Show all posts
Robert Pattinson & Twilight Cast On "The Oprah Show" (Full Show)
New Pictures Of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner On Oprah
New Pictures Of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner On Oprah
Source Oprah .com
Source Twifans
Source x-17
Video Of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Leaving "The Oprah Show" Last Week
Video Of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Leaving "The Oprah Show" Last Week
I know you can't see any of them in this vid but here's some of the craziness that went on at the taping of "The Oprah Show". It's a pity things didn't stay calm or they might have got out to talk to the fans. Apparently there was no barriers, oh Oprah you should have known better!
I know you can't see any of them in this vid but here's some of the craziness that went on at the taping of "The Oprah Show". It's a pity things didn't stay calm or they might have got out to talk to the fans. Apparently there was no barriers, oh Oprah you should have known better!
A Fans Account Of "The Oprah Show" & "Eclipse"
So one of our readers Marie was lucky enough to get tickets for "The Oprah Show" last week and you know what that means, Yeap she also got to see "Eclipse".
Here is her hilarious account of her "Oprah Show" experience and her "Eclipse" review is after the cut. If you don't want to be spoiled then don't read it.
We got down there a little after six and we got in line.
In the waiting room, we waited, very impatiently, for and hour and a half. That was torture, I tell you! Torture. We were sitting across for one of the groups of lucky girls that Rob paid a visit to last night, and they showed us their picture with Rob. They told them that they were going to be Skyped into the show and that they were coming to their house to set up, and then they showed up with Rob! The killer part is my sister Barb got a call on Monday about the Skype thing and if they picked her, she would need to be available Tuesday night. So she was in the running!!!! So close!!!!!! I really think, judging by the girls that were picked, that they were really looking for the 14 year old group. (Kate: Aww So close!)
Anyway, when they called our numbers, we actually got pretty good seats! Not down in the very front, but in the stadium farthest on the right facing the stage. So we were like, 30 feet away from Rob maybe. When Rob, Kristen and Taylor came out, the audience lost it! Seriously! It was crazy. Rob was wearing a brown button down shirt, jeans and those famous shoes that he has that match Kristen's. Kristen was wearing capri length leggings, a olive green long top and gorgeous heels. Taylor was the most dressed up with a suit jacket and pants, dress shoes. Side note - Taylor's dad was in the audience. Trying to keep a low profile on the show, but they did get him to talk to us before the show, and he has the same voice as Taylor!
Here are some things to look forward to when you see the show:
- the video of Rob visiting those houses last night was freaking hilarious. The one house, they took forever to answer the door, and when the finally did, Rob was like, "I was about to break into your house". At the second house, Rob rang the doorbell, and a dog started barking. So Rob is like, "oooh, they have a dog" and then he kinda woofed at the dog. (Kate: I have a dog Rob, come visit me! ) SOOOO CUTE!!!! The best part was watching Rob watch the videos because he is like cracking up at himself, but you can tell he's kinda embarrassed too.
Read more after the cut
Here is her hilarious account of her "Oprah Show" experience and her "Eclipse" review is after the cut. If you don't want to be spoiled then don't read it.
We got down there a little after six and we got in line.
In the waiting room, we waited, very impatiently, for and hour and a half. That was torture, I tell you! Torture. We were sitting across for one of the groups of lucky girls that Rob paid a visit to last night, and they showed us their picture with Rob. They told them that they were going to be Skyped into the show and that they were coming to their house to set up, and then they showed up with Rob! The killer part is my sister Barb got a call on Monday about the Skype thing and if they picked her, she would need to be available Tuesday night. So she was in the running!!!! So close!!!!!! I really think, judging by the girls that were picked, that they were really looking for the 14 year old group. (Kate: Aww So close!)
Anyway, when they called our numbers, we actually got pretty good seats! Not down in the very front, but in the stadium farthest on the right facing the stage. So we were like, 30 feet away from Rob maybe. When Rob, Kristen and Taylor came out, the audience lost it! Seriously! It was crazy. Rob was wearing a brown button down shirt, jeans and those famous shoes that he has that match Kristen's. Kristen was wearing capri length leggings, a olive green long top and gorgeous heels. Taylor was the most dressed up with a suit jacket and pants, dress shoes. Side note - Taylor's dad was in the audience. Trying to keep a low profile on the show, but they did get him to talk to us before the show, and he has the same voice as Taylor!
Here are some things to look forward to when you see the show:
- the video of Rob visiting those houses last night was freaking hilarious. The one house, they took forever to answer the door, and when the finally did, Rob was like, "I was about to break into your house". At the second house, Rob rang the doorbell, and a dog started barking. So Rob is like, "oooh, they have a dog" and then he kinda woofed at the dog. (Kate: I have a dog Rob, come visit me! ) SOOOO CUTE!!!! The best part was watching Rob watch the videos because he is like cracking up at himself, but you can tell he's kinda embarrassed too.
