30+ Days of Rob: Sexy Robert Pattinson dishing out a sexy smooch for Dior
Ok. Day 1: Sexy ass Rob kiss.
Things are WILD right now. It's challenging to deal with what is happening globally due to COVID-19. We'll try to give you all some posts to lift spirits, vent out everything you need, AND...naturally ROBsess over this man right here...
We haven't done 30DoR/44DoR/365DoR in YEEEEAAAARRRSSSS. We'll see how long we can go and what we come up with for the days. What the hell else we gotta do?? I mean...I do now have to teach 8 classes online but you get me. ;)
Ladies, Robert Pattinson is back on the market! Start your prayer circles for that miracle of all miracles!
I was hoping for more confirmation because all I can offer you guys are gossip sites. But what am I really expecting? Rob is hardly going to make an announcement.
Ha! He would never. This breakup news has momentum aaaaaaand several actions over the last few months do speak louder than words.
So according to The Sun and Just Jared, that's all folks! Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs have called it quits. Gone their separate ways. Had a conscious uncoupling...maybe?
Here's what we know:
Rob and FKA twigs haven't been photographed since Cannes, she didn't join him for any of his Good Time promo or premieres...which spanned over 2 months.......and included LONDON as one location, she was missing in action when he was honored with a special achievement award and career tribute at the Deauville Film Fest, he's been spotted with family and friends, she's been spotted with people that aren't Rob, a UK gossip guru got the break up scoop and Just Jared got their own separate confirmation.
I say that's a wrap......and I now have a shot. Right??? RIGHT!!!!
Nothing wrong with dreaming, ok.
I also feel like Rob is in a good space. I know we don't know his inner soul. He could be crying in pillow as I type this. But I DO know he had a blast promoting Good Time and was in great spirits, his laugh has been abundant at every event (you've seen all the posts!), and he's filming a new movie with his long time fave, Claire Denis. He's blessed and doing what he loves.
I am at peace.
And prayer.
I really want a shot with him this time.
I mean who wouldn't want this?????
What did you and Robert Pattinson do to create that bond James and Dennis shared?
It's an interesting bond because I don't really look at them as friends. I look at them as two artists who were both struggling in different ways, because they work in different ways, and they come across each other and they influence each other as artists. So while a lot of people are calling it a friendship movie, I don't really see the friendship part of it. It's not like Rob and I weren't friends, it's just I felt like that was the relationship we had probably because of the film. We hung out a couple of times outside of set, but other than that, it would be show up on set and really get to know each other through the process of making the movie as two artists who go about things in two different ways. And I think in that way, you don't have to "act" the relationship, you just allow it to happen on screen.
You've worked with some actors with huge fan bases, like Daniel Radcliffe and Rob Pattinson. Did you see all that come into play when you were on set with them? And are you fearful of that kind of fame yourself going forward?
I've worked with Shia LaBeouf too, and it manifests itself differently for all those guys. It's interesting because all those movies have a different target audience. People love Dan in this way where they want to hold him close, where with Rob, they just want to jump on him and make out with him -- there's this sexuality that goes along with Rob's fans where they're just sooo into him as a sexual being. And then Shia's fans are like, "You're the Transformer hero!" They all handle it different ways. Their lives are all more crazy than mine is. But am I scared of that happening?
Yeah, like for example, can you walk around without people noticing you?
Yeah, well, they don't not notice me but ...
It's not like you're attacked.
Right. I can go to the grocery store and people are like, "Hi, I really like you." And I'm like, "Thank you!" ... When we were filming "Life," I remember one day on set Rob was like, "I went to the grocery store for the first time in so long." And I was like, "OK?" I don't know. I don't really think about that stuff that much because it's sort of out of my control and I’m just really grateful that I get to do what I do.
How was it starring opposite Robert Pattinson? “It was good! He chooses to challenge himself and works with great filmmakers. I probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make this film if Rob didn’t want to do it as well.” Be sure to catch LIFE in theaters or streaming on demand, DIRECTV, iTunes or Amazon!
This race was close!!! Obviously since we had our first ever tie! WorkingRob and PDARob both shared 23.11% of the vote. DiorRob was our runner up with 16.36%.
You guys are definitely hoping to see Rob work AND play in 2015! We hope he has it all. <3
I like that for the final category, Kate, Kat and I had the same again - PromoRob was our pick! As stressful as it can be to keep up with PromoRob on the blog, he is a complete joy to see and always makes us smile.
That concludes our 4th Annual ROBsessed Awards!!!! Click HERE if you missed any winners and look for the recap post in the sidebar! Until next year....thanks for participating!
VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson smooches and more with FKA twigs PLUS he is the best chair EVER (Nov. 10)
Rob and twigs hit up Vogue Nights (a style of dance) at a club in NYC after her show last night and got caught on video several times nuzzlin' and snugglin' and smooching' and canoodlin'. Have we called her the luckiest girl ever? Because that's her official title - LGE twigs - since she gets to sit on Rob's lap and just....le sigh. Color me greeeeeeeen!
The first video is short and you can see Rob on the right. Then you can advance to the longer video when they're sprinkled throughout. Screen caps at the bottom of the swooniest goodies delivered by Rob.
Sinful Sunday: Robert Pattinson has some sexy smooches to sizzle your socks off
Rob's kisses are positively sinful. I'm no longer a solid when watching him work it.
Manu has a series of videos dedicated solely to Rob's luscious lips. Has she been awarded a Nobel Prize for her work yet?? We've posted these before but not all of them in one post. No this isn't Torture Tuesday.
Sit back, relax, drool and try to make it out of this post in one piece.
3 more videos of Rob's sexy smooches under the cut!
"I shot with Romain Gavras four years ago by chance, to see how it was. It went very well, but I don't see myself making other films necessarily. Probably because I don't want to commit myself several weeks on the same project." Always for the benefit of the famous "freedom." A choice Romain Gavras regrets: "It's always sad to see a good actress who doesn't work. Because, really, Camille is a very good actress, she plays naturally. This is also why I asked her to do the Dior Homme ad with me. I knew she was going to help me to take Robert Pattinson where he, the great professional, would struggle to go. "
I'll tell you....I'm struggling right now. Struggling real hard to stay vertical.
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