VIDEO: Robert Pattinson talks to Variety about The Lighthouse, Christopher Nolan, and of course, The Batman!
Hiiiii Rob! This is the video interview that accompanies those amazing pics and the interview from Variety. Enjoy! I know you will. :)))
INTERVIEW: What Did Robert Pattinson Think About All The People Who Dressed Up As 'Good Time's' Connie This Halloween? found out..........

When Robert Pattinson takes out his phone to show you something, the least you can do is lean forward and take a gander. It’s a few days after Halloween, and the actor is swiping through social media-posted photos of men dressed up as his peroxide-blonde, red-jacketed character in his most recent film, Good Time. His co-director, Josh Safdie, has texted him a steady dose of pics.
“It’s crazy!” he exclaims while scrolling. “There are tons of them. Loads and loads. It’s so unexpected. It really, really shocked me. Like wow, people like the movie! It’s nice.”
Indeed, Pattinson — best known for his turn as brooding vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga — is currently at the 20th annual SCAD Savannah Film Festival to receive the Maverick Award for his startlingly intense performance. He hides his dashing looks (and British accent) in the gritty indie to portray Constantine, a hot-headed, low-level crook from Queens, New York, who embarks on a late-night odyssey to bail his mentally impaired brother out of prison after a failed robbery attempt. “I was really happy with the movie,” he says. “I’m amazed that I’m not sick of talking about it.”
Speaking from a room inside the Savannah College of Arts and Design library, Pattinson, 31, talks about making Good Time, his Twilight legacy and more with
Do you prefer Robert or Rob?
Call me anything!
What about R-Patz? Do you hate that?
I don’t understand how I can get rid of that. It’s so annoying. Jennifer Lopez started the J.Lo thing, but I didn’t start that name! Why some people get a nickname and some people don’t is really unfair!
So let’s talk about Good Time. It’s electrifying but definitely doesn’t go down easy. Was it challenging to film?
It was a high level of energy to maintain. But it’s a fun part. The moral compass of a character is neither here nor there. He’s not a good or bad person. He’s also kind of nuts. I always find it interesting to play a part where all this guy’s actions indicate that he’s a bad person and your only job is trying to fudge that. You don’t know what’s going on. You could have easily played it as a complete psychopath.
Your Queens accent is particularly impressive.
I’m weird with accents. I don’t think I’ve ever done the same accent in a movie ever. Even when I try to do an English accent, it doesn’t come out in my normal voice. I’ve learned that if you just spend enough time with people, it just all starts happening. For this movie, the script was written in a Queens accent and accents are always the first thing I pick up on when I read something. It’s a fun one to do. You can feel it when it feels right.
You also had a strong turn in The Lost City of Z this spring. Do you think 2017 was the year you officially broke out from being “Twilight actor Robert Pattinson”?
Um, no. Actually, I was pretty surprised by Lost City of Z. I was barely in it! People liked it. But with Good Time, I was consciously trying to do something that felt different. I’m also just older. I used to be so worried about looking too young. This is the first year where it’s like, nope! I’m going to have to try to look younger again.
Have you ruled out doing another big film franchise like Harry Potter and Twilight?
No way! I find it so difficult to find anything I get excited about. In general, it’s about directors. If a great director called, I’d be like, “Yeah.” Martin Scorsese is producing a film I’m starting next year.
Looking back, what do you think is Twilight’s legacy?
It’s fascinating. They’re such odd, specific movies. And they became so mainstream. . . Even now, I don’t know anything else like it. It’s essentially a romance. I like romantic movies. But whenever you try to find one, people are like, “Oh, no one goes to see romantic movies.” But what about Twilight? It seems to me like such an anomaly. It’s still quite a unique story, and even the audience is unique. It was swayed so specifically female. It didn’t even try to appeal to a male audience! That’s still really interesting to me.
NEW FAN PIC: Robert Pattinson At FKA Twig's Soundtrack 7 Show In Manchester Today (17th July)
It's blurry but it's Rob and his biceps :)
"Had a bloody marvellous evening @MIFestival, watched @fkatwigs amazing Soundtrack 7, spotted one Mr Robert Pattinson then tea at Sapporo for my sushi fix! #MIF2015 #OldGranadaStudio #Manchester #FKATwigs #Soundtrack7 #RobertPattinson #Sapporo #sushi #gyoza"
Want a closer look? Thought so!
Source via Robjectify
NEW / OLD stills of Robert Pattinson in The Rover
And a new version of the poster for The Rover.
For any Japanese readers there is more information available at the Facebook site. Click the source below to see ...
MORE HQ Pics From Robert Pattinson's Cannes Photocall
There's some of him arriving for the photocall and some from the actual photocall.
I think there's some that we had already (It's getting a bit confusing ;-})
Click for HQ
Loads More After The Cut
David Cronenberg Says That Robert Pattinson Impressed Paul Giamatti
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
Last month, when MTV News asked David Cronenberg about working with Robert Pattinson on his upcoming film "Cosmopolis," the director put his feelings about the "Twilight" heartthrob simply: "He's sensational."
