VIDEO: Robert Pattinson talks to The Academy (Oscars) about Good Time (Aug. 6)
This is great! There was a screening for Good Time for Academy members and Rob did a Q&A as well. The official site shared part of the Q&A and it's great of course. Listen all the way to the end....Rob talks about our hero.
Thanks Cali!
Showing posts with label Rob belongs at the Oscars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob belongs at the Oscars. Show all posts
Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
"Robert Pattinson Should Be Cast In Every Movie From Now On" ~ 'Queen Of The Desert' Screening Reaction Tweets
"Robert Pattinson Should Be Cast In Every Movie From Now On" ~ 'Queen Of The Desert' Screening Reaction Tweets
The Archlight in Hollywood played host to a special screening of Queen Of The Desert last night and by all accounts it looks like it went down a storm.
Not gonna lie, reading the praise given to Rob for his role had me reacting like this.
Take a look at the tweets below and you'll see what I mean......
Head over to our sister site for all your Queen Movie News and to see what was said about about Nicole's performance ;)
The Archlight in Hollywood played host to a special screening of Queen Of The Desert last night and by all accounts it looks like it went down a storm.
Not gonna lie, reading the praise given to Rob for his role had me reacting like this.
Take a look at the tweets below and you'll see what I mean......
Head over to our sister site for all your Queen Movie News and to see what was said about about Nicole's performance ;)
*SPOILER POST* "It’s his best performance yet and an Oscar-caliber one by Robert Pattinson." + NEW STILL
*SPOILER POST* "It’s his best performance yet and an Oscar-caliber one by Robert Pattinson." + NEW STILL

We've been collecting all the fantastic reviews Rob's been getting. He may like to linger on the few bad reviews but we loooooooove the fact he has a majority of EXCELLENT reviews! There's also a new still (2nd pic in the post) from American Cinematographer magazine. Click HERE if you want to read the scans and HERE if you missed another great article from DP, Natasha Braier. If you've seen The Rover, its great to go back and read these technical notes. Or am I just being a nerd about that stuff? are the previous posts with The Rover reviews and make sure to still go out and support The Rover (check Fandango for theaters near you).
We've been collecting all the fantastic reviews Rob's been getting. He may like to linger on the few bad reviews but we loooooooove the fact he has a majority of EXCELLENT reviews! There's also a new still (2nd pic in the post) from American Cinematographer magazine. Click HERE if you want to read the scans and HERE if you missed another great article from DP, Natasha Braier. If you've seen The Rover, its great to go back and read these technical notes. Or am I just being a nerd about that stuff? are the previous posts with The Rover reviews and make sure to still go out and support The Rover (check Fandango for theaters near you).
- "After this, it's hard to imagine Pattinson not being able to tackle anything that's thrown at him"
- "Robert Pattinson is phenomenal; an artist surrendering himself to his craft; Pearce and Pattinson work magic together"
- "A tremendous performance from Robert Pattinson" in The Rover; "Superb, outstanding, revelation"
- "Robert Pattinson, who is almost unrecognizable, finally realising his potential with a superb performance"
- "Robert Pattinson at his dramatic best"
- Quentin Tarantino: A mesmerizing, visionary achievement.
- "The Rough Hardness Of Guy Pearce Goes Perfectly With The Lost Innocence Brought Out By Robert Pattinson"
- "Robert Pattinson is stunning."
- Track all reviews for The Rover on ROBsessed HERE & our review
Treat this post as a spoiler post especially if the reviews inspire you to gush about how brilliant and nuanced Rob's performance is in The Rover.
On with the Rob-is-freakin-awesome-in-The-Rover show....
James Dranko TV:
Cut Print Film:

