Robert Pattinson Tells Parade That 'Kissing Felt More Natural in Eclipse'
Well I'm so glad that all our practice paid off. Ooops I wasn't supposed to say anything about that :-}
Here watch this vid
Robert Pattinson may not be immortal like sexy vampire Edward Cullen, but he's not going to be forgotten anytime soon. Rabid "Twi-hards" can't wait for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the latest big-screen installment of Stephenie Meyer's epic story of vampire love.
This time around, Edward and his beloved Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, get engaged, but pesky werewolf Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, is getting in the way. Whatever happens, if RPattz can help it, he and Bella are not consummating their love.
Let's hear it for virginity.
"Edward is old fashioned. Nowadays, everyone just goes around screwing everyone for no reason. I guess Edward doesn't really want to sort of cheapen his relationship with Bella, even though she's pushing him to go all the way. He's got this certain idea of how it should go with the love of his life. He wants to do it right and not just follow his base instincts. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in that way as well." (Kate: all together now...............awwwwwwwwwwww)
But that didn't stand in the way of a lot of lip-locking.
"Kissing felt a little bit more natural in Eclipse, even if there was plenty of it. In New Moon and Twilight it was always like, 'Oh, I'm gonna kill you if I kiss you' or something. It was always kind of odd. But, in this one, they both understand their situation a lot more, which makes it easier. It's the first time Kristen and I have been able to just act like a normal couple."
So are they a couple off-screen? (Kate: And once again there's the famous question)
"I guess people like stories, that's my basic conclusion. They just want everything in our lives to be like Twilight. The truth is...that I wish I had a few more hours of sleep today so I could think of a better answer. I'm always so exhausted all the time. Lack of sleep is like taking a Valium."
They have their differences.
"Kristen brings like a lot of herself to Bella, probably more than I do to Edward. She's not the Bella I imagined from reading the books in which she was much more of a damsel in distress. Kristen's quite a lot tougher, which I like. I'm really sort of constantly working to get into my character and it just seems to come much more naturally to Kristen. Her mind works completely differently. She can feel things immediately, and I'm more cerebral." (Kate: I'm really good at feeling things too Rob! :-} I can show you if you want?)
Has he ever been in competition for a woman he loved?
"I don't compete. I'm not good at doing it. I just kind of leave it alone. I do understand that if you are the one with a girl and someone else is trying to take her away, maybe you're forced into fighting a little bit. Have I ever gotten in a fight with someone for the love of a woman? I have to think. Probably. But I don't know if it was about love or if it was more about pride." (Kate: ...............................Oh ya ..............back to reality. I was thinking what it would be like to have Rob fighting for me...........mmmmmmmmmmm well a girl can dream can't she?)
Competing with Taylor Lautner.
"We had a confrontational scene where I sort of push him around a little bit. I thought I'd really scare him and grab him and it would freak him out. So I went to grab his shoulder, but he's so pumped up. It was too big to actually get a grip on. That was kind of embarrassing. I did tease him unmercifully about having to dress up in a little grey spandex wolf suit all the time and try and be intimidating while Kristen was patting him on the head."
Coping with Twi-hards.
"I kind of made the transition in my head of not being freaked out by it. If you're just a normal person walking down the street and everybody starts screaming at you, you'd be like, 'What is going on?' But when it happens so often to you, you kind of actually look at people's faces and see that they're enjoying themselves, and it makes everything so much easier to accept. Everything becomes a lot easier."
Showing posts with label Parade Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parade Interview. Show all posts Talk To Robert Pattinson About All The Craziness While Filming "Remember Me" & Getting Good Advice
Robert Pattinson is taking a break from his Twilight stardom to play a rebellious New York college student in Remember Me. In the indie flick, the 23-year-old gets to explode with rage, fall in love with a girl (played by Lost's Emilie de Ravin) and go head-to head with his domineering father (played by Pierce Brosnan).'s Jeanne Wolf found out what Pattinson had in common with his character's search for identity.
Acting as therapy.
