What actor has played the hottest male vampire?
My all-time favorite is Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire. He’s so sexy. I’m a fan of anything he does, but in that film he’s a vampire who doesn’t want to feed. There’s something super sexy about someone who has to feed to survive but doesn’t want to do it.
A bit like Robert Pattinson’s character in Twilight?
Yeah. He’s definitely über-sexy and he doesn’t try to be. I remember the first time I met him — I was like, “Oh, hello!” And then he starts talking and that makes it 1,000 times hotter. I’m a sucker for accents and any man who can actually sing and serenade you. He’d do open-mic nights in random bars in Portland, Ore., while they were filming Twilight. I was dating Kellan then and we’d all hang out sometimes.
From OK! magazine via Thinking of Rob :) You can read the whole interview over at OK!