On with the Rob-is-freakin-awesome-in-The-Rover show....
James Dranko TV:
Robert Pattinson (Rey) plays the character showpiece of the film. It was obvious from the trailer he was going to be and he does not let down in any kind of way. He makes the screen snap, in every scene he’s in. You can’t take your eyes off Rey for fear of missing a single word he might say or movement he may make. Despite the Twlight series I’ve known the guy could act. I loved “Remember Me” and he proves it in “Cosmopolis” and will continue to do so through a long career. “The Rover” did not have box office success but the industry will take note of his performance. Trust. He will leave Edward Cullen far behind soon enough. Rey had multi-layered characteristics and quirks, he was the most developed of all of the roles. It’s his best performance yet and an Oscar-caliber one by Pattinson.Marshall and the Movies (A-):
It’s Robert Pattinson’s Rey who makes every moment memorable on the way to the destination. Clad in an oversized T-shirt and baggy jeans the entire film, Pattinson effortlessly conveys how uneasy Rey feels in his own skin. He resists typical tropes of playing half-witted characters, instead providing a deeply humane portrait of a 12-year-old mind trapped in a 28-year-old body. In a film largely about ideas and large themes, Pattinson provides a crucial emotional entry to “The Rover.” He manages to draw out remarkable empathy, both in us and eventually even somewhat in Eric. His minuscule facial motions illuminate a world of internal torment that expresses itself in the simple desire for acceptance and respect. This tender work fulfills all the promise Robert Pattinson showed in “Cosmopolis” and heralds the arrival of a truly great actor whose talents might one day overpower all the tabloid headlines.Reel Speak:
As good as he is, this show is stolen by Robert Pattinson. His character is a lost soul; dim-witted and maybe even a little mentally challenged…and Pattinson nails it at every turn. He generates sympathy and disgust towards his character all at the same time, and it is a signal to the world that he is ready to shop in the grown-up section.The Film Rush:
Rey is arguably the single good soul in the movie, a man who only wants to be more than what everyone has told him he is. Robert Pattinson’s performance is a master class in control. All the physical idiosyncrasies could easily have come across as mannered and technical, but Pattinson makes them seem effortless, as if springing from a deep well of damaged psyche. There’s an astonishing scene near the end of the film, as Rey, on the precipice of doing something stupid, sits alone in a car, in the dark, and sings along to a pop song. Does he understand the implications of what he’s about to do? Possibly, although he gives no sign either way—no evidence of nerves, no hint of apprehension. Just a simple action, sweet and childlike in its innocence. It’s a beautiful moment, the calm before a violent storm, and Pattinson hits it perfectly. If there was ever any question that he’s thrown off the shackles of Edward Cullen and matured into a gifted actor, “The Rover” answers it loud and clear.Spotlight Report:
Whilst Pearce appears to be dead inside, Pattinson’s sweet naivety and loyalty is endearing. He has misplaced hope in a world where there is no place for such luxuries. He plays the role perfectly and flexes acting muscles that have previously lain dormant in the less challenging roles he is known for, capturing the stunning simplicity of his character.It's Just Movies (9/10):
If Guy Pierce is as good as ever, it is the startling performance by Pattinson that nearly steals the show. Having a track record consisting mostly of profitable teen-age “Twilight Saga” credits, Pattinson had to buck a huge gravitational pull towards the trivial to fill the shoes of the mentally disabled and weak-kneed, but remarkably adaptable and inwardly tough, armed criminal Rey.Joel On Film:
The second of the great performances--and perhaps the better one, though comparisons are cheap--comes courtesy of Robert Pattinson, who plays Rey. He's Henry's half-wit brother, far from an idiot savant but also not quite an idiot. He has his own reasons for keeping quiet when Eric questions him about his brother's whereabouts. Rey was left behind in that aftermath of that Mexican stand-off, thought dead by Henry and his goons. And, indeed, he's grievously injured (possibly a gunshot to the left of his abdomen). Pattinson is magnetic in his approach to this loose cannon of a character, adopting a seamless Southern American accent and a nervy physicality.Instareviews:
I must say, I’m extremely impressed with Robert Pattinson. In the years since the last “Twilight” film, he has made a conscious effort to leave behind the teen-heartthrob persona, and take his work as an actor seriously. It shows in this film, he’s by far one of the best things about this film, sure Guy Pearce can play mad/crazy, but this simple-minded victim that Pattinson portrays is far more intricate than the gruffly Pearce character.
It’s the kind of character that could easily be too big, too showy, and lose its authenticity; but Pattinson never crosses that line. He shows us something behind this character’s eyes, a humanity that his counterpart has deeply buried.The Hodgepodge Podcast:
The real surprise for me was Robert Pattinson as Rey. Rey isn’t Of Mice and Men’s Lennie levels of simple, but it’s clear that he’s not the brightest bulb in the pack and Pattinson plays the part so well. Because of his association with the critically-lambasted Twilight films, there is a belief out there that Pattinson is a bad actor when in reality, the Twilight films are just bad movies. He’s actually quite good and really shines here.Keepin It Reel:
Holy shit, hands down Best Supporting Actor right now, Robert Pattinson. I never thought I would say this, but he is fantastic in this role! This is the first performance of his that A) I liked and B) the first that I've seen that I just didn't recognize him at all. He disappears into the role and plays it for all it's worth.Look It's Eugene Abano:
Then we have Pattinson’s portrayal of Rey… my goodness. There’s some great acting going on here, Pattinson really shines (pun intended).Adammohrbacher:
Amazingly, Pattinson, who has long been the butt of too many a joke, holds his own against Pearce’s patented brand of laconic ferocity. The younger actor perhaps even eclipses him here, if for no other reason than the efficacy of his performance is so surprising. Having long been relegated to roles which capitalize on his looks, Pattinson has steadily continued to push himself as an actor, particularly in recent years as he has attempted to escape the sparkly shadow of Edward Cullen. His Rey is an intriguing creature, appearing initially to be little more than a hapless dolt, but slowly revealing an affecting emotional dependency (on Pearce’s character) but also a hidden capability to survive.Medium (4/5):
While Pearce’s performance is no real surprise, Pattinson steals the show, proving that he is an actual actor and not the pretty boy that the awful ‘Twilight’ adaptations have made him out to be. Pattinson stammers and twitches as Rey, a character whose thought process is a little bit slower than your average young man, but is still able to convey his feelings through simple sentences and memories. I can’t speak highly enough about the film’s watchability because of these two performances, which leads one to question whether or not the characters are bonding.At The Picture Show:
It's an exceptional performance from Pearce - there's a controlled sense of madness and anger in him that's fascinating to watch - and Pattinson gives his best performance yet as Eric's somewhat unwilling, and uncertain, companion. The film is at its best when it's a two-hander between Pearce and Pattinson, as their characters - whose understanding of the world could not be more at odds - reconcile the absence of moral order in a world that's left them for dead.Reel Freak:
Pattinson is probably the most surprising part about The Rover, proving that he deserves a lot more credit as an actor than just “that guy from Twilight”. We saw solid dramatic acting from him previously in movies like Water for Elephants a few years back, but this sets a whole new level of appreciation for his talent. He is able to pull off this sort of simple-man character and pairs up extremely well with Guy Pearce’s
it's Robert Pattinson who steals much of the spotlight in this dystopian crime drama. A couple years removed from his teeny-bopper past and with films like the critically panned Cosmopolis allowing him to flex his post-Edward muscle, Pattinson plays the dumb dirtbag Rey to a tee, complete with loose-fitting pants, limp, shallow stare and penchant for over-played pop songs (one scene finds him mumbling along to Keri Hilson's "Pretty Girl Rock" to great success).Film Fisher:
Pattinson disappears into the role, revealing a well of talent untapped by the Twilight films. His tics and neuroses feel unaffected, not calculated, and he is able to balance Rey’s cluelessness with an innocent charm while also selling his naked emotional vulnerability.
"He Has The Chops & He's Doing What He Loves To Do" ~ Kellan Lutz Talks Robert Pattinson
"He Has The Chops & He's Doing What He Loves To Do" ~ Kellan Lutz Talks Robert Pattinson
Kellan Lutz was at Cannes and spoke to the Associated Press about catching up with Rob while there, how he was proud of what Rob was doing and how he believes an Academy Award in Rob's future.
Get in line Kellan, we've believed that for a VERY long time now.
Kellan Lutz was at Cannes and spoke to the Associated Press about catching up with Rob while there, how he was proud of what Rob was doing and how he believes an Academy Award in Rob's future.
Get in line Kellan, we've believed that for a VERY long time now.
"It's great chatting with Rob and seeing his success," Lutz said at a resort outside of Cannes this week. "I think one of the great things talking with Rob after we did 'Twilight' stuff is he just doesn't care about the money. He's doing good work and he wants to work with great directors and great actresses and actors and working with great material, as we all should."
"I think that the blessing of being part of the 'Twilight' franchise is it's given us this safety net," he added.
Lutz has taken more action roles, which he calls his passion, since the "Twilight" films wrapped, while Pattinson has gravitated to edgier projects. Lutz said he believes an Academy Award is in Pattinson's future.
"He has the chops and he's doing what he loves to do and I'm so proud of him for everything that he's doing," he said.
'Queen Of the Desert' Producer Says Movie Is Herzog's Best Work So Far
'Queen Of the Desert' Producer Says Movie Is Herzog's Best Work So Far
Cassian Elwes the producer of Queen Of The Desert tweeted about the Oscar potential and how it's Werner Herzog's best work so far!
All I have to say is.......
Cassian Elwes the producer of Queen Of The Desert tweeted about the Oscar potential and how it's Werner Herzog's best work so far!
All I have to say is.......
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson wows anyone on earth with eyes at the Oscars (2009)
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson wows anyone on earth with eyes at the Oscars (2009)
Oh we miss thee. Heck, I miss all AwardShowRobs this year. But it's not like we don't understand. WorkingRob is the best kind of Rob.*
However, that isn't going to stop us from blasting to the past to drool over the epicness that was OscarRob in 2009.