"I try and pick roles that will help me develop as a human being and I think I was going through a similar kind of experience as my character Tyler, which I guess you could call being rebellious. I thought just doing the film would actually help me to think about and discover things that would help me in my life. I was kind of using it as a therapy exercise."
His personal struggle.
"You're so focused on trying to be an individual and trying to like stamp your identity on something. But you kind of doubt what you want to be. You don't accept just being part of the world. I sort of had that feeling. I had this obsession when I was younger about everything feeling kind of fake. Eventually, you just stop sort of railing against everything around you because most people only cause problems for themselves. They're just blind to the reality of things."
Connecting with losing a loved one.
"I keep talking about my dog all the time. It was an incredible dog, and I said in an interview recently he was the most important person in my life. My family went crazy with me for saying that. But, however ridiculous it may seem to some people, my relationship with my dog was a defining moment. Having the dog die was, literally, like the worst day of my life. It was like losing a family member." (Kate: I hear ya!)
The reality of becoming an overnight success.
"I think you really cause yourself a lot of problems if you start fighting against it. There's nothing you can do. I mean, there's no mysticism to it. People recognize you and they want to talk to you, or want to see you. My trick is not to see them as a crowd. If you break down every crowd into individuals, then it's more manageable. It's just when you start seeing these huge masses of people screaming at you that you start going crazy. So I try to focus on a few faces and not the mass."
But when you're filming on location in New York...
"It ended up being like more of a circus than I thought it was going to be. At the beginning, it was terrible. Then, about halfway through, I just suddenly had an epiphany about it. I don't know what happened, but I know it's just fine. I guess it's just learning how to sort of block things out. It's like you've just got to be more disciplined about it."
A lesson in anger control.
"While we were filming, one of the security guys saw me getting more and more upset with the paparazzi guys. He just sort of came up and was like, 'Imagine going out there and trying to hit one of them while, let's say, 40 cameras are clicking away.' That was enough to kind of calm my frustration. But, at the end of the day, you can't say, 'I'm not doing it until these people go away.' You have to keep acting. So it was definitely way more intense than any of the Twilight films."
Maybe he skips the reviews.
"I didn't like the way New Moon was treated by the critics. I think it was reviewed in the context of just being a big franchise movie. When something is so hyped, inevitably, there is a backlash against it. I think Chris Weitz is an amazing director. I really enjoyed the film. So the naysayers kind of annoyed me."
So why not try an album?
"I kind of want to do one at the end of the year. All my friends are recording albums and I'm very annoyed about it. But I can't do two things at once. I don't know how people like Jennifer Lopez can act and also sing. I'm just like, 'I can't.' But, hopefully, I'll find some time to get it together."
Source Parade
Parade Interview,
Remember Me,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson - Interview with Parade
Robert Pattinson: 'I Don't Remember the Last Time I Asked Someone on a Date'

Fear not, Twilight fans. This June, Robert Pattinson will be back in theaters as Hollywood's hottest vampire, Edward Cullen, inThe Twilight Saga : Eclipse .
Meanwhile, you can catch him making love and war as troubled college student Tyler in the indie drama Remember Me.'s Jeanne Wolf found out why Pattinson would like to be more like his character, who doesn't hold back his emotions.
The dating game.
"When it comes to the opposite sex, I'm not as fully confident as the guy I play. I don't even remember the last time I asked someone out on a date, like, just went up to them and that's the first thing I did. I'm much more self-conscious and not wanting to fail. So I tend to hold back."
Ditto with unleashing his macho side.
"I related to Tyler in that I wish I could have done things like he did when I had the opportunity. There is something quite satisfying about being a little bit more reckless and even fighting. It's quite cathartic to just sort of randomly start hitting someone. It was fun kind of, letting all your rage go on the set. We had this big scene where I punch out some guys. It went fine and nobody was really hurt at all. But, at the end, I was like doing this thing where I was hitting myself in the arm, sort of pumping myself up. They cut it out of the movie, but I punched myself so hard that I was in a lot of pain for the rest of the shoot. It was the most stupid thing I've ever done."
