Showing posts with label Little Ashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Ashes. Show all posts
Old pictures of Robert Pattinson in better quality but always yummy as ever
Old pictures of Robert Pattinson in better quality but always yummy as ever
This is a small collection of old Rob pictures that have popped up over the last few days. Nothing we haven't seen before but they're either larger, UHQ, untagged...take your pick. We just know they're awesome because they're all of Rob. :)
MORE under the cut!
This is a small collection of old Rob pictures that have popped up over the last few days. Nothing we haven't seen before but they're either larger, UHQ, untagged...take your pick. We just know they're awesome because they're all of Rob. :)
MORE under the cut!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: July 15: ~ Little Ashes gif
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: July 15: ~ Little Ashes gif
One of Rob's pre-Twilight roles and also famous for being the one that David Cronenberg often mentions as the standout that led him to seeking Rob for Eric Packer. Love it. Rob put himself out there as Dali and impressed more than his fans with his performance.
"Mmmmm ya *stares*"

"mesmerizing... "
"So many to choose from, but how can I pass up DancingDaliRob? I can’t."

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Click for HQ!
One of Rob's pre-Twilight roles and also famous for being the one that David Cronenberg often mentions as the standout that led him to seeking Rob for Eric Packer. Love it. Rob put himself out there as Dali and impressed more than his fans with his performance.
"Mmmmm ya *stares*"
"mesmerizing... "
"So many to choose from, but how can I pass up DancingDaliRob? I can’t."
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Click for HQ!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: July 6 ~ Little Ashes Still
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: July 6 ~ Little Ashes Still
Myself and Tink were so nearly twinsies on this one!
"Hipster before hipster was hipster. Look at that ‘tache."
"just perfect."
"Row, row, row your boat…………"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the July calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Myself and Tink were so nearly twinsies on this one!
"Hipster before hipster was hipster. Look at that ‘tache."
"just perfect."
"Row, row, row your boat…………"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the July calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 5 ~ Fave movie poster of Rob
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 5 ~ Fave movie poster of Rob
"Tough choice because I love so many of Rob’s posters but I’m going with this one & what makes me love it more is that I own it ;-)"
"i thought this would be tough but it wasn’t. i love several of Rob’s posters - Cosmopolis, the first version of the Twilight poster, Water for Elephants - but the Remember Me poster gets me. it might be because out of all his posters, this is the one that looks most like him. it’s how Rob looks normally. it’s a sweet, romantic poster with hints of sadness. "
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
"Tough choice because I love so many of Rob’s posters but I’m going with this one & what makes me love it more is that I own it ;-)"
" I love this one, Little Ashes is up there in my top three Rob movies. Plus, it shows off the Sanpaku like nobodies bizniz!"

"i thought this would be tough but it wasn’t. i love several of Rob’s posters - Cosmopolis, the first version of the Twilight poster, Water for Elephants - but the Remember Me poster gets me. it might be because out of all his posters, this is the one that looks most like him. it’s how Rob looks normally. it’s a sweet, romantic poster with hints of sadness. "
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
David Cronenberg talks about Robert Pattinson: "He was terrific and not predictable and dead-on accurate"
David Cronenberg talks about Robert Pattinson: "He was terrific and not predictable and dead-on accurate"