*weeping* He has NO mercy to give....only hot lava levels of SEXY

Don't play KNOW what you're doing to us.


My GAWD the man can wear the f*!k out of a tux. Praying to the heavens that we see TuxRob soon....

Can you take anymore???? Because we have HUNDREDS more of THIS FINE ASS MAN. *buckles up*
Oh we miss thee. Heck, I miss all AwardShowRobs this year. But it's not like we don't understand. WorkingRob is the best kind of Rob.*
However, that isn't going to stop us from blasting to the past to drool over the epicness that was OscarRob in 2009.
*weeping* He has NO mercy to give....only hot lava levels of SEXY
Don't play KNOW what you're doing to us.
My GAWD the man can wear the f*!k out of a tux. Praying to the heavens that we see TuxRob soon....
Can you take anymore???? Because we have HUNDREDS more of THIS FINE ASS MAN. *buckles up*
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 24 ~ Pic of Rob at the Oscars
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 24 ~ Pic of Rob at the Oscars
Oh how I love thee. Oh how I miss thee. 4 years, you guys! Man. I can't wait for The Return of OscarRob. But for now, we reminisce on 2009's OscarRob. He was classically dashing in that perfectly tailored tux and I hope the fan he was looking at in the above video is resting in peace. ;)
"Who doesn’t love Oscar Rob? To me he’s every inch the Hollywood star in this pic and what about that pantydropping stare! *faints*"
"this pic cripples me. renders me stupid. sizzles my skin and emulsifies my insides."

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Oh how I love thee. Oh how I miss thee. 4 years, you guys! Man. I can't wait for The Return of OscarRob. But for now, we reminisce on 2009's OscarRob. He was classically dashing in that perfectly tailored tux and I hope the fan he was looking at in the above video is resting in peace. ;)
"Who doesn’t love Oscar Rob? To me he’s every inch the Hollywood star in this pic and what about that pantydropping stare! *faints*"
"this pic cripples me. renders me stupid. sizzles my skin and emulsifies my insides."
"OscarRob for the win. He manages to pull of debonair and shy at the same time. How does he do that?"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
The Rover filming keeps Robert Pattinson down under and away from the Oscars
The Rover filming keeps Robert Pattinson down under and away from the Oscars