Cronenberg said that "Twilight" fans would see Pattinson in a way they aren't used to, since the role shares more in common with the actor's lesser-known films like "Little Ashes" and "Remember Me."
When the director walked the red carpet last week at the Gotham Independent Film Awards in support of his film "A Dangerous Method," he stopped to speak again with MTV News' Josh Horowitz, revealing which scenes in particular were the most challenging for Pattinson.
"Probably the last couple of days was where there was just a long, long, maybe 15-minute scene with Paul Giamatti, just the two of them in a couple of rooms," Cronenberg said. In "Cosmopolis," Pattinson plays Eric Packer, a young millionaire who just wants to get his hair cut. Things go awry when his limo gets stuck in traffic and a stalker, played by Giamatti, causes even more trouble.
Cronenberg said that one of the biggest testaments to Pattinson's skill as an actor was the effect he had on his Academy Award-nominated co-star. "They were both brilliant, and Paul was really impressed," he said. "If Paul's impressed, he's a good judge of other actors, and he said so publicly."
Check out the full article over at MTV
You Tube
Robert Pattinson Tells iVillage That The Headboard Breaking Scene Was "Really Hard"
New/Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson With A Fan At Comic-Con
Robert Pattinson & Catherine Grimme (Young Bella In Twilight) Now In UHQ
Loads of jawporn, the perfect amount of stubble and the hair!
And the fact that "Twilight" was on over here last night is just making me go all fussy over this pic ;-}
I love it!
Cropped (just because)
Click & Click Again For UHQ
Source diariotwilight via robstenation
And this was what Catherine said about meeting Rob (from a post originally on the blog HERE back in 2009)
On meeting Pattinson: "He was very nice. I was kind of star-struck. Is he cute? That's what most people say. I'm not so sure about that myself."
Mother Kim Grimme adds: "Catherine Hardwicke made a point of introducing Robert to Cat (as the family calls her). He got down on his knees so he would be at eye level. And, of course, because he's got a British accent, everything sounds better. Cat said she liked him in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' (Pattinson played Cedric Diggory)(Gozde: Well he actually played Cedric in The Goblet of Fire and he is listed in the cast for Order of the Phoenix because they used his images from GOF but that's just a detail :). We took pictures of her with Robert, and with Kristen Stewart (Bella). He was talking and joking with the other cast. Kristen was a little more introverted.
You can see the pic of Catherine with Kristen over on diariotwilight
Robert Pattinson Likes......
Happy Trail = Happy Me;-}
Source Joe Boxer
via RobPattzNews
More Robert Pattinson Fanpics From Comic-Con & A Little Challenge
AND we couldn't let this pic go by without setting a little challenge (just for fun).
We challenge you to.............Caption this pic of Robert Pattinson!
Leave your caption in the comments below and vote for you fave by clicking the like button (as always).
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MORE After The Cut
*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson At Today's Press Conference In Paris
Check out Pics of Reese, Christoph & Francis At the Source
via RobPattzNews
Robert Pattinson "You Know My Name"
Adorkable Robert Pattinson wins the day everytime.
Thanks to Patty13Mai for making the vid and lover3262 for sending it to us.
Robert Pattinson Article with
Out of the vampire's shadow
As Hollywood’s hottest property, Robert Pattinson doesn’t need to sit around waiting for the phone to ring.
Sifting through a mountain of scripts and trying to navigate a satisfying career path, while everyone wants a piece of him, will be a more familiar scenario.
With the whole world watching his every move, how did the star of the Twilight films decide to follow the smash hit
Fairly easily, it turns out.
“I never like anything, so it’s quite easy to decide what to do,” he admits, candidly.
“I’ve never felt any pressure to do anything, particularly. Even when we were shooting it I never thought about the box office.”
It may be far from his mind, but Pattinson, known as R-Patz to his adoring fans, is certainly box office-friendly. Propelled to stardom as the pale and mysterious vampire Edward Cullen, he now inspires hysteria whenever he steps out in public.
Today is no exception, and journalists preparing to grill him about his latest release have had to wait patiently as he works the red carpet outside the film’s premiere in London’s Leicester Square, signing autograph after autograph for overwhelmed fans.
In person, he is undeniably good looking, with a striking bone structure, tousled hair and cheeks decidedly rosier than those of his vampire alter ego. (Kat: I would have to agree with this wholeheartedly.)
He is also rather self-deprecating, and has a tendency to backtrack and correct himself while he’s speaking. Even so, he seems to know his own mind when it comes to career choices.
“I had read tonnes and tonnes of scripts over the summer after I did Twilight, I mean hundreds, and everything seemed exactly the same.
“But this one, the way the dialogue was written, it just seemed much more naturalistic than most things,” he says.
“It’s not really a feel-good movie. They don’t make movies like it anymore, I think that’s how I kind of choose stuff, that’s the only criteria I have. There seems to be a gap in the market for something and I just try and do that.”
Robert Pattinson says goobye to the US for now!
*pictures are resized to fit your screen, right click and save for HQ*