Leonardo DiCaprio's Advice To Robert Pattinson
Paul Byrne from movies.ie spoke to Leo and asked him if he had any advice for Rob.
Leo was my first movie star crush when I saw him in Romeo & Juliet (don't know why I felt the need to tell you that LOL)
Access Hollywood Ask Who Is The Hottest Batchelor Robert Pattinson Or Leo DiCaprio?
I think someone made a mistake!
Leonardo DiCaprio talks comparisons with Robert Pattinson
Here's the part of the interview that mentions Rob:
Leonardo DiCaprio has little to worry about these days, having long gotten over the career bump that was Titanic. Up to that point, the young turk was carving out a career as a beautiful, beguiling character actor. Suddenly, he was a star. His previous outing, Baz Luhrman's Romeo + Juliet lit the fuse, DiCaprio suddenly a pin-up of every young girl's wall. The tragic role of Jack in Titanic was enough for the young Leonardo DiCaprio's career to explode. To the point where the 23-year old actor couldn't step outside his door without the paparazzi photographing his every move. And the world constantly contemplating his next move.
A bit like Robert Pattinson after Twilight broke. Only even more mental.
"I can see it happening with Robert Pattinson, absolutely," laughs DiCaprio, "and it brings back such happy, and crappy, memories. Your life isn't your own when that kind of stardom happens, and you have tabloids every day making up stories about you.
"It's not exactly what an actor dreams of, because your anonymity is gone."
Suddenly, you're Elvis, and that means playing someone else for an audience is nigh on impossible. DiCaprio addressed the issue by playing a variation of himself at that time in Woody Allen's Celebrity, but when he tried to actually act in 1998's The Man In The Iron Mask and 2000's The Beach, audiences just wanted more Jack. Or more Romeo. More Leo.
You can read the rest HERE - it's a good interview. Thanks to Kim for the tip.
Robert Pattinson Vs. Leonardo DiCaprio - Who Would You Choose?
Some girls get to have all the fun: adorable moppet Ruby Jerins is only 11-years-old, but she's already spent serious professional time on set with grownup Hollywood hotties Leonardo DiCaprio (meow) and Robert Pattinson (swoon). The pint-sized actress can be seen in double on the big screen right now — she's playing Leo's haunting daughter in "Shutter Island" and Robert's little sis in the much-anticipated "Remember Me" (and in the process, causing an epidemic of covetous envy in the seething hearts of women twice her age.) (Kate: Make that three times her age and you're a bit nearer {blush})
MTV News caught up with Ruby at the premiere of "Remember Me" to find out how she handled the pressure of logging screen time with two such ravishing hunks of man-meat. But if you were hoping for squealing glee, too bad: she's every inch the professional! Refusing to pick sides, Ruby told us how honored she was to work with both A-list actors before politely changing the subject to more age-appropriate fare: her wonderful and supportive friends.
Thanks to Kim for the tip!
Access Hollywood: Leonardo Di Caprio Talks About Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson vs Leo DiCaprio: Which Craze Was Craziest?
Well, since I never understood the Leonardo DiCaprio craze and I am not a teenager anymore I don't think I can compare the two. All I can say is I hope Rob "grows up" to have as great or a better career than Leo with better love interest choices :) 'Cause for a "serious" and smart guy who does amazing work for a greener world Leo's love interests have been gorgeous supermodels who I'm SURE are very intelligent and environmentally aware (sarcasm)... I'm just sayin' :)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Pattinson. Photographs by Brigitte Lacombe (DiCaprio) and Bruce Weber (Pattinson).
"Not since Leo, circa Titanic, has a young actor been so aggressively beloved by 13-year-old girls worldwide," writes Evgenia Peretz in her Vanity Fair profile of Robert Pattinson (Twilight's Hot Gleaming, December 2009). Peretz is right—and I would know. I was one of those teenage girls who got caught up in the "Leo-mania" fan frenzy in the late 90s. The first copy of Vanity Fair I ever bought was the January 1998 issue with Leo on the cover. I hung Tiger Beat and Teen Bop posters of Leo on my bedroom walls. And after I saw Titanic in the movie theater six times, one of my friends and I even created a Leo Web site, at a time when you could only access the Internet via a dial-up modem.
