VIDEO INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson & Willem Dafoe Reveal Farting, Vomiting & Sex In The Lighthouse
Showing posts with label MTV Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTV Interview. Show all posts
VIDEO INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson & Willem Dafoe Reveal Farting, Vomiting & Sex In The Lighthouse
MTV Interview,
Robert Pattinson,
The Lighthouse,
Willem Dafoe
Naomi Watts Talks To MTV About Robert Pattinson & "Queen of the Desert"
UPDATE: Added You Tube Below
Naomi Watts Talks To MTV About Robert Pattinson & "Queen of the Desert"
I know this isn't viewable for those of you outside of the US (coz I can't see it either) so we'll post a You Tube as soon as it's available
Source MTV
Naomi Watts Talks To MTV About Robert Pattinson & "Queen of the Desert"
I know this isn't viewable for those of you outside of the US (coz I can't see it either) so we'll post a You Tube as soon as it's available
Source MTV
Stephenie Meyer Talks About Robert Pattinson's Recent Comment About "Breaking Dawn" Sex Scenes
Stephenie Meyer Talks About Robert Pattinson's Recent Comment About "Breaking Dawn" Sex Scenes
MTV: Meanwhile Robert Pattinson has been describing the vampire sex in the film as "ridiculous" in recent interviews.
(Kate: Well we all know that's NOT actually what he said and thankfully so does Stephenie)
Meyer: Yeah I saw that. I think he was talking about how it was so hard to keep a straight face [during that scene]. (Kate: EXACTLY) For the actors, there are 40 people in the room and most of them are inches away from you. It's a kind of awkward menage-a-forty going on. I think when you see the scene it's a testament to their acting ability that you don't see any of that in that moment at all.
For Stephenie's full interview (which includes her talking about the "supposed" extra scene) head over to MTV
MTV: Meanwhile Robert Pattinson has been describing the vampire sex in the film as "ridiculous" in recent interviews.
(Kate: Well we all know that's NOT actually what he said and thankfully so does Stephenie)
Meyer: Yeah I saw that. I think he was talking about how it was so hard to keep a straight face [during that scene]. (Kate: EXACTLY) For the actors, there are 40 people in the room and most of them are inches away from you. It's a kind of awkward menage-a-forty going on. I think when you see the scene it's a testament to their acting ability that you don't see any of that in that moment at all.
For Stephenie's full interview (which includes her talking about the "supposed" extra scene) head over to MTV
Pics of A Smiley Robert Pattinson From MTV's First
Pics of A Smiley Robert Pattinson From MTV's First
We'll have the vid as soon as it's available but while we wait here's some pics

Click for Larger

We'll have the vid as soon as it's available but while we wait here's some pics
Click for Larger
MTV Interview,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's Interview With Mtv On The Press Line At Comic Con
Robert Pattinson's Interview With Mtv On The Press line At Comic Con
This was the interview that Josh tweeted earlier today saying that it would be on today's MTV Comic Con Livestream
Rob by myrobaddiction
via RobPattzNews
This was the interview that Josh tweeted earlier today saying that it would be on today's MTV Comic Con Livestream
Rob by myrobaddiction
via RobPattzNews
Breaking Dawn,
Comic Con,
MTV Interview,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner On MTV
MTV talks to Robert Pattinson about his dog Bear
MTV talks to Robert Pattinson about his dog Bear
This was missing from the 4,842 MTV clips with Rob. It was in the full length video but that no longer exists. It MUST be reposted. Too cute :))
Click HERE if you want to view all 4,842 clips again.
via Josh Horowitz
This was missing from the 4,842 MTV clips with Rob. It was in the full length video but that no longer exists. It MUST be reposted. Too cute :))
Click HERE if you want to view all 4,842 clips again.
via Josh Horowitz
Robert Pattinson's MTV Interview... here it is!
Oh yum... re-live the lovely..