He's felt the pain before.
"I got beaten up by a lot of people when I was younger. I was a bit of an idiot, but I always thought the assaults were unprovoked. It was after I first started acting and I liked to behave like an actor, or how I thought an actor was supposed to be, and that apparently provoked a lot of people into hitting me."
What he learned from Pierce Brosnan.
"We went out to dinner in a restaurant full of all these guys who looked like bankers or brokers. They didn't recognize me, but they recognized Pierce. And he said, 'Notice those people looking over?' I'm sitting there getting more and more self-conscious, even though I didn't realize they weren't looking at me. Suddenly, Pierce got up and introduced himself to everybody in the restaurant. At first I was like, 'What are you doing? You're like completely insane.' But it worked. Everybody just relaxed and stopped staring and you could tell they were going to go home and say, 'Pierce is such a nice guy.'"
No problem with being compared to James Dean.
"I think he was like the most influential person for young guys, especially actors, in the last 50 years. So yeah, I mean, I'm not ashamed to say I am very much influenced by him."
Facing up to the pressure of the box office.
"It's like a kind of a monster thing. The more people think they know you, the more you're identified with a certain kind of role. People always used to ask me about typecasting and I never had to really worry about it. You think people will judge you by your work. But the truth is, it's about whether the film you're in makes money or not. And if it's not making money, they're like, 'Oh, he's over.'"
His ultimate goal.
"You keep trying to make your name stand for something other than just like meaningless celebrity. It's a difficult battle, but I think people like Johnny Depp have done that. He's not judged by his public image, it's just his acting that counts. To get to that place takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hiding."
Source ~ Thanks to Tess for the tip
Fear not, Twilight fans. This June, Robert Pattinson will be back in theaters as Hollywood's hottest vampire, Edward Cullen, in
Meanwhile, you can catch him making love and war as troubled college student Tyler in the indie drama Remember Me.'s Jeanne Wolf found out why Pattinson would like to be more like his character, who doesn't hold back his emotions.
The dating game.
"When it comes to the opposite sex, I'm not as fully confident as the guy I play. I don't even remember the last time I asked someone out on a date, like, just went up to them and that's the first thing I did. I'm much more self-conscious and not wanting to fail. So I tend to hold back."
Ditto with unleashing his macho side.
"I related to Tyler in that I wish I could have done things like he did when I had the opportunity. There is something quite satisfying about being a little bit more reckless and even fighting. It's quite cathartic to just sort of randomly start hitting someone. It was fun kind of, letting all your rage go on the set. We had this big scene where I punch out some guys. It went fine and nobody was really hurt at all. But, at the end, I was like doing this thing where I was hitting myself in the arm, sort of pumping myself up. They cut it out of the movie, but I punched myself so hard that I was in a lot of pain for the rest of the shoot. It was the most stupid thing I've ever done."
He's felt the pain before.
"I got beaten up by a lot of people when I was younger. I was a bit of an idiot, but I always thought the assaults were unprovoked. It was after I first started acting and I liked to behave like an actor, or how I thought an actor was supposed to be, and that apparently provoked a lot of people into hitting me."
What he learned from Pierce Brosnan.
"We went out to dinner in a restaurant full of all these guys who looked like bankers or brokers. They didn't recognize me, but they recognized Pierce. And he said, 'Notice those people looking over?' I'm sitting there getting more and more self-conscious, even though I didn't realize they weren't looking at me. Suddenly, Pierce got up and introduced himself to everybody in the restaurant. At first I was like, 'What are you doing? You're like completely insane.' But it worked. Everybody just relaxed and stopped staring and you could tell they were going to go home and say, 'Pierce is such a nice guy.'"
No problem with being compared to James Dean.
"I think he was like the most influential person for young guys, especially actors, in the last 50 years. So yeah, I mean, I'm not ashamed to say I am very much influenced by him."
Facing up to the pressure of the box office.
