Showing posts with label Oh Edward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oh Edward. Show all posts
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson was an awesome Edward Cullen
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson was an awesome Edward Cullen

YES YOU ARE!!!! *swooning begins*

There he is. Our guy playing the role that sparked the beginning of ROBsession for so so many of us. It all began here...

From the brood to the dazzle to the crooked smile and beyond, Rob was our Edward through and through. There will never be another and his awesome portrayal will make you swoon time and time again. Let us take a trip down nostalgia road! WARNING: Watch out for that inevitable goofy grin stuck on your face while scrolling because nosy folks will want to see what's got you beaming....and drooling...

YES YOU ARE!!!! *swooning begins*
There he is. Our guy playing the role that sparked the beginning of ROBsession for so so many of us. It all began here...
From the brood to the dazzle to the crooked smile and beyond, Rob was our Edward through and through. There will never be another and his awesome portrayal will make you swoon time and time again. Let us take a trip down nostalgia road! WARNING: Watch out for that inevitable goofy grin stuck on your face while scrolling because nosy folks will want to see what's got you beaming....and drooling...
New/Old picture of Robert Pattinson being dreamy in the Twilight Saga: Eclipse meadow
New/Old picture of Robert Pattinson being dreamy in the Twilight Saga: Eclipse meadow
Anyway, someone told David Slade this fact and he shared a pic of Rob from his personal photo archive.
I love it. Makes me want to whip out my Twilight books and go hang with Edward. *le sigh*
Source | Thanks Nancy!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Dec. 8 ~ Fave career move by Rob so far
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Dec. 8 ~ Fave career move by Rob so far
Rob's made some awesome professional choices and we want to celebrate them!

"I’ve spent all day trying to decide and I CAN’T so I’m cheating! Obviously DiorRob is up there at the top BUT working with David Cronenberg in Cosmopolis is right up there too. David believed in him and saw his potential and (I feel) because of that it has lead to so many other great acting opportunities. David gave Rob the confidence he needed to see how great he could be. So yeap while Dior is seriously major, working with David is something that I think was a fantastic career move too. SO i’m picking both ;}"

"no contest for me. being a part of this was my fave career move by Rob. his talent shines shines shines in this film."
Click for HQ!
Rob's made some awesome professional choices and we want to celebrate them!
"I’ve spent all day trying to decide and I CAN’T so I’m cheating! Obviously DiorRob is up there at the top BUT working with David Cronenberg in Cosmopolis is right up there too. David believed in him and saw his potential and (I feel) because of that it has lead to so many other great acting opportunities. David gave Rob the confidence he needed to see how great he could be. So yeap while Dior is seriously major, working with David is something that I think was a fantastic career move too. SO i’m picking both ;}"
"no contest for me. being a part of this was my fave career move by Rob. his talent shines shines shines in this film."
"I initially couldn’t decide between Water for Elephants and Cosmopolis, then realized chances are high that neither of those would’ve existed without the role that catapulted Rob to fame. Mr. Edward Cullen. So, I have to make that my fave. However, DiorRob comes a VERY close second. But again… there likely wouldn’t be a DiorRob without a RobWard."

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) "I initially couldn’t decide between Water for Elephants and Cosmopolis, then realized chances are high that neither of those would’ve existed without the role that catapulted Rob to fame. Mr. Edward Cullen. So, I have to make that my fave. However, DiorRob comes a VERY close second. But again… there likely wouldn’t be a DiorRob without a RobWard."
Click for HQ!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 30: Fave Pic of Edward
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 30: Fave Pic of Edward
Twinsies for Kate and myself... that first sight. O. M. G.
this was crazy hard. only one Edward?? so i had to narrow it down. i was only going to look at the first Twilight time period and i was going to pick an official photo. i must form rules to follow to make tough decisions LOL this is my winner. always. everything Edward in my mind. this is also my Edward in any canon or AU fic i read. and most of my HS fics that have Edward look mainly how originalward is described. it’s the Edward i had in mind as i wrote my own fic. this Edward is Lord of my Edwards. the one Edward to rule them all. thank you, Rob. the look couldn’t be more perfect.
Without fail, this one is ALWAYS the winner.