I assumed none of us thought Rob would be at the Oscars this year because of The Rover filming but just in case you were wondering, E!'s Marc Malkin checked into it as well. Excerpt from eOnline:
I assumed none of us thought Rob would be at the Oscars this year because of The Rover filming but just in case you were wondering, E!'s Marc Malkin checked into it as well. Excerpt from eOnline:
Robert Pattinson has a new look! The Twilight star has cut off his signature mop top for his role in The Rover opposite Guy Pearce. Pattinson was snapped on the dusty set of the flick in a remote area of South Australia wearing a dirty black T-shirt and a pair of khakis. When he's not working, R.Pattz has been spotted biking around town or hanging at a local pub. But it's definitely more work than play Down Under. While Pattinson fans have been hopeful that they'd see their fave star in Los Angeles for the Oscars, I'm told filming will keep him away from this year's festivities.We must wait until next year to see if AwardShowRob makes another appearance. At least he gave us the Golden Globes before leaving for Australia.
MUST Read: Steve Weinstein Talks Oscars & Robert Pattinson
MUST Read: Steve Weinstein Talks Oscars & Robert Pattinson
If you read one thing about the Oscar Nominations that were revealed yesterday then make it this article from Editor & chief of Bostons "Edge" Steve Weinstein.
He echos what I saw a lot of you saying in our comments section and people all over the internet about the Oscars & Robert Pattinson.
Thanks to Wendy for the tip!
If you read one thing about the Oscar Nominations that were revealed yesterday then make it this article from Editor & chief of Bostons "Edge" Steve Weinstein.
He echos what I saw a lot of you saying in our comments section and people all over the internet about the Oscars & Robert Pattinson.
Overlooked is a personal choice: Robert Pattinson. No, not for the "Twilight" series, but for "Cosmopolis." Dismissed as glorified mannequin, Pattinson took on a no-budget film adaptation of an impossible-to-adapt book from an impenetrable author adapted by an avant-garde director. As a Wall Street Master of the Universe who never leaves his chauffeured limousine, Pattinson carries the movie the way Michael Jordan carried the Chicago Bulls.Make sure and check out the FULL article over at
Still, it’s not surprising the voters overlooked Pattinson. He’ll just have to keep taking chances while he rakes it in with mega-grossers
Thanks to Wendy for the tip!
Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis Predicted as 2013 Oscar Best Picture Possibility
Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis Predicted as 2013 Oscar Best Picture Possibility

Excerpt from The Playlist (We Prematurely Predict The 2013 Best Picture Oscar Nominees):
Click HERE to read their speculation about Rob as Best Actor nominee.
Thank you utterlyRobbed ;)
Excerpt from The Playlist (We Prematurely Predict The 2013 Best Picture Oscar Nominees):
Also In The Mix: We think those above are the most likely, but there's plenty more to consider as well. For instance, could the Wachowskis' bold gamble with "Cloud Atlas" pay off? Might Brad Pitt take Andrew Dominik to gold with "Cogan's Trade"? Might the presence of R-Patz give David Cronenberg the kind of glory that he missed out with "A Dangerous Method" this time around with "Cosmopolis?" Or what about Derek Cianfrance's reunion with Ryan Gosling in "The Place Beyond The Pines"?
Click HERE to read their speculation about Rob as Best Actor nominee.
Thank you utterlyRobbed ;)
Could Robert Pattinson Possibly Be A Contender For Next Years Best Actor Oscar?
The Playlist tries to prematurely predict the 2013 Oscar Nominations and guess who makes it onto their "long-shot" list for Best Actor
Robert Pattinson - "Cosmopolis"
Starring in a David Cronenberg film has never been the way to Oscar, but "A Dangerous Method" was certainly the director's most palatable film to date (some would argue too much so...), and things won't get too much freakier in his Don DeLillo adaptation. Indeed, the lead role, of a limo-bound billionaire, has the potential to be a real tour de force. But will Robert Pattinson be able to gain real respect by pulling it off? Word on "Bel Ami" from Berlin was fairly weak, but we're genuinely rooting for him to pull this one off. We suspect even if he does that this won't be a nomination year for him, but you never know. (Kate: Well we know that he will pull it off. And as for an Oscar Nom, yes you never know! We're going to keep our fingers, toes and everything else crossed for him ;-))
Robert Pattinson at the Oscars...Kinda
Robert Pattinson at the Oscars...Kinda
This was a fun! During the Oscar's movie montage Magic Of The Movies
(momentous moments!), the Twilight prom kiss was featured. Swooooooooooooooon :)
srpro.22612aaossegt1mge by officialspunkransom
This was a fun! During the Oscar's movie montage Magic Of The Movies
(momentous moments!), the Twilight prom kiss was featured. Swooooooooooooooon :)
srpro.22612aaossegt1mge by officialspunkransom
Pics Of Robert Pattinson Out & About At Pre-Oscar Parties Last Night
Well you saw the tweets in the post below about Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Out & About At Pre-Oscar Parties Last Night, now we have pics.