Broken out into clips from MTV below - but thanks to TwilightBritneyFan some more manageable versions!
More of the interview below in easy to digest chunks!
Water For Elephants clip:
Part 3 - All About WFE:
Part 4 - Talking Tai:
Part 5 - Elephant Farts:
Part 6 - Reese Fangurlz:
Part 7 - Leading ladies:
MUCH MUCH MORE LOVELY after the break.....
Broken out into clips from MTV below - but thanks to TwilightBritneyFan some more manageable versions!
More of the interview below in easy to digest chunks!
Water For Elephants clip:
Part 3 - All About WFE:
Part 4 - Talking Tai:
Part 5 - Elephant Farts:
Part 6 - Reese Fangurlz:
Part 7 - Leading ladies:
MUCH MUCH MORE LOVELY after the break.....
What would YOU ask Robert Pattinson?
MTV is still taking questions from the fans for Friday's MTV First: Robert Pattinson live interview with the man himself... if you haven't shot over a question yet, what are you waiting for? If your question is asked on Friday drop us a line and let us know...
Robert Pattinson Questions Continue To Flood In: We Pick Wednesday's Best From The Fans!

Just think about it, if you send us a question to ask Robert Pattinson during his "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" live chat on Friday, March 18, you are just one degree away from the "Twilight" hottie.
That's right, all this week we're having fans like you come up with questions for RPattz, some of which our own Josh Horowitz will use during his interview with the star—who, in addition to a 30-minute interview on MTV and—will be debuting a brand spankin' new clip from his upcoming film "Water For Elephants"!
On Wednesday Crushers wasted no time getting in their queries for their beloved Rob (there's only two days left, people!). Plenty of fans were curious about his on-set stories from "Water For Elephants," as well as his feelings about fellow heartthrob Justin Bieber and his thoughts on Catherine Hardwicke's latest "Red Riding Hood" (which he was recently spotted seeing with Kristen Stewart!)
Please keep these awesome questions for Rob coming on Twitter—just send them to @MTVNews with the hashtag #AskRob—and maybe we'll post them right here on Hollywood Crush!
And don't forget to tune into MTV for "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, March 18, or watch the stream live at
Robert Pattinson Questions Continue To Flood In: We Pick Wednesday's Best From The Fans!
Just think about it, if you send us a question to ask Robert Pattinson during his "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" live chat on Friday, March 18, you are just one degree away from the "Twilight" hottie.
That's right, all this week we're having fans like you come up with questions for RPattz, some of which our own Josh Horowitz will use during his interview with the star—who, in addition to a 30-minute interview on MTV and—will be debuting a brand spankin' new clip from his upcoming film "Water For Elephants"!
On Wednesday Crushers wasted no time getting in their queries for their beloved Rob (there's only two days left, people!). Plenty of fans were curious about his on-set stories from "Water For Elephants," as well as his feelings about fellow heartthrob Justin Bieber and his thoughts on Catherine Hardwicke's latest "Red Riding Hood" (which he was recently spotted seeing with Kristen Stewart!)
Please keep these awesome questions for Rob coming on Twitter—just send them to @MTVNews with the hashtag #AskRob—and maybe we'll post them right here on Hollywood Crush!
And don't forget to tune into MTV for "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, March 18, or watch the stream live at
Robert Pattinson Recalls 'Most Stupid Thing' He Did For 'Remember Me' - MTV Interview Part 2
Happy "Remember Me" day, everybody! But before you head to the theater to see Robert Pattinson in his first post-Edward Cullen solo project, be sure to read on for part two of our MTV Radio's interview with him for RPattz's thoughts on the film, the scenes that he found hardest to shoot and the dumbest thing he ever did.
MTV: Your character Tyler has some issues with anger, being tormented and especially his parents. Do you have any kind of new insight into why teenagers rebel like this?
