Here's a round-up of the ones that were about Rob and once again I'll ask, if you're not following him on Twitter "What are you waiting for??"
TwiFans @chrisweitz did you cry like a blubbering girl while reading the break up scene in New Moon? #itsnormal
CW What? No way...unhhh unhunnnhhhh don't remind me
(Kate: Giggle (not sure why I'm laughing about it, I was a mess)
RPattzgirl@chrisweitz did you notice after Bella saves Edward his white makeup is in her right sleeve? I love that part, BTW
CW I totally meant it Rona pent at way because um-- I meant that to happen (Kate:I'm not sure what he was trying to say in the middle of this?)
CalliopeBlabs dear @chrisweitz , i heard sometimes it would be cloudy on set and you'd ask robert to come by and suddenly the sun would shine. true/false?
CW He wouldn't have to come to set, I could just call him on the walkie and be like, dude, fix the weather.
Kate: And as we all know Rob can brighten up ANY day!
CalliopeBlabs dear @chrisweitz i heard you made robert pattinson wear uggs on set.... just because you could.
CW This is also true. He'd show up looking less than a 10 and I'd be like, "Uggggg-lee" and then He'd hang his head and get the boots.
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