I don't know when/how it happened but I find myself agreeing with LAiMEy more and more these days. it might be the crazy letters she receives that make me sympathize. It's very unsettling...

Lainey Gossip:
Jackson Rathbone and band 100 Monkeys hosted a private party on Saturday night in Vancouver at the Players Chophouse.
Here is an exclusive copy of the invitation. The date stamp KILLS me.
You will note…
The open bar.
All class.
One of my pet peeves in life: Cash Bar At A Wedding.
Chill the f-ck out, bitches. I’m not talking the kind of wedding where the modest couple invites close family and friends for an intimate celebration. I’m talking the kind of wedding where the bride keeps yapping about her Vera Wang and they book out a swank hotel or a golf course and register for ten thousand gravy boats and you get there and everyone gets 2 tickets for their first 2 drinks and the rest is on you.
Sorry to digress.
When Jackson Rathbone gets married, it won’t be a cash bar.
Anyway, the host wore a “Zorro” hat and 100 Monkeys were the last to perform. I’m told that the band’s tradition is to ask the audience for a word and use that word to make up a song…? Anyway, the word on Saturday was “polygamy”. So the ensuing chorus was:
I get what I need from you and you and you. Cute.
It was a well guarded event, not too many leaks, and no paps. Other Twilight cast members present included Kellan Lutz, Julia Jones, Ashley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Elizabeth Reaser, Xavier Samuel, and oh yeah, those other two, the only two most people care about – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – were spotted smoking on the patio. Twi-Hards will take this to mean they that they were out there alone, slow dancing under the twinkling stars, talking about the magic-ness of their love.
Sane folks will understand that smoking patios are usually crowded and the best they could hope for is a hand job behind the umbrella stand.
This is Pattinson alone at the end of the night. Note the buttons. And you’ll love this email from Debbie sent to me yesterday with a copy of one of these images:
Lainey, check out this pic of RPATTZ coming home with his shirt buttons messed up. Kristen was ripping it off in the cab so F-CK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ROBSTEN LOVE 4EVAHZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LaineyPicture source:
Socialitelife.com and
Photo Credit: INF Daily
Website: www.infdaily.com