Robert Pattinson: I knew a lot of teens who were troubled, and then you meet their families and you're like, "I don't know what his problem is." The families always seem really nice and supportive, and it's just this unknown. You have this energy, and you don't know where to place it. I think the reason why [Tyler] has a problem with his father and not his mother is that he knows his mother isn't strong enough to take it. If he started attacking her, she'd just break. His father is still a fighter, so he's always going to fight against him.
MTV: The movie seems very realistic in its depiction of NYU students — how much did shooting in New York with real locations help?
Pattinson: I always thought about the apartment. If this is just a typical NYU student's apartment — living in the East Village in this really nice apartment — I always thought that was a bit much. It's like a million-dollar apartment! It did help. Annoyingly, I couldn't spend as much time as I thought I could [researching the role].
MTV: Why not?
Pattinson: Before I went to New York, I thought it'd be really easy; I could hang out there and pick up on a lot of New Yorkers' mannerisms and things. But it ended up being more of a circus than I thought it was going to be.
MTV: Was it harder getting into character with all the craziness surrounding you during the shoot?
Pattinson: Kind of. At the beginning it was. But then, halfway through, I had an epiphany, and then I was fine. It's just a matter of learning how to block things out. At the beginning, it was just driving me insane. Especially with a character that's lost and supposed to be looking for [answers] all the time — and you can't look up, because then all the [paparazzi] shutters accelerate. You can't smile, you can't behave normally. You just have to be more disciplined about it.
MTV: Do you think your "Little Ashes" performance as Salvador DalĂ was harmed a bit because people couldn't look at you and not think Edward Cullen?
Pattinson: I think it was. I mean, I shot it before "Twilight," but I think people do judge things differently after the "Twilight"s. But there's nothing you can really do about that. I do take it into account more now than I used to. But during the DalĂ thing, when I was doing it, I didn't think anyone was ever going to see it! It's a very different place to be at when you think you're making a movie which no one is ever going to see. I mean, you're not afraid to experiment with things.
MTV: So knowing that you were famous and people would see "Remember Me," do you feel like you were able to give the film your all?
Pattinson: I don't know. I don't really know what my all is. I think I always felt very connected to it, right from the beginning when I read the script.
MTV: A lot of the anger in the film comes from your relationship with your dad, played by Pierce Brosnan. In real life, do you have a good relationship with your father?
Pattinson: My relationship with my dad is the opposite. The part was written as much more controlling, arrogant — and Pierce seems like a nice guy, so he just read the character as not a horrible man; he's not a monster. It completely changes the relationship Tyler has with him. You're looking at a [father] who you know the audience is going to be thinking, "He's all right," which I thought was quite interesting. It's this guy's rebellion against nothing. You're just attacking someone because you know they can be attacked, and he's going to keep standing afterwards. Pierce was great.
MTV: Did you enjoy the fight scenes? Is it very different than acting with words?
Pattinson: Yes, I loved it. It's completely different. I never do stuff like that, so it was quite cathartic.
MTV: Was it daunting doing those scenes with Oscar winner Chris Cooper?
Pattinson: Yeah. I don't know how I'd feel if I had any fighting back to do. I just continually get beaten up by him. [Laughs.] It's hard, especially being strangled. It's difficult to look like what's actually happening. You're doing it [for the camera] as well, so it's like you're being strangled but nothing really happens. You're just standing there, experimenting with myself. I don't really know what the face is like for someone getting strangled.
MTV: Were you hurt in that particular scene? Because it's very convincing.
Pattinson: No, not at all. But I did hurt myself in a scene they cut out, where I flipped out. [In the scene] I walked into a big confrontation and ended up getting completely destroyed by your competitor. I was doing this thing, hitting myself afterwards in a spur-of-the-moment thing, which they cut out of the movie. But I kept hitting myself so hard. I was in so much pain for the rest of the shoot. It was the most stupid thing I've ever done.
Source MTV
MTV Interview,
Mtv Video,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson talks "Remember Me" & "Unbound Captives" to MTV
From MTV
Robert Pattinson Says Heading Into Non-'Twilight' Territory Is 'Scary'
'You're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance,' he says.
