Guy Pearce and David Michôd talk about Robert Pattinson during Reddit AMA and HuffPostLive + NEW STILL
Lovely shot of Rob from the film released by
The Rover Facebook page.

Photo caption:
Innocence is behind us
Reddit had a great AMA with David and Guy. Not only did they mention Rob but they answered a couple of our questions too!
Q (This was one of our questions via TheRoverFilm!): David, should I be treating my infected bullet wounds with gasoline now? This is a survival tip I never would have guessed...
David Michôd: i'd get to a hospital pronto
Q: I have read great reviews of this movie both from the Cannes showing as well as in the LA Times. I am a big fan of both of you in the movie Animal Kingdom.
Question for both of you one of the big points of interest was the casting of Robert Pattinson in what would definitely be considered an atypical role.
For David how did that casting take place and for Guy how was it like working with a teen idol in the hot Australian desert?
Guy Pearce: It was great watching Rob deal with the flies, whilst not having to deal with ANY paparazzi!
Q: David - what drew you to Rob for this project? As a longtime fan of his I've felt like all he ever needed was a great director to guide him and show what he's truly capable of. Where you surprised he had it in him? Obviously you knew he could be good, but were you expecting him to be THAT good?
David Michôd: really simple - i didn't know much about him before he came in and did a beautiful audition for me. it wasn't surprising. it was just really impressive and exhilarating because i could see the movie coming alive.
Q (This was one of our questions via TheRoverFilm!): Guy - what scenes in The Rover stands out as one of your favorites and one of the more challenging scenes to shoot?
Guy Pearce: One of my favorite would be when Rob (Rey) confronts his brother played by Scoot McNairy towards the end of the film. I can't think of what was the most challenging.
Q: Great film!
I was curious as to whether either of you thought the relationship between Eric and Rey had any lasting effects on Eric.
Or did he just go forward as a solitary man as he was before?
David Michôd: i'd like to think rey had a lasting effect on eric. definitely. what happens to eric after the movie has finished? good question.
Q: David: Given that you filmed The Rover in the desolate, deserted Australian Outback, which scene from the film presented you with the most technical challenges?
David Michôd: ironically the scenes we shot when it rained (in places where it hadn't rained in more than a year) - right in the middle of the scene in which rob and guy buy ammo and fuel, it started raining torrentially - if you've ever been to marree (where we shot the scene), you'll know how surreal that experience was.
Q: Hi David, what was the biggest challenge of directing The Rover and what was the most rewarding moment on set? :) Best of weeks, Lena X
David Michôd: everything is challenging on set. that's what's fun about it. the most rewarding moments involved watching guy and rob bring these characters to life. it always felt beautiful and vulnerable and powerful and special.
Q (This was one of our questions via TheRoverFilm!): David - you said in an interview that you did a few takes of Rob singing a southern, gospel tune he made up in place of Pretty Girl Rock. Would that be something that could show up as DVD special features?
David Michôd: one day it'll rear its little head, i'm sure...
Click HERE to read all of David's answers and HERE to read all of Guy's answers
Also, Guy and David mentioned Rob during their earlier HuffPostLive chat. They said some lovely things about Rob so check it out.