VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's 'Good Time' Q&A At The Cologne Film Festival
It looks like a lot of our readers were lucky and were able to attend the Cologne Film Festival and as sharing is caring they're are sharing their videos of Rob's Q&A for us to post here on the blog.
Big thanks to Olive Coloured Voice for sending us her video of the Q&A.
Showing posts with label Our readers rock :). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our readers rock :). Show all posts
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's 'Good Time' Q&A At The Cologne Film Festival
Celebrating 8 Years Of ROBSESSED

Today we are celebrating, can you believe, 8 YEARS of Robsessed! YES I said 8 YEARS.
Those 8 years have flown by. It's been a roller coaster ride that we've enjoyed sharing with all of you.
We want to say a big thank you to YOU, our readers. You make this blog what it is. Thank you so much for coming back multiple times a day to check what Rob is up to, to check what other ROBsessors are up to, and to see what the crazy bloggers posted this time. Without you we would just be 5 lunatics laughing at our inner thoughts. We hope we bring a smile to your faces everyday.
Of course we have to say thank you to Rob, for being the talented, funny, charming, witty guy that he is. For always introducing us to new things, be it books, music, films or directors. For keeping us on our toes with his new and exciting projects. And most of all for bringing us all together here where so many friendships have been made over the years.
Here's to another 8 years at Robsessed!
~ Gözde, Kate, Kat, Tink & PJ

Click and Save Below for Full Size Wallaper

As part of our Birthday Celebrations we have a fabulous CAPTION ROB CONTEST for you.
We are giving you the chance to win a copy of 'The Childhood of A Leader' on DVD.

Here's your caption picture!

To enter write a caption for the picture in the comments.
- Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
- Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do.
- The caption with the most "likes" wins.
- Please keep your caption to 1-3 sentences ;-)
- The contest is open worldwide & you have until 10pm GMT on Friday 28th Oct 2016 to enter
- You will receive your DVD as soon as it is released in either America (Nov 22nd 2016) or UK (Jan 30th 2017).
HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY, ROBERT PATTINSON! Plus enter our special ROBsessed Giveaway!
HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY, ROBERT PATTINSON! Plus enter our special ROBsessed Giveaway!
The love doesn't stop there! Readers sent in their sweet birthday messages for Rob that you can view in our birthday video, ROBsessed reader, Beck Anderson, has a special birthday giveaway for you guys and we design HQ wallpapers for Rob's birthday.
On to the giveaway!
We've visited Beck Anderson's novel, FIX YOU, a few times on the blog and now she has a brand new sequel. Beck wanted to give our readers a treat in honor of Rob's 29th birthday! You have a chance to win the eBook, TROUBLE ME, as well as a $25 gift card for Amazon! Here's the synopsis:
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And last but not least, you can enjoy this gorgeous man on your desktop on his birthday and beyond! Enjoy!
Click to save the HQs