With the #1 movie in the world bearing his name above the title and Hollywood’s hottest scripts lining his doorstep, it’s a good time to be Robert Pattinson. Not that the 23-year-old star has had much chance to enjoy it, as he recently told us he only received “three days off” in 2009, and 2010 looks even busier.
Recently, MTV Radio caught up with the man beloved by millions as Edward Cullen to discuss his plans for the new year — from “Breaking Dawn” and beyond.
“I’ve only done one movie outside of the ‘Twilight’ series, ‘Remember Me,’ ” Rob said of his first true post-fame project, a March 12 romantic drama opposite Emilie de Ravin whose shoot was most notable for its security issues. “But even that I did with the same studio, so I guess I’m still a little bit blind as to what my actual economic viability will be outside of the series.”
Undoubtedly, all eyes will be on “Remember Me” when it tests RPattz’s box-office clout in a few months. Following that and June’s “Eclipse,” his fans will have some other high-profile flicks to look out for.
“I think the tentative time for ‘Breaking Dawn’ is fall next year,” Rob said of the fourth “Twilight” novel, which might be split into two films. “Depending on how things go, I’m doing a movie called ‘Bel Ami’ in February, an adaption to a Guy de Maupassant novel. And I’m doing — I hope — a Western with Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman called ‘Unbound Captives’ sometime around there as well. They’ve got to try and juggle things around until everybody’s schedules work.”
Rob said he was eager to play the “Unbound Captives” role because it’s unlike anything he’s done before. “I’m playing a kid who was kidnapped by Comanche [warriors] when he was 4 years old. And he was brought up by them, and then his mother spends her entire life trying to find me and my sister,” he said of Weisz’s vengeful-mom role. “When she finds us, we can’t remember who she is and can’t remember anything about the Western culture which she grew up in.
“It’s like, you can’t really be more different from Edward,” he added. “I actually signed on to that after I’d done ‘Twilight,’ in the summer after I’d finished [shooting]. It was really before anything had happened [to make me famous]. I wasn’t even really thinking about it.
“It’s just a cool script,” Pattinson said of the film, drawing comparisons to the classic final movie featuring the star he is most often compared to: James Dean. “It reminds me in a lot of ways of ‘Giant,’ which is one of my favorite movies. So I think that’s why I responded to it.”
Already booked pretty solidly for the next year, Rob said he’ll continue to read new scripts and look for other parts that might catch his attention — even if there are some facets of his newfound fame that undermine the process.
“It’s definitely different,” he said of being a famous actor as opposed to a struggling one. “You get offered stuff that you would never dream of getting offered before, but that’s also scary. You don’t have to audition for anything. [But] I don’t want to do a movie just so it gets made. … You have to question yourself a lot more.
“Before ‘Twilight,’ I did any movie that I got [offered], and you’d try and make the best of it afterwards,” he explained. “But now, you’re expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance as well. You can’t just mess around. People are like, ‘We’re employing you to be here, as a star and an actor.’ It’s difficult, and it’s scary.”
Source MTV
MTV Interview,
Remember Me,
Robert Pattinson,
Unbound Captives
Robert Pattinson says he's possessive like Edward in MTV Interview
Robert Pattinson On Fame: 'I'm Pretty Much Exactly The Same'
'New Moon' star also contemplates a fight with Taylor Lautner and separating on- and offscreen romance.
As we enter December, "New Moon" is still riding high at the box office. And although it's a few weeks until Christmas, that doesn't mean "Twilight" fans aren't already dreaming of finding RPattz under their tree. (Kate: Yeap and I won't be happy with a PE or a Cardboard Edward, I want the real thing please Santa, I've been really good)
Well, we're always willing to start the party a bit early. Today, we present the final installment of an MTV Radio interview with Robert Pattinson, following up on his thoughts about romance and Taylor Lautner's transformation. Read on for candy-cane-flavored as Spunk Ransom talks fame, fighting Lautner and the danger of romancing a leading lady.
