A couple of weeks ago I posed a question to you all ~ Out of all the things you love about Robert Pattinson… what is your number one reason for loving Rob?

We knew it would be difficult. We knew you’d all have trouble answering. It’s Robert Pattinson for crying out loud. Picking ONE thing… unfair.
We were expecting you to all have trouble, but you guys didn’t just have trouble, 90% of you flat out refused to pick just one thing. And we can’t say we blame you.
Even Goz, Kate, Tink and I picked two instead of one. Well, two that actually got posted and we had about a million in the email in which we were discussing who got what! (Like we were really going to actually get our number ones!)

Now, because of your completely acceptable refusals to answer with one thing, we had to change up this weekend’s posts a little. Tomorrow our main man turns 26 and I’ve thrown together a little something, from all your responses, to celebrate.
But this post – this post is about you.
If I could package up all your responses and deliver them to Rob I would (can you imagine watching him smile and blush a little… you ladies know what you wrote!) The love, affection and respect you all have for him is a testament to you all. It’s not just about The Pretty, although it certainly helps, but he’s just as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside and it shows, and you see it.

Rob’s lucky to have such great fans, and honestly I think he knows that, it shows in the way he takes time to visit with as many people as he can on the red carpet. I know from experience that he looks each and every person he meets directly in their eyes and gives a genuine smile.
He’s not your typical Hollywood celebrity. Not even close.
And that is why we love him.

Raise your glasses to many more years watching his career grow and turn in directions we could never have expected, enjoying his unedited interviews and yes, drooling at new photo shoots.