See all the birthday messages from the video under the cut!
If something special hadn't happened 29 years ago today, we wouldn't all be here - friends brought together from so many different places around the world!
But thankfully here we are, the ROBsessed celebrating the birthday of Robert Pattinson.
With another great year of Rob to look forward to, let's raise our glasses to a lot more fun, talent and sexy on the countdown to the big three oh!
The love doesn't stop there! Readers sent in their sweet birthday messages for Rob that you can view in our birthday video, ROBsessed reader, Beck Anderson, has a special birthday giveaway for you guys and we design HQ wallpapers for Rob's birthday.
Thanks to our readers that sent in such sweet messages, personal photos and your fave Rob pics to wish Rob all the best for his 29th birthday.
And thank you, Andreea, for the perfect song suggestion!
We love you guys!
On to the giveaway!
We've visited Beck Anderson's novel, FIX YOU, a few times on the blog and now she has a brand new sequel. Beck wanted to give our readers a treat in honor of Rob's 29th birthday! You have a chance to win the eBook, TROUBLE ME, as well as a $25 gift card for Amazon! Here's the synopsis:
The giveaway is worldwide and will last until May 20th.In Fix You, movie star Andrew Pettigrew (Andy to his fans, Andrew to his friends) somehow found the level-headed love he was looking for in young widow and “regular girl” Kelly Reynolds. Now, as they work to mesh their growing relationship with his gold-statue ambitions, things go a bit sideways, in true Hollywood fashion.
Though they’re still wonderfully in love, it’s challenge enough for Andrew and Kelly to decipher what it means to be a family—and a growing family at that—between takes on set. But Andrew also brings history with a temperamental co-star, assorted paparazzi, and someone out there who has serious, perhaps obsessive, issues with him into the mix. Suddenly the Reynolds-Pettigrew clan must fight not just to stay together, but to stay safe.
In Trouble Me, the sequel to Fix You and third novel from Rita finalist Beck Anderson, Kelly and Andrew struggle to stay sane within their whirlwind life. It’s a life that’s equal parts amazing and amusing, less glamorous than you might expect, and spiked with very real fears no amount of stardom can overcome.
Will Andrew and Kelly be torn apart, or will they help each other stay strong at their broken places?
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And last but not least, you can enjoy this gorgeous man on your desktop on his birthday and beyond! Enjoy!
Click to save the HQs
See all the birthday messages from the video under the cut!
UPDATE: More from Robert Pattinson's Dior Homme interview with Vogue Turkey
UPDATE: More from Robert Pattinson's Dior Homme interview with Vogue Turkey
We originally posted the interview HERE but now we have the remaining new questions and answers.
Not a bad start. Lets continue.
The idea of reviving a classic perfume has very much caught my attention. Because the brands classic style has something appealing to men. Thats why when being together with Romain Gavras we dreamed of a sophisticated but also a little bit of a wild character. Doing what he wants to do, daring, a free spirited person. Not affected by fashion trends, going his own way this man definitely has an infinite energy.
During the campaign you worked together with Nan Goldin, a provocative photographer. How was working with her? Did she give you instruction?
A lively person! In between the shooting when everyone was in a hurry she would never change have her 'no need to rush" attitude. Nan definitely lives by her own rules but I can't say that this is a directing attitude. One day when we shot on top of the roof it was very windy. Three people had to hold her but nothing discouraged her. We continued to do more dangerous things but we also enjoyed it very much. Nan is until today the only free spirited person that I have ever seen.
Who are the other inspirational directors?
It will always be Chris Cunningham. Jacque Audiard is another director with whom I would like to work together with for a long time. For young actors like me, he definitely is the best. Very understanding. When I saw his performance in Romain Duri's "the beat that my heat skipped", I thought strangely that he was very close to my own manly perception. Romain Duri's character is struggling but is not holding back his feelings everywhere. He thinks being sensitive doesn't mean being weak. He only learns how to listen. This film is a wonderful story about proving his maturity.
Source: Vogue Turkey | Via: DebbieDuroy
We originally posted the interview HERE but now we have the remaining new questions and answers.
Not a bad start. Lets continue.
The idea of reviving a classic perfume has very much caught my attention. Because the brands classic style has something appealing to men. Thats why when being together with Romain Gavras we dreamed of a sophisticated but also a little bit of a wild character. Doing what he wants to do, daring, a free spirited person. Not affected by fashion trends, going his own way this man definitely has an infinite energy.
During the campaign you worked together with Nan Goldin, a provocative photographer. How was working with her? Did she give you instruction?
A lively person! In between the shooting when everyone was in a hurry she would never change have her 'no need to rush" attitude. Nan definitely lives by her own rules but I can't say that this is a directing attitude. One day when we shot on top of the roof it was very windy. Three people had to hold her but nothing discouraged her. We continued to do more dangerous things but we also enjoyed it very much. Nan is until today the only free spirited person that I have ever seen.
Who are the other inspirational directors?
It will always be Chris Cunningham. Jacque Audiard is another director with whom I would like to work together with for a long time. For young actors like me, he definitely is the best. Very understanding. When I saw his performance in Romain Duri's "the beat that my heat skipped", I thought strangely that he was very close to my own manly perception. Romain Duri's character is struggling but is not holding back his feelings everywhere. He thinks being sensitive doesn't mean being weak. He only learns how to listen. This film is a wonderful story about proving his maturity.
Source: Vogue Turkey | Via: DebbieDuroy
Robert Pattinson Dior Homme interviews from Austria (Style Up Your Life) and Turkey (Vogue)
Robert Pattinson Dior Homme interviews from Austria (Style Up Your Life) and Turkey (Vogue)
UPDATE: More from the Vogue Turkey interview HERE
DiorRob continues to pop up in international magazines!
Style Up Your Life has Q&A's we've read from Faces and Grazia Spain. Thanks to one of our lovely readers for the translation!

