UPDATE: At your request, here are the zip files for download HERE and HERE.
Today's 365DoR brought back some memories because Kate, Kat and I picked pics of JapanRob from 3 different trips to Tokyo. I gathered loads of pics from Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, Twilight and New Moon photocalls, premieres and presscons as well as a few airport pictures from 2009. Most are HQ so click the thumbnails and enjoy! It won't be difficult. ;)
Oh my....
The very definition of the penetrating stare.
Wait. Why am I doing this post when it's clear he was trying to kill innocent people in Japan??
Sweetness and light.
The structure of his face is a work of art.
Chest hair at the premiere? Yup. Totally trying to kill the innocent people of Japan.
MORE JapanRob after the cut!