Read more after the cut
More info about Robert Pattinson's and the Eclipse casts visit with Oprah
A couple weeks back, Oprah announced on her website that she was looking for the "ultimate 'Twilight' fans" to be a part of her top-secret May 13 show (airing on that day specifically because it's RPattz's birthday!), which would cover the release of the newest film, "Eclipse." We already found out that the lucky few who were selected got a chance to be a very early look at the entire film, and today got the attend the show's taping with special guests Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning.
Now, since we're Hollywood Crush and obviously didn't want to miss a beat, we knew we would be remiss if we didn't do our best to track down some of the lucky attendees and get some inside info on the show a week before it airs.
Click on after the jump to see what our investigative reporting turned up.
It's already been announced all over Twitter that Oprah asked Rob and Kristen the Big Question: whether or not they are an item. Niekema Hudson, who Tweeted the majority of the events last night and today, told us in a phone interview that despite Oprah's yes-or-no question, Rob and Kristen still managed to avoid answering it.
"[Oprah] asked the question directly, like, 'So, everybody wants to know!' but they really did avoid the question," 31-year-old Niekema said. "They both kind of looked like, 'Uhh, are we supposed to answer this?' and then Rob joked that Kristen was pregnant, and she joked that, 'If I'm pregnant, then Rob's going to have the baby.'"
Robert Pattinson Surprises Fans via Oprah
This story makes me so happy - what a lucky (and awfully cute) family. Thank you Maria for sharing your Robert Pattinson story.

Maria(the lucky fan) says: all started with an email to the Oprah show. I just told her that the entire family were huge fans and if you came over and you were NOT a twilight fan then "YOUR NOT COMING". Where? We didn’t know. We just said your not coming to anything with us unless you were a fan. They apparently loved that line. So Sunday night they called and said that the show was totally booked but there might be a slight chance that we can pre tape something with skype. Now...she said a very slim chance. They were calling thousands of people. She asked me to send pics of my family. So in order to get their attention I thought I would be a great idea to take pictures as the “Cullen Family”. I waited all day on Monday to hear from them to see if we would be doing the skype thingy. Just when I started to give up it was around 10:30pm and they called. THE TWILIGHT PICTURES DID THE TRICK. They were so amazed on how my son Giuseppe looked so much like Edward. They told me to expect a skype kit to pre-tape a very short segment around 8pm on Tuesday night. They told me a hundred times “Sorry the show is full & we couldn’t give you tickets. So on Tuesday the skype kit came and I waited all day again for directions on how it was going to work. They called at 5pm and said we were going to do a practice run with skype and we would be live with oprah on the show in the morning. They told us do not dress up wear comfortable cloth because you will be moving furniture and it was just a test run. She actually told us to wear our pjs. At 8pm they called us on the skype cam to set everything up. We wasted about on hour just setting up the room. They kept telling me make sure all the blinds are close the camera is sensitive to light. (which now I know it’s because they didn’t want us to see him pull up.) They were asking random questions really just filling in time until I saw a camera crew through the small window on my front door and the people on skype heard me and said “go open the door” Well….that was it we all lost it. Screaming like a bunch of maniacs. Rosanna was crying, Giuseppe was frozen and everyone else was jumping a screaming. He stayed for about 10 minutes. Even though it felt like a week. And we just were all amazed that he was in our house. I told him me and Rosanna stalked him in NYC for the Remember Me premiere and he said “yeah I think I remember you” which was an obvious joke. I asked him is Kristen was here too and he said “well fine…I’ll just leave then”. Other things were said but I was in so much shock I cant remember. It is so weired. His lips were moving and I know he was talking but all I heard was wah wah wah. (kind of like snoopy and Charlie Brown). Then he told us we had tickets to the show. Again lots of screaming. He was great. So nice. Funny. And sooo tall. You was beautiful. I still cant believe it. So we went to the show and they had our names on our seats so we felt to privileged. Robert, Taylor, Kristen, & Dakota all sat and talked to oprah and then they showed the footage of him knocking on doors. He went to 3 homes in Naperville. We were the last ones. When he was leaving my house he said to the camera “I really want to stay and hang out at this house.” It was amazing. We all got a certificate to order Bella’s engagement ring from eclispe. The audience got to see the movie while he made his visit to our house. It is something we will never forget. Oprah & Robert was great but hearing my kids say “thanks for making this happen”……absolutely priceless!!!

