Thanks Thao, we love you right back. Your banners make ROBsessed a better place :)
Showing posts with label Shirtless Robward will be the death of me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirtless Robward will be the death of me. Show all posts
Birthday Striptease
I know you all are "Enough already! We understand it was your anniversary" but our amazing banner maker Thao (Twilusted) made this for us and I know you'll appreciate :))

Thanks Thao, we love you right back. Your banners make ROBsessed a better place :)
Thanks Thao, we love you right back. Your banners make ROBsessed a better place :)
What is Going to Be in theVMAs New Moon trailer?
The New Moon trailer is being shown before Sorority Row, a new Summit movie, which hit theaters today.
Alison @Irishgirlnc watched it last night and she sent her recap of the trailer to Robert Pattinson Life. The video below is not the trailer, it's the recap with music :)
Spoilers galore! If you don't want to be spoiled don't watch/don't read on...
Alison - @Irishgirlnc already watched the new New Moon trailer and here what she has to share:
Here's what Meresquared and I saw tonight. As a Summit film, I expected to see the Jacob New Moon trailer, but there was sooo much more. It basically gave away the entire plot of the film! I was astounded at how much footage is in it. We literally gasped at some of the shots, and someone a few rows back from us was squealing. All the footage was GORGEOUS! It made me so excited for the film, but I am wary that they've released too much in the trailer. I'm assuming it will play before Sorority Row when it opens this weekend, or it's the trailer that is being unveiled at the VMAs.
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
- Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we've already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob's "I would never hurt you" line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it's the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying "so you're an adrenaline junkie now"
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like 'this may hurt a little'
Irishgirlnc (Alison)

Gozde: Dude! Shirtless Robward? Hallelujah indeed! Can't wait for all the slow motion gifs that will come out of it :))
Oh and they put the whole movie in the trailer :))
Thanks to Twilight Lexicon
More from
If the focus of the "New Moon" teaser trailer was on the breakup, and the focus of "Meet Jacob Black" was, obviously, to introduce a new werewolf Jacob, then the focus of this newest trailer is on what comes next. Most of the clip is set in Italy at the end of the film, when Bella is (spoiler!) trying to stop Edward from killing himself by turning himself over to the Volturi.
But there is much more to the trailer than just Alice's shiny yellow Porsche. The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen's Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human's neck.
The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film.
Director Chris Weitz showed how he kicked the CGI up to the next level by including clips of Bella trying to outrace visions of Edward on her motorcycle and a lot more of the cliff jump than was showed in "Meet Jacob Black." It is almost a work of art as Bella is floating under the water and sees Edward hovering upside down next to her after her jump. When an arm comes to pull her out of the water, she reaches out to touch Edward, and the illusion gets muddled and washed away.
The rest of the trailer revolves around Alice telling Bella about Edward's plan, Bella's epic run to save him, hints of some abs as Edward prepares to walk shirtless into the sunlight and some shots of the Volturi looking ready to kill spliced with a full wolf pack transformation. Bella's token line, "No, Edward, don't!" is thrown in for good measure, and the trailer ends on a high note, with Jane stating, "This may hurt just a little."
It will be interesting to see what extra footage will be added to the trailer at the VMAs, though an extension of any of the scenes shown will be something to look forward to. In the spirit of "Twilight Saga" clips shown at MTV awards shows, whatever is shown is sure to be enough to whip fans into a frenzy.
Alison @Irishgirlnc watched it last night and she sent her recap of the trailer to Robert Pattinson Life. The video below is not the trailer, it's the recap with music :)
Spoilers galore! If you don't want to be spoiled don't watch/don't read on...
Alison - @Irishgirlnc already watched the new New Moon trailer and here what she has to share:
Here's what Meresquared and I saw tonight. As a Summit film, I expected to see the Jacob New Moon trailer, but there was sooo much more. It basically gave away the entire plot of the film! I was astounded at how much footage is in it. We literally gasped at some of the shots, and someone a few rows back from us was squealing. All the footage was GORGEOUS! It made me so excited for the film, but I am wary that they've released too much in the trailer. I'm assuming it will play before Sorority Row when it opens this weekend, or it's the trailer that is being unveiled at the VMAs.
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
- Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we've already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob's "I would never hurt you" line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it's the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying "so you're an adrenaline junkie now"
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like 'this may hurt a little'
Irishgirlnc (Alison)
Gozde: Dude! Shirtless Robward? Hallelujah indeed! Can't wait for all the slow motion gifs that will come out of it :))
Oh and they put the whole movie in the trailer :))
Thanks to Twilight Lexicon
More from
If the focus of the "New Moon" teaser trailer was on the breakup, and the focus of "Meet Jacob Black" was, obviously, to introduce a new werewolf Jacob, then the focus of this newest trailer is on what comes next. Most of the clip is set in Italy at the end of the film, when Bella is (spoiler!) trying to stop Edward from killing himself by turning himself over to the Volturi.
But there is much more to the trailer than just Alice's shiny yellow Porsche. The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen's Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human's neck.
The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film.
Director Chris Weitz showed how he kicked the CGI up to the next level by including clips of Bella trying to outrace visions of Edward on her motorcycle and a lot more of the cliff jump than was showed in "Meet Jacob Black." It is almost a work of art as Bella is floating under the water and sees Edward hovering upside down next to her after her jump. When an arm comes to pull her out of the water, she reaches out to touch Edward, and the illusion gets muddled and washed away.
The rest of the trailer revolves around Alice telling Bella about Edward's plan, Bella's epic run to save him, hints of some abs as Edward prepares to walk shirtless into the sunlight and some shots of the Volturi looking ready to kill spliced with a full wolf pack transformation. Bella's token line, "No, Edward, don't!" is thrown in for good measure, and the trailer ends on a high note, with Jane stating, "This may hurt just a little."
It will be interesting to see what extra footage will be added to the trailer at the VMAs, though an extension of any of the scenes shown will be something to look forward to. In the spirit of "Twilight Saga" clips shown at MTV awards shows, whatever is shown is sure to be enough to whip fans into a frenzy.
New/Old Pictures of Robward Cullenson in Montepulciano
Robward in the shadows, be still my heart...
Okay, creepy!
Thanks to
Melissa Rosenberg Talks About Robward's Presence in New Moon