More compliments from David and I can never get enough. :)
From Indiewire/Thompson on Hollywood:
Anne Thompson: Why did you cast "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson as your ice-cold 28-year-old Master of the Universe?
David Cronenberg: Of course you begin with the basics. Is he the right age for the character? Does he feel convincing as a screen presence? Obviously you need someone with charisma to hold the audience for the entire movie. He's in every scene without exception, that's unusual. You want someone proven, who people want to watch, who will never be boring. I knew I would be crawling all over his face for the entire movie, so I wanted someone whose face is constantly changing, through all the angles. And he had to have chops for tricky dialogue. The art of casting is to intuit, to see from what he's done before that he could do this.
Was there a particular performance that gave you confidence?
I saw him in "Little Ashes" as the young Salvador Dali. He does a Spanish accent, he was not afraid to play a character of ambiguous sexuality and eccentricity. That probably of all the things I saw made me think he was the right guy.
Did you cast Pattinson with a certain likeability factor in mind, so that audiences would like him in spite of the character he is playing? Feel some vulnerablity?
I really don't care. I want the lead character in a movie to be interesting, fascinating and complex, but to be likeable to me is way down the list. It's not on the list, because it is a simplistic thing for the lead character to must be likable. He has to be watchable, that's the key, and fascinating, and likeable if it works for the project, fine, let him be likeable. If not I don't worry about it. There are actors who do not want to play unlikeable characters, afraid it will damage their credibility as stars or effect them personally. Actors who are more interested in being actors than stars, like Viggo Mortensen, don't worry about being likeable or not on screen.
How did Pattinson surprise you?
He literally surprised me every day, as he read dialogue and interacted with the other actors. We were throwing different factors at him almost very day because of the stucture of the screenplay. He really has extended scenes. With one actor at the end, Paul Giamatti, he really let it fly, in that he didn't cling to a preconceived idea of what he should be doing. He reacted spontaneously to other actors as they surprised him and he surprised them. He was terrific and not predictable and dead-on accurate.
How many takes do you do?
One or two. The whole last shot was a long take with Giamatti, three minutes in that last 22-minute scene.
Click HERE to read more!
More compliments from David and I can never get enough. :)
From Indiewire/Thompson on Hollywood:
Anne Thompson: Why did you cast "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson as your ice-cold 28-year-old Master of the Universe?
David Cronenberg: Of course you begin with the basics. Is he the right age for the character? Does he feel convincing as a screen presence? Obviously you need someone with charisma to hold the audience for the entire movie. He's in every scene without exception, that's unusual. You want someone proven, who people want to watch, who will never be boring. I knew I would be crawling all over his face for the entire movie, so I wanted someone whose face is constantly changing, through all the angles. And he had to have chops for tricky dialogue. The art of casting is to intuit, to see from what he's done before that he could do this.
Was there a particular performance that gave you confidence?
I saw him in "Little Ashes" as the young Salvador Dali. He does a Spanish accent, he was not afraid to play a character of ambiguous sexuality and eccentricity. That probably of all the things I saw made me think he was the right guy.
Did you cast Pattinson with a certain likeability factor in mind, so that audiences would like him in spite of the character he is playing? Feel some vulnerablity?
I really don't care. I want the lead character in a movie to be interesting, fascinating and complex, but to be likeable to me is way down the list. It's not on the list, because it is a simplistic thing for the lead character to must be likable. He has to be watchable, that's the key, and fascinating, and likeable if it works for the project, fine, let him be likeable. If not I don't worry about it. There are actors who do not want to play unlikeable characters, afraid it will damage their credibility as stars or effect them personally. Actors who are more interested in being actors than stars, like Viggo Mortensen, don't worry about being likeable or not on screen.
How did Pattinson surprise you?
He literally surprised me every day, as he read dialogue and interacted with the other actors. We were throwing different factors at him almost very day because of the stucture of the screenplay. He really has extended scenes. With one actor at the end, Paul Giamatti, he really let it fly, in that he didn't cling to a preconceived idea of what he should be doing. He reacted spontaneously to other actors as they surprised him and he surprised them. He was terrific and not predictable and dead-on accurate.
How many takes do you do?
One or two. The whole last shot was a long take with Giamatti, three minutes in that last 22-minute scene.
Click HERE to read more!
Robert Pattinson reunites with Little Ashes co-star in Barcelona
This is too sweet. Robert Pattinson once starred in a movie called Little Ashes. It was before he was ROBERT PATTINSON if you know what I'm sayin'.
While the film was a male heavy, the main female in that film was Marina Gatell. Here are a couple of caps from the film with Rob and Marina.

