We posted this wallpaper about a month ago and the image used was called into question. Manip? On twitter, a couple people also asked me when this was taken. Recent?
That was all I needed to start a new class of ROBsession 101. We're in dry season and we can settle into some Rob archives.
First posted on Nov. 30, 2008, Rob was out and about the evening of Nov. 29, 2008. He grabbed a bite at In N Out (popular fast food chain on the west coast).
Rob with In N Out makes me the love. Anyone from the west coast that's Robsessed can relate to this. His love for our long time chain warms my double double heart.
Even though this was from 2008, it's clear when in Los Angeles, Rob's In N Out love still goes strong. Starting at :41, Rob and Kristen spread the love:
After his fast food run, he stopped off at Arco to grab a pack of beer. Party time with Pattinson! He'd be the best person every to party with. That's because he'd be the best person ever to do anything. Its just..."Rob would be the best to/at _____________ (fill in the blank)" and we're done.
Even though change is inevitable and often times, a healthy option, it's nice to see that some things stay the same with Rob.
Rob in St. Thomas filming his final scenes ever as Edward Cullen in Breaking Dawn (April 2011)
And again in the Eclipse commentary, Kristen suspects the Dutch beer is Rob's companion. Classic Rob in a hilarious exchange beginning at 2:18:
Click the thumbnails to hang with OutAndAbout2008Rob!
And a bonus because I loved this series of pictures...
What else did Rob do earlier that day? We first posted the pictures Nov. 30, 2008. Shopping along Melrose, Rob was a vision. A total snow leopard because we know these kinds of images will likely never happen again...at least not for a long long time.
This is one of my favorite pictures of him...he's just walking across the street....looking like that...smiling like that. A vision.
Gorgeous edit of this beauty
I also adored this photo of Rob. It felt like pop art to me. What's he pondering? He's so incognito here (except that he really wasn't) but I like the street feel to it.
Take a stroll with Rob down Melrose Ave.!
MORE MelroseRob after the cut!