Click for Larger
HQ & Untagged Source

Click for Larger
HQ & Untagged Source
Spotted: Robert Pattinson out and about enjoying Pre-Oscar Parties
Spotted: Robert Pattinson out and about enjoying Pre-Oscar Parties
UPDATE: Report from Celebuzz:
UPDATE: Another tweet added under Sarah and the gringocochino tweets are legit. We have pics this morning on the blog of Rob and Kristen in that attire and the tweeter posted a pic of him with Taylor Lautner.
The Oscars are this Sunday and while our guy isn't attending the ceremony, looks like he's still partaking in the festivities. :) Looks like Rob and Kristen made 2 stops...
In order of when they appeared throughout the entire evening, Friday, Feb. 24th. First from the official twitter of Juicy Couture:

Matt Donnelly, writer for the LA Times:
Sarah Fitzmaurice from Daily Mail:

Plus: Wow insane amount of Kristen & Robert fans..... It wasn't a pre-Oscars event they were both very casual she was in jeans & a plaid shirt. Robert had a cap on and was smoking, they walked through the bar holding hands and looked very cute, and very together.
Heat World magazine also spotted Rob & Kristen:
Plus: Oh, and we spotted Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux earlier. They just might rival K-Stew and R-Pattz as Hollywood's hottest couple!
DeanPiper from Sunday Mirror:
This account isn't backed by a publication but also shared a sighting:
@gringocochino: Lautner. Swift. Stewart. Theron. Cyrus. o brien. Hemsworth Pattinson. Pharrell. Patton. Thicke. Britton. and the night has just begun. rob was wearing a hat and kristen was wearing a red plaid shirt. I'll post my photos tomorrow.
Love him out and about mixing and mingle during the industry's biggest weekend. Perhaps talking about his next role?? Hmmm, Rob??
Via: Alice_inTwiland | SkylarLSpencer
UPDATE: Report from Celebuzz:
With the Academy Awards just around the corner, stars are flocking to some of Hollywood’s hottest pre-Oscars parties and Celebuzz has got the scoop on what went down at WME’s private Brentwood bash last night.It was a Twilight reunion on Friday as our insider spotted Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson getting very affectionate inside WME’s private bash in Brentwood. Kristen, who was seen sporting a plaid shirt, jeans and heels, arrived to the party together with her equally casual-looking boyfriend. The two were seen holding hands the entire night and rarely left each other’s side as they caught up fellow guest and Breaking Dawn co-star Taylor Lautner.
UPDATE: Another tweet added under Sarah and the gringocochino tweets are legit. We have pics this morning on the blog of Rob and Kristen in that attire and the tweeter posted a pic of him with Taylor Lautner.
The Oscars are this Sunday and while our guy isn't attending the ceremony, looks like he's still partaking in the festivities. :) Looks like Rob and Kristen made 2 stops...
In order of when they appeared throughout the entire evening, Friday, Feb. 24th. First from the official twitter of Juicy Couture:
Matt Donnelly, writer for the LA Times:
Sarah Fitzmaurice from Daily Mail:
Plus: Wow insane amount of Kristen & Robert fans..... It wasn't a pre-Oscars event they were both very casual she was in jeans & a plaid shirt. Robert had a cap on and was smoking, they walked through the bar holding hands and looked very cute, and very together.
Heat World magazine also spotted Rob & Kristen:
Plus: Oh, and we spotted Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux earlier. They just might rival K-Stew and R-Pattz as Hollywood's hottest couple!
DeanPiper from Sunday Mirror:
This account isn't backed by a publication but also shared a sighting:
@gringocochino: Lautner. Swift. Stewart. Theron. Cyrus. o brien. Hemsworth Pattinson. Pharrell. Patton. Thicke. Britton. and the night has just begun. rob was wearing a hat and kristen was wearing a red plaid shirt. I'll post my photos tomorrow.
Love him out and about mixing and mingle during the industry's biggest weekend. Perhaps talking about his next role?? Hmmm, Rob??
Via: Alice_inTwiland | SkylarLSpencer
Eonline says Robert Pattinson Oscar appearance not likely
Eonline says Robert Pattinson Oscar appearance not likely
Excerpted from eonline:
*sigh* Ok. We move on. I'll still watch because I enjoy the Oscars and I'll savor the Bel Ami red carpet coming up in a couple of hours. What shall we hope for next....
Click for HQ CannesRob by Marina
Excerpted from eonline:
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Oscar Bound? "Not Likely," Says Academy Source
"I don't think it's going to happen," a source involved in the Oscar preproduction tell us.
WTF?! It's not like it's a totally crazy notion: Both Rob and Kristen have attended the swanky event before. Rob (looking scruffy sexy even on the chicest of evenings) attended in 2009 and presented a tribute to romance with Amanda Seyfried . And K.Stew the next year—donning a stunning navy Monique Lhullier gown—when she presented a tribute to horror with wolfy costar Taylor Lautner. And if they were ever to attend (ya know, short of being nominated at some unknown point in the future), it'd make sense to do it now: Rob's lusty flick Bel Ami hits theaters a few days after the Academy Awards and Kristen has Snow White and the Huntsman hitting theaters in the summer. Of course, there's also Breaking Dawn Part 2.
But still, our Academy know-all says, "It's not likely."
*sigh* Ok. We move on. I'll still watch because I enjoy the Oscars and I'll savor the Bel Ami red carpet coming up in a couple of hours. What shall we hope for next....
Click for HQ CannesRob by Marina
Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson
Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson

