They will keep asking won't they?
We will keep reading about people NOT answering the Robsten question won't we?
Do they think that MAYBE someone will slip and tell them the truth?
Well, getting them really REALLY drunk might work :)
Get them totally wasted and then ask them about Robsten. Maybe they'll puke on you :)

BOSTON — When we got the chance to talk to "Twilight" star Jackson Rathbone on the set of his new movie "Girlfriend," we couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask someone deeply involved the biggest question surrounding the franchise: What is the deal with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson?
After a brief pause Rathbone carefully replied, "What's the deal with them? Oh, they're not actually vampires."
Despite our faux disbelief that Pattinson wasn't actually Edward Cullen, Rathbone insisted, "No, he's actually a really nice human. It's crazy, I know. I know. But yeah, the guy's a great guy."
Before "Twilight" had even debuted last November, there were rumors circling Stewart and Pattinson, with tabloids trying to figure out whether the two were romantically involved like their characters. And the fact that director Catherine Hardwicke said the reason she cast the pair was because of their potent sexual chemistry while doing a kissing scene on her bed — not to mention that Pattinson has admittedly proposed to his co-star four times — doesn't help.
"Everybody always asks me those questions about that, and it's one of those things — it's none of my business. I stay out of it," Rathbone said.
But despite the relative silence from the cast on the subject, tabloids — like OK! magazine this week — continue to cover supermarket checkout aisles with conflicting testimonies regarding the actors' relationship status.
"Whenever we're passing through the tabloid articles, we're always like, 'Hey! There's our friends!' " Jackson said with a laugh. "I've been able to stay out of them as much as possible."

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