There's nothing new Information/Rumourwise in these so Darja just translated the headlines.
You'll get the picture when you read them!

1. Lady, 25. Nov - Pill popping vampire

2. Žurnal24, 27. Nov - New Moon

3. Nova, 30. Nov - Rob's jealousy over Taylor's sculpted body

4. Cosmopolitan, Okt. 2009 - Rob being without a girlfriend / Rob not being hygienic enough

5. Vikend, 22. Dec - Crossword

6. Pilot, 25. Nov - Rob being brokenhearted as a teenager and crying while holding his dog
(Kate: I'm sorry but I just love that picture, jawporn at it's best. Easy known we're in a drought LOL Click on it to see it larger)
Thanks to Darja for these.