Vogue Turkey scans and interview under the cut!
UPDATE: More from the Vogue Turkey interview HERE
DiorRob continues to pop up in international magazines!
Style Up Your Life has Q&A's we've read from Faces and Grazia Spain. Thanks to one of our lovely readers for the translation!
Since his role in the vampire saga Twilight, RobertPattinson is part of Hollywood’s A-list of actors.Therefore it is hardly surprising that he was chosen to bethe new face of Dior Homme. STYLE UP YOUR LIFE! met with the trendy filmstar for an interview.
Smells often trigger memories of certain things.What do you associate with certain smells?I remember very clearly that my father always used towear „Brut de Faberge“. Do you remember thatfragrance? He still owns it today and it reminds me of myearly time at school. It‘s anchored very deeply in mymemory and to this day I remember exactly how itsmells. When I started getting interested in girls (atabout age 12), I decided it was cool to wear perfume. On a holiday in Portugal I watched some teenagers go intoa bar. To convince them I was older, I put on some Eau de Cologne (laughs).
Are there landscapes or towns you associate with certain smells?My father is from Yorkshire, where you get a lot ofheather in the moors. That smell is simply unbelievable.We used to go there at Christmas and although I haven‘tbeen there for a long time, I still remember that smell.
Do you have a favourite smell? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a perfume.I like the smell of people! (laughs) It is really strange andI‘m sure it has to do with pheromones. We like peoplebecause subconciously we like the way they smell. Ialways find this very interesting to observe.
You are 27 years old. Do you wear perfume to feel comfortable or to seduce?It still feels like something very grown up. If you use perfume when going out, you‘re going out for a very specific reason (smiles).
Which woman could wear Dior Homme in your opinion?A free thinker! A headstrong woman who refuses tosmell „pretty“. She never does exactly what you wouldexpect of her. It certainly would be a woman with a veryspecific image of femininity.
Do London (where you have lived), New York (where you shot the campaign) and Paris (home of Dior)have their own smell?Apart from my family I miss the smell of London after itrained the most. The airports Heathrow and Gatwick aresurrounded by fields. When you land there youimmediately smell wet gras and it really always rainswhen I land there. New York is totally different. For me the town smells of food, because it’s available at everycorner. Strangely enough I never associate France withfood although it is a large part of the French culture. It’smore of a visual thing, a certain feeling. Paris IS a feeling. To describe Paris is a bit like describing Dior. It’sa very different world. I really love strolling freely througha town in which films are still respected as an artform.
Vogue Turkey scans and interview under the cut!
GREAT Quality FULL Vids Of Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg At The London Apple Store "Cosmopolis" Q&A
GREAT Quality FULL Vids Of Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg At The London Apple Store "Cosmopolis" Q&A
So now we have gorgeous vids to go with the gorgeous pics from earlier. In case you missed them click HERE
Thanks to Francies67 for sharing her great vids with us and thanks again to Cristina for the email.
A lady after my own heart, she kept her camera on Rob the whole time.
Her reaction at 5:26 of this first vid is just too adorable!
I love the part where David mentions the deep connection that he has with Rob, it has been so obvious to everyone throughout the promo that they have done for "Cosmopolis" and where he says that he feels that they are not finished working with each other.
Again I feel like you deserve to get a WARNING before watching these but really after seeing the pics earlier, do you need one?? ENJOY!
So now we have gorgeous vids to go with the gorgeous pics from earlier. In case you missed them click HERE
Thanks to Francies67 for sharing her great vids with us and thanks again to Cristina for the email.
A lady after my own heart, she kept her camera on Rob the whole time.
Her reaction at 5:26 of this first vid is just too adorable!
I love the part where David mentions the deep connection that he has with Rob, it has been so obvious to everyone throughout the promo that they have done for "Cosmopolis" and where he says that he feels that they are not finished working with each other.
Again I feel like you deserve to get a WARNING before watching these but really after seeing the pics earlier, do you need one?? ENJOY!
Robert Pattinson: I’m So Eager To Start Working On "Mission: Blacklist"
Robert Pattinson: I’m So Eager To Start Working On "Mission: Blacklist". It’s going to be a f***ing great film.
Rob spoke to Premiere.Fr about his new project.
Lots of new info below. Check it out. SO exciting!

