“I’m a great fan of Belmondo”
Yellow lenses and pale complexion , Rob Pattinson stopped for a few minutes on
the set of “New Moon” to talk with us about the successful franchise and his
recent career.
Metrofrance : When we met you in Paris, You could walk freely in the street
without being noticed. I guess things must have changed since !
Robert Pattinson : I can’t walk in the street anymore, except if I’m dressed up
! (laughs). In fact it’s a relief to come back on a set.
Metrofrance : Were you surprised bu the huge success of the first sequel ?
Robert Pattinson : I am still surprised ! Even here, on the set. Yesterday,
there were 300 people waiting to catch a glimpse of us. It’s absolutely crazy :
everyday I talk to someone who loves it, or who knows someone who loves,
Twilight” ! It’s so crazy that I don’t dare get outside. Even when I arrive at
an airport, there’s always a custom officer to ask me an autograph for his
daughter !
Metrofrance : Did you choose a different approach for Edward ?
Robert Pattinson : Yes a lot. I consider now he is a ghost, a thing out of
Bella’s mind. I am more a memory than a character, which is very weird. I must
give the impression that his world is about to collapse any second
Metrofrance : Are you going to sing again on the soundtrack ?
Robert Pattinson : I don’t think so, even if it’s too early to state it !
Twilight’s soundtrack sold out so well that a lot of famous bands want to be
part of it !
Metrofrance : You must have a lot of propositions. How do you choose the “good
ones” ?
Robert Pattinson : My schedule is tight up to the end of the year, and all the
roles I have chosen are completely different one from another. I can’t give you
more details because all the contracts are not signed yet. But obviously, I
don’t choose according to the type of film but according to the screenplay and
the character. Only one thing matters : I must like them.
Metrofrance : When you were a child , were you fond of a particular actor ?
Robert Pattinson : As a kid, I didn’t know I was going to be an actor. So when I
started, it took me 3 or 4 years to realize it was really my job. However if I
had to choose, I would say Jack Nicholson and Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Metrofrance : Belmondo ?
Robert Pattinson : I like his being an anti hero, the kind of actor who seems to
be self confident and who doesn’t mind assuming his feelings.
From Technikart Magazine:
Robert Pattinson: « Everything happens so fast” »
Technikart Team was in charge of the daily report «SuperCannes» during the whole
Festival . She came across Robert Pattinson, the teenagers’ idol. This is a
record of a Live interview
Technikart : What happened yesterday Rob ? We were told about a riot in the
whereabouts of Carlton…
Robert Pattinson : Oh yes, there was one indeed (laughs but upset). I was having
my lunch when about 700 people stuck in front of the restaurant’s entrance near
the beach. It was kind of funny… I was carried by 3 bodyguards up to the car
which was parked in front of. I was literally carried, I didn’t touch the
ground. This is so weird.

Technikart : This is your life since about a year now ?
Robert Pattinson : Everything got more intense 6 months ago. It’ s difficult to
handle it out, it’s too fast. I don’t have the necessary distance, not enough to
be able to find a parade to all this mess.
Technikart : George Clooney has a trick to escape fans : he takes Brad Pitt with
Robert Pattinson : Oh yeah, I guess it must be efficient but you have to be
friend with Brad Pitt…
Technikart : Is it not the case ?
Robert Pattinson : I don’t know him. But the thing with celebrity, you can’t
fight it, it’s useless, you can’t run away . When it was something you were not
looking froward all your life, something you have never dreamed of, you can
freely not give a damn about it. They can shout my name, if they want to but I
can ignore it. I didn’t sign a contract with Disney, no clause compels me to
smile to photographs.(Gozde: So there you go! All you conspiracy theory believers, you hear that?)
Technikart : How are you feeling about shooting a film knowing the next one, and
also the next one and the next one are already on the draft ? How long are you
still stuck into «Twilight» ?
Robert Pattinson : In fact, it’s pretty cool because my character can’t get old
! To me It’s the key of this adventure. I’m not in the same situation as the
Harry Potter characters , who spent 10 years of their lives in these movies.
There’s nothing more frightening than signing up a contract for several movies
but in fact in September I will have wrapped 3 of the 4 Twilight series . Only
in a year. New Moon will be released in November, Eclipse next summer and
Breaking Dawn at Xmas 2010. Soon I will be freed from my contract.
Technikart : How is it in Cannes, Rob ? Do you have fun ?
Robert Pattinson : So so… I would like to do some things. I am not doing
anything. I hate being photographed. But I like the hotel…
Technikart : Which hotel is it?
Robert Pattinson : L’hôtel du Cap. It’s like a job. I have business lunches. I
leave restaurants on board speed boats, I feel like James Bond, this is cool.
However I will have time to attend Tarantino’s movie. But I guess the climbing
of the red carpet will ruin everything. I already hate it. (he pretends he is in
front of a crowd of imaginary photographs) «Yeah , all your fucking photos will
be on the headline tomorrow !»
Interview : Benjamin Rozovas

Thanks to RPattz/Robert Pattinson and Spunk-Ransom.com