And look who showed up to support Rob in Barcelona while he promoted Water for Elephants. :)

Photo caption: Rob and Marina Gatell reunited again at Barcelona!!! so sweet!!!
If you understand Spanish, here is the Rob & Marina story:
If you don't understand Spanish, here is the utterly confusing, lost in translation, Rob & Marina story:
Ok it's not SO bad. We remember the scene with Rob and the paint in Little Ashes. Tears at my heart. But no sad stuff. This encounter is just too cute.
RpattzSpain shares this: "I'm the girl who took the pic, and I can assure you Rob recognized her, he gave her a big hug and his phone number. Marina had tears at her eyes! It was really sweet."
All together now..."AWWWWWWWW!" <3
Source | Source via Robstenation
Caps: RobertPattinsonSource
While the film was a male heavy, the main female in that film was Marina Gatell. Here are a couple of caps from the film with Rob and Marina.
And look who showed up to support Rob in Barcelona while he promoted Water for Elephants. :)
Photo caption: Rob and Marina Gatell reunited again at Barcelona!!! so sweet!!!
If you understand Spanish, here is the Rob & Marina story:
Y para las que quieran saber:
Rob en la última escena de Little Ashes acababa lleno de pintura, y esa escena la rodaron en un almacen donde no hubo baño. Y claro al terminar de rodar Rob estaba lleno de pintura, y no es como hoy en día que Rob tiene todas las facilidades, y tenía que marcharse a su hotel lleno de pintura. Así que claro el pobre no podía coger un taxi porque nadie quería que le manchara entero el coche, y tenía que andar mucho para llegar a su hotel y la gente le miraba por la calle. Así que Marina que se llevaba muy bien con el le ofreció su casa que estaba cerca para que pudiese ir a ducharse allí y poder quitarse la pintura. Esta anecdota la contó Rob en algunas ocasiones como un recuerdo muy bueno de su compañera :).
If you don't understand Spanish, here is the utterly confusing, lost in translation, Rob & Marina story:
"Rob in Little Ashes last scene just full of paint, and that scene shot in a warehouse where there was no bathroom. And of course the end of filming Rob was full of paint, and not like today that Rob has all the facilities and had to leave his hotel full of paint. So of course the poor man could take a taxi because no one wanted to be stained whole car, and had to walk far to get to your hotel and the people he looked down the street. So Marina got along very well with offered her house which was close so he could go to shower there and to remove the paint. This anecdote was told to Rob sometimes a very good memory of her companion."
Ok it's not SO bad. We remember the scene with Rob and the paint in Little Ashes. Tears at my heart. But no sad stuff. This encounter is just too cute.
RpattzSpain shares this: "I'm the girl who took the pic, and I can assure you Rob recognized her, he gave her a big hug and his phone number. Marina had tears at her eyes! It was really sweet."
All together now..."AWWWWWWWW!" <3
Source | Source via Robstenation
Caps: RobertPattinsonSource
Old behind the scenes pictures of Robert Pattinson in Little Ashes
Old behind the scenes pictures of Robert Pattinson in Little Ashes
Last time we saw these, they were tagged. Now they're back in all their untagged glory!

Well hellOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why isn't this in UHQ?!

I love DaliRob! Long live Robvador!
Thanks Nel for the tip!
Last time we saw these, they were tagged. Now they're back in all their untagged glory!
Well hellOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why isn't this in UHQ?!
I love DaliRob! Long live Robvador!
Thanks Nel for the tip!
Beautiful NEW Robert Pattinson Wallpapers
Videos of Robert Pattinson Behind The Scenes in Little Ashes
Videos of Robert Pattinson Behind The Scenes in Little Ashes
I love Robvador. Check out these BTS videos recently uploaded by
Ricky Martin Tweets About Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes"
Ricky Martin Tweets About Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes"
Yes Ricky it is Brilliant! Long Live Robert Pattinson!

