Fan Reports from Pre-Screenings of New Moon and Remember Me
Remember Me:
I just experienced “Remember Me” and I have to tell you that we haven’t even begun to tap into Robert Pattinson’s talent as an actor. Rob showcases his ability to be thoroughly methodical and cover the entire gamut of human emotions and condition in “Remember Me.” To see Rob be sweet, funny, pained, maligned, and protective to the point of being paternal, are just some of the treasures of this film. I won’t divulge too many details but I must tell you that Rob as Tyler Hawkins, is as pure, organic and truly moving as I’ve ever seen a young actor be – his talent is bountiful and we are all blessed to be able to bear witness to it. I'm a proud Rob fan, proud fan of film and a proud fan of remember me.
New Moon:
New Moon is really, really a great movie. The pictures are amazing, and the actors are better than ever.
The pain of Bella, the pain of Edward, Jacob's transformation… Everything is perfect.
The script is very close to the book, with more action, more visual scenes off course, because it's a movie, and you have to keep the audience awake ! ;-)
I have one critic maybe : because they've tried to keep all they could in the movie, some scenes are going very fast, sometimes too fast… But Chris did manage to create wonderful transitions from a scene to another. He has such poesy in his way of filming… It's incredible.
Rob is more handsome than ever I think. Very painful, very dark, but so close to the character !
Kristen is perfect with her pain, her despair, the hole in her chest… I love her.
Taylor does a great job too. I can't accept that he is so small as Jacob, but finally he fits the character with a great sensibility, maturity.
I can't talk about the music, it didn't hit me. I think I prefer Carter Burwell's score. But I have to watch it again to be sure… I had so much to discover, to absorb…
I think that New Moon's fan won't be disappointed. They will find everything they loved in the book.
Brand New - New Moon TV Spot
Thanks to Access Hollywood for sending it to us :) They say we'll have the extended New Moon clip on Friday!
And if you can't see the video above:
Chaske Spencer (Sam) Talks About Robert Pattinson's Work Out Regime
Radar Online spoke with Chaske Spencer, the actor playing Sam in New Moon and Eclipse. Here are the parts where he talks about Robert Pattinson. You can read the whole interview at Radar Online.
Radar: You said that you like that the vampire is the cool skinny guy. Rob is basically the only guy in the show that isn’t working out in between scenes because he’s not buffing up, right?
Spencer: No, actually he was training with us.
Radar: Did he go to Wolf Camp?
Spencer: No, he did Vampire Camp! I don’t know what his workout regimen was but he would show up before or after us because we were on two different shooting schedules during New Moon and most of the vampires, I met them for dinner once but then boom, we all went our separate ways to work. I would hear the trainer say oh Rob lifted this much weight, and I’d say really?
Radar: Would you want to lift more than Rob?
Spencer: Yes! There was this competition one day we went into the gym, we have this rowing machine and I really busted my ass and I got a high record on it and I was like, yeah, beat that! Because the wolves are really competitive with each other in the gym. Then the next day I came in and Rob beat me by four seconds! Then filming was done and I never got to go back and try to up that.
Radar: Is that the first things you’re doing on Sunday when you get there?
Spencer: I hope so! I’m going to go row that and see if I can beat his record. Rob would come in either before or after us. I like that, I like that we’re separated from them, it builds the tension. You’ll see the chemistry on screen. I think that’s why they kept us wolves together, because the chemistry will come out on screen, you can’t fake that. Same with the vampires, when we’re on screen with them you’ll see the chemistry – we’re supposed to be competitive against them, resent them for who they are as vampires. I think that will come across. But we don’t resent them in real life. They’re really nice. That’s what I love about the cast, they’re really nice, everyone comes to play They’re ready to work, they’re good people It’s one of the cool things about this production, I don’t think anyone really expected it to be this big of a hit so we’re all just wide eyed and wow. They’re really good people.
Gozde: I think if they released the video of Rob's work out it would be a best seller :)) Rob lifting weights? *stares dreamily into space*
Official Robward and Bellsten Poster
Robert Pattinson has the best hands...
Thanks to TwiFans :))
And 2 Robward Posters, we have seen the pictures in other formats before here are the posters:
Once again, thanks to TwiFans ;)
Fierce New Moon HQ with Robward and Jane
Old Vampire Robward Cullenson Picture
Thanks to TwiCrackAddict and Jenn:)
Official New Moon Trailer in HQ
New Moon Trailer- Fan Made - BEST TRAILER EVER
I'm a spoilerphobe but I say screw it! This trailer is AMAZING!
Best Twilight Saga Trailer to date in my humble opinion and it's fan made.
I have goosebumps, I couldn't sit still watching it and got teary eyed.
[via, thanks Will]
2010 Vertical New Moon Calendar
ALL of these images are just PERFECT.
Look at the look!
Thanks to Jasper Cullen Fan for the scans and KStew411 for the link :)
Robward Cullenson New Moon Poster
Thanks to Chris Weitz and everyone involved in making Robward look like he should...
UHQ New Moon Stills, NEW Website and BD Finally Gets Confirmed!
AND there is a Breaking Dawn section in it!!! (Thanks Coral for the tip :)).
First final confirmation, can I get a "Hell yeah!"? :)
Oh Robward in the mist...
My poor little heart...
Okay this picture is so amazing. Look at the UHQ!
Jasper looks mad (not constipated like Twilight, woohoo!)
Emmett and Alice look amazing. Kellan's face shows the effort it's taking to hold him.
Robward looks like his world just came down but umm...shouldn't he be holding Jazz?
Just asking :))
Robward Bookmark - New Picture
You can order the bookmark for $3.98 from
Thanks to CarinaOlsen for the tip :)
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Filming New Moon
5 Minute New Moon Filming Video

Since INF Images seems to have it out for us I am not posting the video. You can watch it HERE on Radar Online :)) (INF (not Radar Online) seems to think we make money off of this site and can afford to pay them. They compared us to Perez Hilton for posting unlicensed pictures:) Yeah, my MTV movie awards invitation is due any minute now :)).
Thanks to Yvonne and everyone else for the tip :)
And thanks to Allyson for the youtube link :) Do give radar online hits though, they are always nice to us :)