Translation (BIG Thanks To our reader LittleSeaSparrow for doing it)
If you want to read the original french article go HERE
Robert Pattinson, who may surprise more than one in three weeks when Cosmopolis will be presented at Cannes, is not visibly stopping there. In a shift to "adult" movies the Twilight star will continue with Mission: Blacklist, the new film by Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, the 2008 director of the impressive Johnny Mad Dog.
A thriller based on the book by Eric Maddox, the military interrogator who was the brains of the operation that led to the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003. Erik Jendresen, writer of the series Band of Brothers, was responsible for adapting. Shooting is scheduled to begin in the fall.
"We are going to scout locations in Iraq soon"
"As director Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire normally does not work with professional actors, I thought I had no hope of getting the part says Rob [to the journalist of Première].
But we met several times and we got on really well together. Sauvaire has found
a very exciting way of filming this. It’s strange, as it is a war film, but it’s shown mainly though the military interrogations done by Maddox. Language and the barriers it may create play a very important part. The focus is mainly on the real-life story of this military interrogator, Eric Maddox, who will soon come with us in Iraq to do a
series of location scoutings."
Rob goes on : The director, Sauvaire, is really an astonishing person. He’s got a gift for meeting
people. He thus met and spent some time talking with the Iraqi Minister for Culture, quite by chance. He also bumped into a guy who was one of the former leaders of the Hussein clan and who had been very close to Saddam. I asked Sauvaire, ‘But how do you do it to get to know a guy
like that ?’ and it turned out that Sauvaire had just bumped across the guy in a bar in Paris ! . After Johnny Mad Dog, an ultra-violent film which immersed the viewer directly into the day to
day life of African child-soldiers, and which was shot in Liberia, Sauvaire seems to have found an ideal theme for his explosive vision.
Johnny Mad Dog was an extremely strong film, which had all the value of a
real documentary, while having a great cinematic quality , says Rob,
enthusing over the film. I’m so eager to start working with Sauvaire
on Mission: Blacklist. It’s going to be a f***ing great film.
Source Premiere.Fr
Rob spoke to Premiere.Fr about his new project.
Lots of new info below. Check it out. SO exciting!
Translation (BIG Thanks To our reader LittleSeaSparrow for doing it)
If you want to read the original french article go HERE
Robert Pattinson, who may surprise more than one in three weeks when Cosmopolis will be presented at Cannes, is not visibly stopping there. In a shift to "adult" movies the Twilight star will continue with Mission: Blacklist, the new film by Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, the 2008 director of the impressive Johnny Mad Dog.
A thriller based on the book by Eric Maddox, the military interrogator who was the brains of the operation that led to the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003. Erik Jendresen, writer of the series Band of Brothers, was responsible for adapting. Shooting is scheduled to begin in the fall.
"We are going to scout locations in Iraq soon"
"As director Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire normally does not work with professional actors, I thought I had no hope of getting the part says Rob [to the journalist of Première].
But we met several times and we got on really well together. Sauvaire has found
a very exciting way of filming this. It’s strange, as it is a war film, but it’s shown mainly though the military interrogations done by Maddox. Language and the barriers it may create play a very important part. The focus is mainly on the real-life story of this military interrogator, Eric Maddox, who will soon come with us in Iraq to do a
series of location scoutings."
Rob goes on : The director, Sauvaire, is really an astonishing person. He’s got a gift for meeting
people. He thus met and spent some time talking with the Iraqi Minister for Culture, quite by chance. He also bumped into a guy who was one of the former leaders of the Hussein clan and who had been very close to Saddam. I asked Sauvaire, ‘But how do you do it to get to know a guy
like that ?’ and it turned out that Sauvaire had just bumped across the guy in a bar in Paris ! . After Johnny Mad Dog, an ultra-violent film which immersed the viewer directly into the day to
day life of African child-soldiers, and which was shot in Liberia, Sauvaire seems to have found an ideal theme for his explosive vision.
Johnny Mad Dog was an extremely strong film, which had all the value of a
real documentary, while having a great cinematic quality , says Rob,
enthusing over the film. I’m so eager to start working with Sauvaire
on Mission: Blacklist. It’s going to be a f***ing great film.
Source Premiere.Fr
*NEW* Cute Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Co From The "Breaking Dawn" LA Convention (Nov 2011)
The lovely Sue has some more *NEW* Cute Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Co From The "Breaking Dawn" LA Convention (Nov 2011) and was kind enough to share them with us!
You're killing us here

Don't play Mr Innocent and pretend you don't know what your doing to our readers!