Rotten Tomatoes visited the set of New Moon. They had the opportunity to watch some scenes being filmed and interview Director Chris Weitz and Screen Writer Melissa Rosenberg. You can read the whole thing at the source including some spoilers.
Robert Pattinson stood patiently against a green screen as Weitz rehearsed camera movements to film Bella's hallucinations. A long camera track ran the length of the stage, perhaps to use film speed techniques to create Edward's disorienting "appearance." A remote-controlled camera set on a mini crane moved fluidly to capture Pattinson, murmuring lines of stern warning.
At a nearby computer station, techs called up a previously-filmed scene: Bella on a darkened street, hopping on the back of a motorcycle. The Edward apparition was transposed into the background of the shot; computer generated effects would be added later to enhance the scene. What exactly the effect will look like is still up in the air.
"We are still in the late R&D phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit by sunlight, what the vampires look like when they're hit with sunlight, the diamond effect," Weitz told us by phone. "And also the hallucinatory effect that Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there." (Read our full interview with Chris Weitz here.)
The Edward-as-hallucination is a particularly good solution to the severe (some might say, tragic) lack of Edward in Meyer's source novel. When a distraught Bella finds herself in jeopardy in the book, she merely hears Edward's voice. When it will happen in the film, we'll actually get to see Edward -- an almost necessary fix, considering how Pattinson-less New Moon might be otherwise.

"New Moon is very internal," Rosenberg explained. "There's been a lot of talk about how Edward and the Cullens are not a part of the middle of New Moon, but actually they really are. Certainly, Edward's very much alive in Bella's mind throughout New Moon. As a reader, you feel his presence; he's helping drive that story."
She continued: "It's harder to do on film; you have to somehow find his presence and bring it there without having thought bubbles, constantly. And I think the solution that we found is going to satisfy fans. It's very much in keeping with the tone of the book, so it will be interesting...I think fans will feel pretty satisfied with what we're doing. One, because it's true to the book, and two, because we'll see more Edward! Can't be bad."
As with the first film, certain changes are necessary to fit the medium of film. Rosenberg's philosophy is that as long as the viewer's experience is the same, Meyer's book has been faithfully adapted.
"Things have to move out of an internal place and into an external, visual reality," she began, "so there are many things I changed. But as long as we hit the emotional experience, I think, it will resonate the same way. Twilight was that same thing. There were a lot of things that were in the book that weren't in the movie, but because we hit the emotional stepping stone all the way throughout, you took the same journey that you took with the characters in the book, and that's what's really most important about an adaptation; you have to take your audience on the same emotional journey, take your characters on the same emotional journey, as they do in the book and then everyone will have the same experience." (Gozde: Well Melissa, I sure hope you did a better job this time...I am still not over the lack of "I Love You" in Twilight)
We asked you if you would see twilight multiple times had Rob not been in it and here is the result:
Thanks to SagaFan for sending me the Chris-Rob picture. I would be forced to use my beautifully photoshopped picture otherwise :))
New Moon Calendar and New Image
Here are 2 official images from New Moon.
They are from the Official "Twilight" / "New Moon" 2010 Calendar (Calendar) that will be released later this year.

source1, source2 via :)
And in case you've been living under a rock here is the official movie poster:

Shirtless Rob Sans the Dots Part Deux
Kellan Says Rob's Jewels are Real (I mean his abs :))

I volunteer to inspect the abs myself and rule, once and for all, if they are real or not. The things I'm willing to do for you guys has no limit! :)) And NO, I am not trying to find every article that mentions "abs" so I can post shirtless Robward pictures! ;)
Robert Pattinson's "New Moon" co-star Kellan Lutz has denied the actor resorted to make-up tricks to gain a muscled torso for the "Twilight" sequel.
The British star's stomach has come under scrutiny from Internet gossips in recent weeks, with many speculating his muscled appearance is the result of clever shading by the film's make-up artists.
But Lutz, who will appear alongside Pattinson in the vampire movie, insists his pal's sexy body is down to months of hard work in the gym with co-star Taylor Lautner.
Lutz tells the New York Daily News, "Taylor been training Rob a lot, and that's why he's got such ripped abs. Rob's been working hard. He's trying to be the best he can be."
5 Minute New Moon Filming Video

Since INF Images seems to have it out for us I am not posting the video. You can watch it HERE on Radar Online :)) (INF (not Radar Online) seems to think we make money off of this site and can afford to pay them. They compared us to Perez Hilton for posting unlicensed pictures:) Yeah, my MTV movie awards invitation is due any minute now :)).
Thanks to Yvonne and everyone else for the tip :)
And thanks to Allyson for the youtube link :) Do give radar online hits though, they are always nice to us :)
The Whole Scene - Shirtless Robward
A big thanks to
brandnewluv in
pattinsonlife, and

If those pants slid a little more we could see FULL moon on New Moon :) Oh No I didn't!
Oh YES I did :))

Oh YES I did :))

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