Showing posts with label Robert Pattinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Pattinson. Show all posts

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson At The UK Premiere of 'Mickey 17'

 VIDEO: Robert Pattinson At The UK Premiere of 'Mickey 17'

Just in case you missed it here's the stream from the UK premiere of 'Mickey 17'.
Are you all as excited as me to see this on the big screen?

Grandma love for Subert! Robert Pattinson, Claire Pattinson and Suki Walking in the Rain in LA (14.04.2024)

Robert Pattinson, his mom, Subert and Suki on another walk in rainy LA yesterday.

It's probably just a moment in time but Rob looks so cute and mischievous in this first picture ๐Ÿ˜  Otherwise I'm sure he's annoyed at the paps.

I still can't believe he's a dad. Stroller looks good on you Rob!

 For more pictures, please visit the source

"Amazing Lady" - Suki Waterhouse reveals the gender of SuBert and it is indeed a GIRL :)

Suki Waterhouse hit the stage at Coachella, looking amazing for a new mom of a baby girl! 

Rob looks relaxed, happy and the jawline is in full force!

@joy.of.everything The stars came out to see Lana Del Rey & many others on the opening night of Coachella 2024. Here are the highlights from The J.O.E.’s livestream on Friday night in case you missed it! #coachella #coachella2024 #celebrities #lanadelrey #robertpattinson #sukiwaterhouse #paparazzi ♬ 70's Grateful Dead-style Jam Rock - C_O

For more photos, check out source 2 :)

Source 1Source 2Source 3Source 4 


Is it a boy? Is it a girl? The mystery continues as Suki Waterhouse shares her and Robert Pattinson's newborn's first picture

 Sneaky Suki Waterhouse shared the first picture of SuBert in a gender neutral onesie with the caption "Welcome to the world Angel ๐Ÿ’–" 

We still can't tell if it's a boy or a girl but that's a pretty big baby Batman! 

As our Kat said: 

"The angel has either been out for a while or was fully cooked before it made an appearance" ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Baby SuBert is here! Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse out on a stroll with their baby

The object of our Robsession is now a Daddy!๐Ÿ‘ผ

Suki Waterhouse, her mom and Robert Pattinson were spotted on a stroll in LA with their new baby SuBert in her pink stroller ๐Ÿ’—

Judging by the pictures, he's in papa bear mode, protecting the baby with his pissed off posture :)

We wish you a wonderful, happy, healthy, blessed life baby SuBert ๐Ÿ’—

More pictures HERE and the video HERE

Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse all smiles on a stroll in LA (05.03.2024)

The PattinHouse baby is still cooking! (What do we call the baby? PattinHouse? RobHouse? RobSu? (shout out to Turkish readers), SuBert?, WaterSon (if it's a boy?)

This is ROBsessed and it's difficult to make this post without sounding like a creep so I'm going to stop here without making any inappropriate jokes.

Hoping for the safe and healthy delivery of SuBert (yep that's what I'm calling it) ๐Ÿ’• Hang in there Suki!

More pictures HERE.

ROBsessed is back with Robert Pattinson and his jawline

My dear ROBsessors,

We has some serious issues with moving our blog domain to our new host and it took us a couple of days to have it back up. 

I had a minor panic attack when the blog went down and have been trying everything I could for the past 2 days. 

I know we haven't been updating the blog for quite some time now but this blog, the readers and Rob means so much to us. Thank you for still being here ๐Ÿ’–

One positive thing this eff up with moving domains brought up is that I feel like I should start blogging again. 

So here are a couple of pictures to start with... The jawline game is insane y'all! 

Big hugs,
Gozde  (Kate, Kat, Tink and PJ)

FIRST LOOK: Robert Pattinson In Bong Joon Ho’s “Mickey 17"

FIRST LOOK: Robert Pattinson In Bong Joon Ho’s “Mickey 17"

Bong Joon Ho's “Mickey 17,” starring Robert Pattinson, will arrive in theaters March 29, 2024.

Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that the next feature film from Oscar-winning writer/director/producer Bong Joon Ho (“Parasite,” “Snowpiercer”) will release in theaters around the world March 29, 2024. The film, “Mickey 17,” is currently in production and is directed, produced and scripted by the filmmaker; it is based on the novel entitled Mickey 7 by Edward Ashton.

Robert Pattinson & Suki Waterhouse Attend The Dior Men's Fall Fashion Show In Giza Egypt

Robert Pattinson & Suki Waterhouse Attend The Dior Men's Fall Fashion Show In Giza Egypt










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It's that time of year when our guy gets older but stays forever sexy and sweet.

We love you, Rob, and wish you the happiest birthday!

As always the fabulous Bru has made a fabulous fanvid in honor of Rob's Birthday!
Perfect choice of music too Bru if I may say (and I'm not a bit biased LOL)

MORE Amazing NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Zoe Kravitz From The Wonderland Photoshoot

 MORE Amazing NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Zoe Kravitz From The Wonderland Photoshoot

Oooh these are gorgeous!!! Keep them coming!

And if you missed the other pics from this photoshoot, check them out HERE 

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Thanks Flavia for the heads up!
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