"It's like a kind of a monster thing. The more people think they know you, the more you're identified with a certain kind of role. People always used to ask me about typecasting and I never had to really worry about it. You think people will judge you by your work. But the truth is, it's about whether the film you're in makes money or not. And if it's not making money, they're like, 'Oh, he's over.'"
His ultimate goal.
"You keep trying to make your name stand for something other than just like meaningless celebrity. It's a difficult battle, but I think people like Johnny Depp have done that. He's not judged by his public image, it's just his acting that counts. To get to that place takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hiding."
Source ~ Thanks to Tess for the tip
Parade Interview With Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson turned millions of females around the world into frenzied fans when they saw him heat up the screen in Twilight as the heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen. And the love continues as Pattinson returns in New Moon.'s Jeanne Wolf got up close and personal with the devilish and charming 23-year-old superstar. Pattinson shared his thoughts on being romantically challenged and getting a handle on becoming an overnight celebrity.
The love bug bites the deepest.
"What's interesting about this story is that it's supposed to be about this all-powerful immortal creature. But he's completely destroyed just by falling in love with this normal girl. He can't control anything afterwards. His entire life turns upside down. So I guess love can be more lethal than a vampire bite."
A new perspective on relationships.
"Getting involved in Twilight has definitely changed my mind about how people are kind of fanatical about wanting to have the perfect relationship. I had no idea that people were so desperate and felt like it was so unobtainable. They want to put this idea of unconditional devotion just so high above everything else, which is why they can't get enough of this story."
Advice to the lovelorn Bella.
"I keep wanting to tell people who think she should choose between Edward or Jacob that she should choose someone else. Jacob seems like the perfect viable option at the beginning of New Moon, but he turns out to be just as tortured as Edward is. So I guess Bella is just an unlucky girl."
Breaking up was hard to do.
"There was something weird about doing that scene where Edward tells Bella he's never going to see her again. Millions of fans see it as the ideal for a relationship. So breaking up the ideal relationship is pretty daunting. As for a breakup like that in my own life, I can't think of one."
And don't ask him about being romantic.
"I don't know, I can't think of a single romantic thing I've ever done. That's terrible. Wait. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15-years-old. It was a girl named Maria. She thought it was somebody else that had done it and the other guy was trying to take credit."
The scene where he almost took it all off.
"I felt pretty goofy stepping out into the sunlight in front of 2,000 people in a town square, ripping my clothes off. I was essentially doing a striptease. But here's the irony, it was also one of the moments where I've really felt closest to people's emotional attachment to Edward. There were so many extras in that scene who were Twilight fans who had flown in just to be a part of it. It was a moment where I've felt the whole weight of anticipation, and I guess responsibility as well, of being Edward, for all the people who were kind of so obsessed with the stories. It was quite uplifting and it was also very nerve-wracking."
Going head-to-head with Taylor Lautner.
"I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting. I had the same reaction as everybody else. It's like, 'Jeez, now I have to go to the gym.' Looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was nine, I wouldn't really want to fight him for real unless maybe I had some kind of weapon. But in the story as it's written, I think it's actually a fact that Edward would win over Jacob. So I guess I can hold onto that for my ego."
The good news (and the bad) about becoming famous.
"It's a scary situation to be in, in a lot of ways. You really have to question yourself a lot more. Before Twilight, I did any movie that I could and I tried to make the best of it afterwards. But now you're expected to come and provide, not only economic viability at the box office, but also a smashing performance as well. When no one's watching your movies and you get a part, you can do whatever the hell you want. I don't have that luxury anymore."
What he has in common with Edward.
"I guess stubbornness in some ways about some things. Edward is pretty self-righteous, and I guess I am too. I get quite obsessive about things and possessive as well. I have very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived, to the point of ridiculousness sometimes. I don't listen to anyone else. That's why I don't have a publicist. I can't stand it if someone is trying to tell me to do something, even if it's probably a mistake sometimes. I'm like a control freak about it. I've never really struggled with anything until recently. I've got to stop being so self-depreciating because people are starting to believe it. Like, 'That guy is an idiot.'"
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