MTV: How are you dealing with the franchise's explosion into a full-blown phenomenon?
Robert Pattinson: I guess it's inevitable that you become more comfortable. You still fight against some things, but there's nothing really scary about it. I like all the people I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or anything when we're doing it, especially on "New Moon." It just seemed so relaxed and easy. I mean, I've been on three different sets since January 14th. I've had, like, three days off. [So when people ask me,] "Has your life changed?" I don't know. I'm still on set. I'm going to be on set all next year as well. As for [running] errands and things, I don't know what that really is like, because I haven't had a sustained period of time where I've been off. ... I still feel like I'm pretty much exactly the same, which is maybe not a good thing.
MTV Interview: Robert Pattinson says 90 year old women say the same things to him as 12 year olds!
From MTV
Robert Pattinson Calls Taylor Lautner's Transformation 'Strange'
'I was like, 'Jeez, now I have to go to the gym!' ' the 'New Moon' star recalls
With "New Moon" still riding high at the box office and poised to become one of the highest-grossing films of the year — if not all time — the world can't seem to get enough of Robert Pattinson. It's a good thing, then, that our pals over at MTV Radio recently spoke with the "Twilight" heartthrob.
Last week, we brought you RPattz's thoughts on romances, both onscreen and off. Now, as those Thanksgiving leftovers wear thin, we're happy to dish out part two of that interview, featuring some yummy tidbits on Rob's 90-year-old fans, jealousy over Taylor's bod, and his New Year's resolution to be less self-deprecating.
Robert Pattinson: 'I Haven't Done That Many Romantic Things In My Life'
'New Moon' star talks onscreen and off-screen romances with MTV Radio. 
BEVERLY HILLS, California — As you read this, "New Moon" has the biggest opening weekend of 2009, will certainly rake in millions more this weekend and could possibly go on to become the highest-grossing film of the year. In short, it's a very good time to be Robert Pattinson.
Recently, the man otherwise known as Edward Cullen sat down with MTV Radio for a frank chat about life in both Hollywood and Forks, Washington. If you can spare 10 minutes between trips to the theater for repeat viewings, read on to learn RPattz's thoughts about his director, the hardest "New Moon" scenes to shoot, and the most romantic thing he's ever done.
MTV: Tell us about working with Chris Weitz. What were your thoughts when you first received his now-famous "orientation guide"?
Robert Pattinson: When he gave that out, it was such [a surprise]; I mean, I'd never had that from any director. It was 40, 50 pages long, this thing. And this is in addition to a bunch of letters and e-mails and everything [he had sent the cast], trying to show that he's on the same page as us and he's completely with us in making the film. And he didn't falter from that attitude throughout the whole movie. It probably sounds ridiculous how much praise this guy gets. I was just with his wife and him in Japan, and she was even sick of it! But he is like a saint. He's one of the best people I've ever met, let alone directors. I think in a lot of ways that shows in the movie — it's got a lot of heart.
MTV: Since you're only in parts of the film, did you feel disjointed from your castmates? Did you wish Edward was in "New Moon" more?
Pattinson: Those [hallucination] scenes were the hardest scenes. They weren't really at the time, but when I saw the first cut of the movie, I was like, [we need to re-do this]; we've changed them quite a bit in the edit and ADR, mainly because it's so difficult. It's not Edward who you're playing, it's a manifestation of Bella's loneliness and desperation. That was always very difficult — I was trying to ask Kristen, "How would you play it?" As for being alone, I think I've always felt a little bit aloof as the character throughout the whole series. I think that's how he is.
MTV: But do you appreciate Edward more with each movie?
Pattinson: It's funny, because when I read "New Moon," it gave me ideas about how to play him in the first one. It's the one I connected to the most, and the one that humanized Edward for me the most. In the first one, he remains from beginning to end an idealistic character; in the second one, he makes a mistake that's acknowledged by everybody, including himself. He's totally undermined by more powerful creatures, and he's undermined emotionally by people as well. I think that's what humanized it.