Now, now...don't be like that. We'll go easy on you for the first Tuesday back. Rob popped up last night and caused a flurry! When I first drafted this post, I had a good idea where the votes might go. Now? No clue! Rob keeps us on our toes. ;)
We have some more new Rob on the horizon but what's going to do it for you? What's going to flood your parched throat not give you a sip? We asked a similar question before but these options are actually within our grasp! So....
Now, now...don't be like that. We'll go easy on you for the first Tuesday back. Rob popped up last night and caused a flurry! When I first drafted this post, I had a good idea where the votes might go. Now? No clue! Rob keeps us on our toes. ;)
We have some more new Rob on the horizon but what's going to do it for you? What's going to flood your parched throat not give you a sip? We asked a similar question before but these options are actually within our grasp! So....
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson at the Vanity Fair Oscars After Party (2009)
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson at the Vanity Fair Oscars After Party (2009)
In my world, Rob is attending the Oscars. But I won't say that here because people want proof of such things. The DR doesn't want me to say I feel it in my soooooul. Nope. You guys don't want to read things like, "Tink thinks Rob is going to the Oscars" or "If you build it, he will come." So I won't say anything about that. Nothing at all. Instead, I'm going to blast us back 3 years, February 2009, when a handsome Englishman wore a killer tux on a red carpet and made all men wonder why they were cursed in this life.

OscarRob blows your back out after the cut!
In my world, Rob is attending the Oscars. But I won't say that here because people want proof of such things. The DR doesn't want me to say I feel it in my soooooul. Nope. You guys don't want to read things like, "Tink thinks Rob is going to the Oscars" or "If you build it, he will come." So I won't say anything about that. Nothing at all. Instead, I'm going to blast us back 3 years, February 2009, when a handsome Englishman wore a killer tux on a red carpet and made all men wonder why they were cursed in this life.
OscarRob blows your back out after the cut!
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