Thanks to everyone who sent us tips about this!
Yes Ricky it is Brilliant! Long Live Robert Pattinson!
Thanks to everyone who sent us tips about this!
Little Ashes,
Ricky Martin,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's "Little Ashes" Wins Glaad Award
Such good news. We love "Little Ashes" so much and it's great to see it getting recognition.
Congratulations to everyone involved!

Congratulations to everyone involved!
Outstanding Film-Limited Release: Little Ashes (Regent Releasing)
Gladd Awards,
Little Ashes,
Robert Pattinson
Little Ashes Spoiler Post
Now that Little Ashes is available on DVD in the US Candy Girl suggested we made a spoiler thread so that people could discuss the movie. Well here it is, go in and discuss Robvador!
Watch Robert Pattinson Instantly on Netflix
Imagine my surprise as I browse through the "Watch Instantly" section of Netflix and see our Rob gazing back at me in full on Art mode.

I know what I'm watching tonight!
Who's joining me?
Thanks to ASDF in the comments who pointed out that Little Ashes is also available to Watch Instantly! LOVE Netflix.
I know what I'm watching tonight!
Who's joining me?
Thanks to ASDF in the comments who pointed out that Little Ashes is also available to Watch Instantly! LOVE Netflix.
Little Ashes Day!
Yes for those of you in the US it's finally here. You can get your copy of "Little Ashes" from today!
SO if you haven't seen the movie yet or if you just want to watch it again, what are you waiting for?
You can order here from
And just in case you have any doubt in your mind about getting then it look at what you'll be missing!
Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes in Dallas (Garland) TODAY
Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes is playing in Dallas (Garland) TODAY. Thanks to Donna for sending us the info :) Go and check it out! You'll get to see this on the big screen:

Click HERE for show times and address.
The Little Ashes DVD is already released in the UK and the US release date is January 26th!
You can pre-order:
Click HERE for show times and address.
The Little Ashes DVD is already released in the UK and the US release date is January 26th!
You can pre-order:
Robert Pattinson's 'Little Ashes' gets GLAAD Nomination
Robert Pattinson's film, "Little Ashes," in which he plays Salvador Dali and appears nude with the Spanish actor who plays Frederico Garcia Lorca, is nominated for a GLAAD award!
Well, Rob's in excellent company.
Here are more nominees for the 21st Annual GLAAD Media Awards, which will be held on in Los Angeles on April 15, 2010.
Among the film nominees: Tom Ford's Golden Globe®-nominated film "A Single Man," Lee Daniel's Golden Globe®-nominated film "Precious," Ang Lee's latest film "Taking Woodstock," and, of course, "Little Ashes," starring "Twilight: New Moon" star Robert Pattinson.
On TV, the GLAAD nominees include AMC's acclaimed drama "Mad Men," FOX's hit show "Glee," ABC's new comedy "Modern Family," Logo's reality show "RuPaul's Drag Race," "The Joy Behar Show," and "The Early Show's" interviews with Chaz Bono, Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert.
"Words and images matter," saysGLAAD President Jarrett Barrios of this year's nominees. "With these awards, we seek to recognize news coverage and entertainment programming that go beyond stock stereotypes with LGBT storylines that more fully reflect the challenges gay and transgender people face and the aspirations we hold for ourselves and our families."
The GLAAD Media Awards ceremonies will be held in New York on March 13, 2010 at the Marriott Marquis; in Los Angeles on April 17 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza; and in San Francisco on June 5 at The Westin St. Francis.
"Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon will be honored at the New York event, which will be hosted by Broadway and film star Alan Cumming. The Broadway cast of "Hair" will also receive Special Recognition for their commitment to raising visibility for marriage equality.
Great News,
Little Ashes,
Robert Pattinson
Little Ashes And New Moon Eligable For An Oscar
Oh my God how exciting is this??
The movies have been submitted to the Oscar's committee for consideration and they've been accepted. So if the academy members vote for them they have a chance to be nominated!
It's a long shot but you never know.