MTV: Are you a romantic person in real life?
Pattinson: I haven't done that many romantic things in my life ... I like the romantic scenes. I felt like a lot of the story line in "New Moon" is very heartbreaking and true. And I didn't think I was doing something just for the sake of romance. In a lot of ways, it's a very sad story. Hmmm ... what's the most romantic thing I've ever done?
MTV: Have you ever serenaded anybody?
Pattinson: Oh no [laughs]. I don't think that would ever be romantic. You have to have so much balls to do that. I actually can't think of the most romantic thing I've ever done. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15 years old, this girl Maria. Maybe I was 14. Anyway, she thought it was somebody else. And the other guy claimed it [was him], which was great.
Source: MTV
BEVERLY HILLS, California — As you read this, "New Moon" has the biggest opening weekend of 2009, will certainly rake in millions more this weekend and could possibly go on to become the highest-grossing film of the year. In short, it's a very good time to be Robert Pattinson.
Recently, the man otherwise known as Edward Cullen sat down with MTV Radio for a frank chat about life in both Hollywood and Forks, Washington. If you can spare 10 minutes between trips to the theater for repeat viewings, read on to learn RPattz's thoughts about his director, the hardest "New Moon" scenes to shoot, and the most romantic thing he's ever done.
MTV: Tell us about working with Chris Weitz. What were your thoughts when you first received his now-famous "orientation guide"?
Robert Pattinson: When he gave that out, it was such [a surprise]; I mean, I'd never had that from any director. It was 40, 50 pages long, this thing. And this is in addition to a bunch of letters and e-mails and everything [he had sent the cast], trying to show that he's on the same page as us and he's completely with us in making the film. And he didn't falter from that attitude throughout the whole movie. It probably sounds ridiculous how much praise this guy gets. I was just with his wife and him in Japan, and she was even sick of it! But he is like a saint. He's one of the best people I've ever met, let alone directors. I think in a lot of ways that shows in the movie — it's got a lot of heart.
MTV: Since you're only in parts of the film, did you feel disjointed from your castmates? Did you wish Edward was in "New Moon" more?
Pattinson: Those [hallucination] scenes were the hardest scenes. They weren't really at the time, but when I saw the first cut of the movie, I was like, [we need to re-do this]; we've changed them quite a bit in the edit and ADR, mainly because it's so difficult. It's not Edward who you're playing, it's a manifestation of Bella's loneliness and desperation. That was always very difficult — I was trying to ask Kristen, "How would you play it?" As for being alone, I think I've always felt a little bit aloof as the character throughout the whole series. I think that's how he is.
MTV: But do you appreciate Edward more with each movie?
Pattinson: It's funny, because when I read "New Moon," it gave me ideas about how to play him in the first one. It's the one I connected to the most, and the one that humanized Edward for me the most. In the first one, he remains from beginning to end an idealistic character; in the second one, he makes a mistake that's acknowledged by everybody, including himself. He's totally undermined by more powerful creatures, and he's undermined emotionally by people as well. I think that's what humanized it.
MTV: Are you a romantic person in real life?
Pattinson: I haven't done that many romantic things in my life ... I like the romantic scenes. I felt like a lot of the story line in "New Moon" is very heartbreaking and true. And I didn't think I was doing something just for the sake of romance. In a lot of ways, it's a very sad story. Hmmm ... what's the most romantic thing I've ever done?
MTV: Have you ever serenaded anybody?
Pattinson: Oh no [laughs]. I don't think that would ever be romantic. You have to have so much balls to do that. I actually can't think of the most romantic thing I've ever done. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15 years old, this girl Maria. Maybe I was 14. Anyway, she thought it was somebody else. And the other guy claimed it [was him], which was great.
Source: MTV
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