Sure, there were other Hollywood stars that set our teenage hearts a-flutter (Home Improvement's Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Camp Nowhere's Andrew Keegan, and Casper's Devon Sawa come to mind), and the Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC boy-band craze that prompted one of my friends to paint her bedroom baby blue (it was Justin Timberlake's favorite color) came close to rivaling the Leo pandemic. But among us teenagers, it was only DiCaprio who orbited in the true superstar stratosphere.
Although I personally don't understand the infatuation with Pattinson (luckily, I grew out of my teenage obsession phase long ago), I certainly understand where today's teenagers are coming from. But I'm still not sure that RPattz hysteria is as intense as Leo-mania was.You can vote over at Vanity Fair if you think you need to :)
Comparing Rob and Leo
Is Robert Pattinson Pulling A Leo With ‘Little Ashes’?
By Nicole Guanlao
Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Pattinson’s hotness levels on a scale of 1-10 are pretty even at about 15.2. I’m not a big fan of hotness comparisons, especially when dealing with these two actors, but RPattz’s transition on the big screen from swoon-worthy vampire with the perfectly messy hair to a haughty painter with a curlicue mustache in “Little Ashes” reminded me of Leo’s first post-Titanic career move.
We all remember him as dreamy Jack Dawson, and we all cried when he let go of Kate Winslet’s hand and sank deeper into the ocean. Most of all, I’m sure you remember buying every biography about him, going to see “Titanic” five more times in the theater and then eagerly buying the VHS. Sound familiar, Twilighters?
I was 11 years old when “Titanic” was released, and sadly, I’ve found that I have not grown up one bit as I swoon over RPattz with the same intensity (my co-workers and anyone who passes by my desk can vouch for this).
Leo followed up the mega-hit with “The Man in the Iron Mask,” in which he played King Louis XIV and his twin brother, Philippe. In this flick, Leo sported long locks, 18th-century attire and was a huge jerk. (Gozde: But he was a very pretty jerk!The long hair made him indistinguishable from the Christine who had really thick eyebrows :))When he wasn’t playing a womanizer, he wore a metal mask (boo!). Although I didn’t want to admit it at the time, I didn’t think Leo was very hot in this film, and I yearned for Jack. I wondered, “Where is the messy hair and the sweet smile?!?”
“I’ll never let go, Jack!” I cried.
I got the same feeling when I snuck a peek at Rob in “Little Ashes.” Don’t bite my head off, fellow Twilighters, because I still think Rob is a hottie in this film, but I don’t really think he’s H-O-T. I longed for Edward Cullen, but I guess I just have to learn that RPattz can’t be a sparkling vampire forever. Like Leo, Rob’s next character looks less swoon-worthy than his blockbuster counterpart and far from the perfect BF.(Gozde: I don't think this is a very good comparison. Leo played a pretty, albeit evil, king and his imprisoned twin was oh so innocent and, well, pretty. Rob is playing a very eccentric artist with a seriously unfortunate mustache:))

It looks like Rob and Leo’s careers are taking similar turns. They both starred in huge blockbusters that shoved them into the media spotlight, and they followed them up with more serious movies that are meant to show off their acting chops.(Gozde:News Flash! The man in the iron mask was a serious movie?!? Are we talking about the same movie? You know the one with 3 1/2 musketeers and Gérard Depardieu's naked ass (my retinas are still damaged from that)? :)) Of course, “Little Ashes” was shot before the release of “Twilight,” but I doubt it would be garnering such media attention if it weren’t for Rob’s recently acquired star power.
When “The Man in the Iron Mask” was first released, I remembered fans (i.e. me) exclaiming that this was the film that was going to show all those critics that Leo was more than just Jack Dawson. I remember arguing with my father and screaming, “He’s an actor, and he’s here to stay!”
Of course, I ended up being right, but I would’ve never walked into that theater to watch “The Man in the Iron Mask” if it weren’t for him. My crush on Leo meant that I would support him through the end and watch all his movies.
The same goes for RPattz. Many of you commented that it’s great that Rob took the role of Salvador Dalí, because it will show how great of an actor he is — and I hope you’re right! Hopefully, his acting skills will distract viewers from his Yosemite Sam mustache.
Leo’s career is a great one to mirror, and I hope Rob will be just as successful and respected in this industry. It also wouldn’t hurt if he remained just as H-O-T as Leo at age 34.(Gozde: Agreed. I just think you chose a wrong Leo movie to compare:))
P.S.: Sorry (Kim:)), I had no idea who Leo was before Titanic and I never thought he was HOT. I think he is a very very good actor though! I do. He is just not "I want to rip your clothes of" hot. :)