You think it's funny do you?

You're killing us here
Don't play Mr Innocent and pretend you don't know what your doing to our readers!
You think it's funny do you?
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From Brussels
Our reader Urusla was also lucky enought to see Robert Pattinson at the Brussels fan Event and also sent us those pics, check them out below
Thanks Again Urusla

Click For Larger

LOADS More After The Cut
Thanks Again Urusla
Click For Larger
LOADS More After The Cut
Want to Wish Robert Pattinson A Happy 25th Birthday?
Just putting up a little reminder about this as there's only 2 days left to get your pics into us!
Last year we did this
If the video is blocked in your country click here to watch.
This year we want to do it bigger and better and if you want to be involved.
Last year we did this
If the video is blocked in your country click here to watch.
This year we want to do it bigger and better and if you want to be involved.
Robert Pattinson In Daily Telegraph Magazine (UK) - Scans
Robert Pattinson is featured in today's "Daily Telegraph" Magazine.
Our lovely reader Elaine emailed and told us about it so I ran out and found it and scanned it for you all.
I haven't read it myself yet but he talks about his dog at the start.
I think he's well and truly smitten!
Thanks again to Elaine for the tip!

Click & Click Again To Read

Our lovely reader Elaine emailed and told us about it so I ran out and found it and scanned it for you all.
I haven't read it myself yet but he talks about his dog at the start.
I think he's well and truly smitten!
Thanks again to Elaine for the tip!
Click & Click Again To Read
Decorate Your Computer With Robert Pattinson
Just in case you want to make your computer look festive for the season the lovely Ági sent us these gorgeous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers for us to drool over.....I mean, share with you!
Thanks so much Ági. We LOVE them :-)
This one is currently gracing my laptop.

And this is what I'd like to see on Christmas Morning, Rob sitting under my tree.
Please Santa, I've been a good girl :-}

Click and Save Below for full size

Thanks so much Ági. We LOVE them :-)
This one is currently gracing my laptop.
And this is what I'd like to see on Christmas Morning, Rob sitting under my tree.
Please Santa, I've been a good girl :-}
Click and Save Below for full size
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Wallpapers
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Wallpapers
Some beautiful new wallpapers for you.
These ones are by Weronica.
Wallpapers are resized to fit the screen, so right lick and save and they'll save to full size.

And these gorgeous ones are by Jolori

Some beautiful new wallpapers for you.
These ones are by Weronica.
Wallpapers are resized to fit the screen, so right lick and save and they'll save to full size.
And these gorgeous ones are by Jolori
Gorgeous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers With The New Outtakes
Gorgeous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers With The New Outtakes
Huge Thanks to the fabulous Ivette for making these for us!
I LOVE them!
As always they're resized to fit your screen so right click and save and they'll save to full size!

Huge Thanks to the fabulous Ivette for making these for us!
I LOVE them!
As always they're resized to fit your screen so right click and save and they'll save to full size!
A Little Reminder About the Birthday Video
Thank you for the gorgeous, cute, crazy, funny pictures you've sent us. We LOVE them.
We are getting some questions so I wanted to clear some of the things. We are making a video including the pictures you've sent us. Your messages will be on YOUR picture, so if you can put your message on the picture you'll make it easier for us :)
Here's an example:

The video will be uploaded on youtube and we are thinking of posting the pictures on our site as well. SO if you do not want your picture published please let us know. I can't see why you wouldn't want to share them since they are all so wonderful :)
HERE's the info on the BDay video in case you missed it yesterday :)
We are getting some questions so I wanted to clear some of the things. We are making a video including the pictures you've sent us. Your messages will be on YOUR picture, so if you can put your message on the picture you'll make it easier for us :)
Here's an example:
The video will be uploaded on youtube and we are thinking of posting the pictures on our site as well. SO if you do not want your picture published please let us know. I can't see why you wouldn't want to share them since they are all so wonderful :)
HERE's the info on the BDay video in case you missed it yesterday :)
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview in HeatWorld: Twilight New Moon
HeatWorld has a new issue out, it's 17 pages of Twilight. Emma scanned the parts about Robert Pattinson for us. It's long but VERY cute. There are 2 interviews with Rob, one in Montepulciano and one on the set in Canada. Whoever wrote this is as ROBsesses as us :)
Click to enlarge:
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