Has to be this.
And here he is in motion ;-} Strut for me Edward

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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Twinsies for Kate and myself... that first sight. O. M. G.
this was crazy hard. only one Edward?? so i had to narrow it down. i was only going to look at the first Twilight time period and i was going to pick an official photo. i must form rules to follow to make tough decisions LOL this is my winner. always. everything Edward in my mind. this is also my Edward in any canon or AU fic i read. and most of my HS fics that have Edward look mainly how originalward is described. it’s the Edward i had in mind as i wrote my own fic. this Edward is Lord of my Edwards. the one Edward to rule them all. thank you, Rob. the look couldn’t be more perfect.
Without fail, this one is ALWAYS the winner.
Has to be this.
And here he is in motion ;-} Strut for me Edward
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Click for HQ!
Oh Edward,
Robert Pattinson,
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 20 ~ Classic Edward Pic or GIF
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 20 ~ Classic Edward Pic or GIF
Today just happens to be Edward Cullen's Birthday and Edward is our topic of the day!
As with all birthdays on here YOU get a present! So here's a little extra something thanks to Bru ;-)
"MY HEART. *cries* this mashup is gold. forever waiting on Midnight Sun…"
"When I think "Classic Edward" I think of this. This was the first time I saw/heard of Edward Cullen. The Twilight trailer was posted on a friends blog and when he appeared on the screen I hit paused and straight away googled Twilight to see who the actor was;-} And the rest (as they say) is history!"
"How perfect was he for this role? Seriously… this is Edward *swoon*"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the June calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Today just happens to be Edward Cullen's Birthday and Edward is our topic of the day!
As with all birthdays on here YOU get a present! So here's a little extra something thanks to Bru ;-)
"MY HEART. *cries* this mashup is gold. forever waiting on Midnight Sun…"
"When I think "Classic Edward" I think of this. This was the first time I saw/heard of Edward Cullen. The Twilight trailer was posted on a friends blog and when he appeared on the screen I hit paused and straight away googled Twilight to see who the actor was;-} And the rest (as they say) is history!"
"How perfect was he for this role? Seriously… this is Edward *swoon*"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the June calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Edward is looking pretty happy with himself in this new "Breaking Dawn Part 2" still & I think we all know why!
Also check out this BTS vid is not new, we had it in LQ already but better quality giggly Rob is ALWAYS win ;-))
Or watch at the original source HERE
Source via Source
Vid Source
Edward is looking pretty happy with himself in this new "Breaking Dawn Part 2" still & I think we all know why!
Also check out this BTS vid is not new, we had it in LQ already but better quality giggly Rob is ALWAYS win ;-))
Or watch at the original source HERE
Source via Source
Vid Source
Giggly Robert Pattinson from the Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD Extras
Just a couple of weeks until we can all have our hands on the Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD, then we can rewind and repeat to our hearts content.
My favourite bit? Always the extras, especially behind the scenes stuff. From these screen caps it looks like we'll be getting a whole lot of giggly Robert Pattinson. Bliss.
A blast from the past!
Can't you just hear the giggle?
The humour that is vamp sex!
And of course some flashing Rob.... wait, what?
Source: @epnebelle
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.13 ~ Love Quote From A Rob Film
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.13 ~ Love Quote From A Rob Film
Oooh myself and Tink are in sync today. Kat's was actually my second choice!

"Probably totally predictable but i'm going with this one ;-}"
"Awwww... love quote from a Rob movie, has to be this one, it's the way he says it. It's beautiful :-)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk.
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!
Oooh myself and Tink are in sync today. Kat's was actually my second choice!
"Probably totally predictable but i'm going with this one ;-}"
"Awwww... love quote from a Rob movie, has to be this one, it's the way he says it. It's beautiful :-)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk.
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!
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