Javier Beltran. Robert Pattinson. Matthew McNulty. Marina Gatell. Esther Nubiola.
Bruno Oro. Simon Andreau. Vicky Pena. Arly Jover. Marc Pujol. Ruben Arroyo. Diana
Gomez. Pep Sais. Joan Pico. Ferran Audi. Adria Allue. Ferran Lahoz. Cristian Rodrigo.
Sue Flack. Adrian Devant. Ramon Enrich. Xavi Siles. Philippa Goslett. Hannah Rutzou.
Paco Alonso.

Kristen Stewart. Robert Pattinson. Taylor Lautner. Ashley Greene. Rachelle LeFevre.
Billy Burke. Michael Sheen. Dakota Fanning. Peter Facinelli. Elizabeth Reaser. Jackson
Rathbone. Kellan Lutz. Nikki Reed. Edi Gathegi. Graham Greene. Gil Birmingham.
Anna Kendrick. Michael Welch. Justin Chon. Christian Serratos. Jamie Campbell
Bower. Christina Jastrzembska. Russell Roberts. Cam Gigandet. Christopher Heyerdahl.
Curtis Caravaggio. Daniel Cudmore. Charlie Bewley. Chaske Spencer. Adrien
Dorval. Michael Adamthwaite. Alexander Mendeluk. Hunter Jackson. Gavin Bristol.
Sean McGrath. Tyson Houseman. Kiowa Gordon. Alex Meraz. Bronson Pelletier. Tinsel
Korey. Corinna Russo. Maria Grazia Pompei. Roberto Marchetti. Alessandro Federico.
Justine Wachsberger. Cameron Bright. Noot Seear.
Also "Adventureland" is on the list too
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Source Thanks to Mira for the tip
The movies have been submitted to the Oscar's committee for consideration and they've been accepted. So if the academy members vote for them they have a chance to be nominated!
It's a long shot but you never know.
Javier Beltran. Robert Pattinson. Matthew McNulty. Marina Gatell. Esther Nubiola.
Bruno Oro. Simon Andreau. Vicky Pena. Arly Jover. Marc Pujol. Ruben Arroyo. Diana
Gomez. Pep Sais. Joan Pico. Ferran Audi. Adria Allue. Ferran Lahoz. Cristian Rodrigo.
Sue Flack. Adrian Devant. Ramon Enrich. Xavi Siles. Philippa Goslett. Hannah Rutzou.
Paco Alonso.
Kristen Stewart. Robert Pattinson. Taylor Lautner. Ashley Greene. Rachelle LeFevre.
Billy Burke. Michael Sheen. Dakota Fanning. Peter Facinelli. Elizabeth Reaser. Jackson
Rathbone. Kellan Lutz. Nikki Reed. Edi Gathegi. Graham Greene. Gil Birmingham.
Anna Kendrick. Michael Welch. Justin Chon. Christian Serratos. Jamie Campbell
Bower. Christina Jastrzembska. Russell Roberts. Cam Gigandet. Christopher Heyerdahl.
Curtis Caravaggio. Daniel Cudmore. Charlie Bewley. Chaske Spencer. Adrien
Dorval. Michael Adamthwaite. Alexander Mendeluk. Hunter Jackson. Gavin Bristol.
Sean McGrath. Tyson Houseman. Kiowa Gordon. Alex Meraz. Bronson Pelletier. Tinsel
Korey. Corinna Russo. Maria Grazia Pompei. Roberto Marchetti. Alessandro Federico.
Justine Wachsberger. Cameron Bright. Noot Seear.
Also "Adventureland" is on the list too
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Source Thanks to Mira for the tip
Best of Luck,
Kristen Stewart,
Little Ashes,
New Moon.,
Robert Pattinson
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