Thanks to PattinsonLadies via a tip from Mel
Maria(the lucky fan) says: all started with an email to the Oprah show. I just told her that the entire family were huge fans and if you came over and you were NOT a twilight fan then "YOUR NOT COMING". Where? We didn’t know. We just said your not coming to anything with us unless you were a fan. They apparently loved that line. So Sunday night they called and said that the show was totally booked but there might be a slight chance that we can pre tape something with skype. Now...she said a very slim chance. They were calling thousands of people. She asked me to send pics of my family. So in order to get their attention I thought I would be a great idea to take pictures as the “Cullen Family”. I waited all day on Monday to hear from them to see if we would be doing the skype thingy. Just when I started to give up it was around 10:30pm and they called. THE TWILIGHT PICTURES DID THE TRICK. They were so amazed on how my son Giuseppe looked so much like Edward. They told me to expect a skype kit to pre-tape a very short segment around 8pm on Tuesday night. They told me a hundred times “Sorry the show is full & we couldn’t give you tickets. So on Tuesday the skype kit came and I waited all day again for directions on how it was going to work. They called at 5pm and said we were going to do a practice run with skype and we would be live with oprah on the show in the morning. They told us do not dress up wear comfortable cloth because you will be moving furniture and it was just a test run. She actually told us to wear our pjs. At 8pm they called us on the skype cam to set everything up. We wasted about on hour just setting up the room. They kept telling me make sure all the blinds are close the camera is sensitive to light. (which now I know it’s because they didn’t want us to see him pull up.) They were asking random questions really just filling in time until I saw a camera crew through the small window on my front door and the people on skype heard me and said “go open the door” Well….that was it we all lost it. Screaming like a bunch of maniacs. Rosanna was crying, Giuseppe was frozen and everyone else was jumping a screaming. He stayed for about 10 minutes. Even though it felt like a week. And we just were all amazed that he was in our house. I told him me and Rosanna stalked him in NYC for the Remember Me premiere and he said “yeah I think I remember you” which was an obvious joke. I asked him is Kristen was here too and he said “well fine…I’ll just leave then”. Other things were said but I was in so much shock I cant remember. It is so weired. His lips were moving and I know he was talking but all I heard was wah wah wah. (kind of like snoopy and Charlie Brown). Then he told us we had tickets to the show. Again lots of screaming. He was great. So nice. Funny. And sooo tall. You was beautiful. I still cant believe it. So we went to the show and they had our names on our seats so we felt to privileged. Robert, Taylor, Kristen, & Dakota all sat and talked to oprah and then they showed the footage of him knocking on doors. He went to 3 homes in Naperville. We were the last ones. When he was leaving my house he said to the camera “I really want to stay and hang out at this house.” It was amazing. We all got a certificate to order Bella’s engagement ring from eclispe. The audience got to see the movie while he made his visit to our house. It is something we will never forget. Oprah & Robert was great but hearing my kids say “thanks for making this happen”……absolutely priceless!!!
Thanks to PattinsonLadies via a tip from Mel
Tweets From "The Oprah Show" & New "Eclipse" Poster
Tweets From "The Oprah Show" & New "Eclipse" Poster
This is the poster that was given out at "The Oprah Show"
Rumour from the line outside
Last night, Rob was out in naperville ~~ a suburb of chicago ~~ and went to three different houses and knocked on these girl's doors to surprise them.... IDK IDK apparently they showed this footage during the show, this is what i heard. (Kate: OMG I hope this is true, it would be so funny if it was. Imagine a knock and your door and when you open it it's Robert Pattinson. I WOULD DIE! LOL)
Update: So it looks like the rumour is true!!
@Courtneex3: Rob was hilarious in the video they showed of him going to random peoples houses lol! He's like "should I just break in?"
In case you weren't able to follow along with the tweets from the taping of "The Oprah Show" earlier here they are.
Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Dakota were there for the taping of the show and it will air next Thursday 13th May.
@dkmulder OMG, for Reelz this time! He's wearing a hat and smiling closed mouth, but big!
@dkmulder I hear Rob and Kris sat next to each other!
@dkmulder Oprah asked about them, Rob joked and said Kris is pregnant! LOL
@dkmulder: Then Kris said Rob's having the baby.
This is the poster that was given out at "The Oprah Show"
Rumour from the line outside
Last night, Rob was out in naperville ~~ a suburb of chicago ~~ and went to three different houses and knocked on these girl's doors to surprise them.... IDK IDK apparently they showed this footage during the show, this is what i heard. (Kate: OMG I hope this is true, it would be so funny if it was. Imagine a knock and your door and when you open it it's Robert Pattinson. I WOULD DIE! LOL)
Update: So it looks like the rumour is true!!
@Courtneex3: Rob was hilarious in the video they showed of him going to random peoples houses lol! He's like "should I just break in?"
In case you weren't able to follow along with the tweets from the taping of "The Oprah Show" earlier here they are.
Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Dakota were there for the taping of the show and it will air next Thursday 13th May.
@dkmulder OMG, for Reelz this time! He's wearing a hat and smiling closed mouth, but big!
@dkmulder I hear Rob and Kris sat next to each other!
@dkmulder Oprah asked about them, Rob joked and said Kris is pregnant! LOL
@dkmulder: Then Kris said Rob's having the baby.
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