Happy Birthday to us ALL! Can you believe it's been 3 years since we started this blog?

3 years ago today Robert Pattinson was in Mexico and these crazy videos were in our first post.
http://www.robsessedpattinson.com/2008/10/robert-in-mexico.html It's a wonder how Rob can still hear after years of screaming fans :) Here's Gozde's
welcome post if you want to reminisce.
Those were the days of the megaphone, the sex hair, the BBJ and the golden zipper...

Thank you all so much for following our little blog that could. It's been a great ride. We never realized how BIG Rob was gonna get , how busy he was going to keep us and how much we were gonna love every single minute of it.
Thanks for joining us in our ROBsession. Thanks for laughing with us, commenting and making us feel like we were not THAT crazy after all. Thanks for making this place a community rather than just a place for news. In the words of Dani, we have the best followers in the world and Robert Pattinson is lucky to have so many dedicated, devoted, loving, witty, hilarious, smart, classy and simply amazing fans out there. You are matched by none. Thank you for your never ending support.
Thanks to: the BTSNBN for shooing us, the RKs for following us here and for helping Gozde create this blog, Dani for being Gozde's partner in crime in starting this blog.
Thank you Rob for coming out to play on our Birthday and for promising to shower us with goodies and lots of RobPorn over the month. You are very special to us and to the community of ladies in the dark recesses ;)
Love you all from the bottom of our hearts,
Gozde, Kate, Kat and TINK
P.S.: I want to thank Kate, Kat and Tink for dedicating so much of their time, energy and love to the MAN and for not hesitating to jump on board when I asked them. Without them this blog would be dead and gone. I owe them so much. Love, G
To celebrate we are giving away 5 ROBsessed pendants hand made by our talented Kate :)

To win one all you have to do is post a comment on this post.
And here are the birthday wallpapers Kate made for us. Long live Robsession!