Robert Pattinson & Dane DeHaan Meet At Chateau Marmont In A NEW 'Life' Clip (Dubbed)
In this new clip from Life (dubbed in Italian) we see Dennis and Jimmy meet for the first time at Nicholas Ray’s party in Chateau Marmont.
Life was release in Italy yesterday. You can check out the list of cinemas showing Life over on BIM's Facebook Page.
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
PRINT: Robert Pattinson Talks About James Dean's Positive Influence On Dennis Stock & MORE To Elle (Italy)
PRINT: Robert Pattinson Talks About James Dean's Positive Influence On Dennis Stock & MORE To Elle (Italy)
Elle magazine (Italy) spoke to Rob while on the set of Life. I've used google translated to translate the interview (and I tweeked the bits that sounded a little off) so it does actually read ok, but if a better translation comes out in the meantime I'll update it.
After seeing Life yesterday I love that Rob mentions one of the scenes that I found most poignant in the movie. I thought Rob captured Dennis' awkwardness and insecurities perfectly and I can't wait for the dvd to come out so I can rewatch to my hearts content. I wish a cinema nearer to me was showing it so I could go a few more times but I'm delighted I got the chance to see it on the big screen ;)
via Sallyvg
Elle magazine (Italy) spoke to Rob while on the set of Life. I've used google translated to translate the interview (and I tweeked the bits that sounded a little off) so it does actually read ok, but if a better translation comes out in the meantime I'll update it.
After seeing Life yesterday I love that Rob mentions one of the scenes that I found most poignant in the movie. I thought Rob captured Dennis' awkwardness and insecurities perfectly and I can't wait for the dvd to come out so I can rewatch to my hearts content. I wish a cinema nearer to me was showing it so I could go a few more times but I'm delighted I got the chance to see it on the big screen ;)
Robert Pattinson is back in cinemas on October 8 with the film Life, by Anton Corbijn dedicated to James Dean, cinema legend who died exactly 60 years ago in a car accident. The actor became famous as a vampire in Twilight, however, did not take the role of the legendary Jimmy (playing him is Dane DeHaan), as widely expected, but that of photographer Dennis Stock, who in 1955 - the year of the stars death - snapped a series of photographs for Life magazine and immortalized James Dean as no one before him had done. Anton Corbijn is dedicating the whole movie to the relationship of trust that exists between the two: to speak in more detail about the film is Robert Pattinson, in this exclusive interview during the filming of the movie.Original Source
Dennis and James. A photographer on the verge of bankruptcy and an artist on the front page. Tell us about the dynamics of their friendship.
The story of the two has a very original dynamic. James Dean is a character so sympathetic and Dennis, however, is not always so. There is a time for me, that sums up their diversity fully. There's this scene where James Dean is playing with his cousin, and Dennis just says, 'I do not know how you can do it.' In essence he is saying 'I do not understand what they're trying.' Dennis had a son, of course, but does not love him and that's just awful. He is perpetually filled with the negativity, so full of anxiety, to the point of being irritating. I can not think that there are such people, you can not believe the fact that they say about not being able to love. It's kind of horrible, but in its being is a tragic character too charming. And as I said the dynamic between them is very interesting.
James Dean is a myth. Have you ever had an influence on your career?
I have long admired his work. I believe that in 16 years a lot of actors have had their 'James Dean' stage and for most of them, the important thing is not to interpret the role but become part of the myth linked to him - and I also experienced one of the two phases. He is certainly still an icon but Dane (DeHaan) would be able to answer that question better than me because he's more tied to James Dean, his figure, the myth.
Would you be interested to play the part of James Dean?
Oh no, absolutely not (laughs) Dane did a great job.
How did it go with Anton Corbijn?
Working with Anton Corbijn has been a great honour and his first film Control (about the life of Ian Curtis, leader of Joy Division), was the reason why I decided just to accept the part. I loved the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed Anton's style and I knew that LIFE would have followed the same path.
With the camera instead?
To practice better, I took some pictures on the set of LIFE and the other films that I was shooting The Queen of the Desert where I play with Nicole Kidman. So for a few months I took a number of wonderful horrifying pictures with a 1953 Leica M1. It was the staff of Dennis, but the same pattern. It should be a model came out some time before that of Stock. It's beautiful, and it works perfectly. I think that will never break. "
Who was Stock?
Dennis was always worried that everything went wrong. He felt haunted by the possibility that the public would not follow him, they were not on his side. But at the same time, I thought he was a completely current. It's the story of someone who is trying to become an artist, and the fear of not being able to achieve his dream is the saddest part of his life and demoralizing. Dennis is the kind of artist who is so fearful of not being at the height of his profession that he would use excuses for anything. When Jimmy sees for the first time, it's fun because it has just that effect is undeniable. Being in contact with someone who is reaching his potential is very good to see. Relating to James Dean and all that was happening to him, also allowed Dennis to believe a little more in himself.
Do you believe, therefore, that James Dean had a positive influence on the photographer?
Absolutely yes. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement and the fact that Jimmy told him 'These are fantastic' while showing him pictures showing him, for him was a huge source of pride. I think at that specific time Dean has shown clearly and paved the way for Stock. Jimmy was regarded as a true artist who has had a profound impact on his life. And so, when Jimmy gave his approval, well, that's all you need sometimes - this is all you need to start believing in yourself. And I think that's what happened. For Dennis, the meeting with Jimmy was fundamental and has changed his life and certainly his work.
via Sallyvg
elle loves Rob,
life movie,
print interview,
Robert Pattinson,
Sky Cine News Italy talk to Robert Pattinson, David Michod and Guy Pearce About 'The Rover'
Sky Cine News Italy talk to Robert Pattinson, David Michod and Guy Pearce About 'The Rover'
The interview is dubbed and is quite difficult to hear. Starts around the 1:20 mark, Rob's part is around 4:09.
Thanks Sallyvg
The interview is dubbed and is quite difficult to hear. Starts around the 1:20 mark, Rob's part is around 4:09.
Thanks Sallyvg
X Style (Italy) Interview Robert Pattinson At 'The Rover' Press Junket
X Style (Italy) Interview Robert Pattinson At 'The Rover' Press Junket
Rob talks about his character Rey and how he was excited to play him.
Lots of smiley Rob in this interview. It starts around the 1:00 mark.
Rob talks about his character Rey and how he was excited to play him.
Lots of smiley Rob in this interview. It starts around the 1:00 mark.
Robert Pattinson's Queen of the Desert gets a filming schedule, find out his full name in MTTS and more!
Robert Pattinson's Queen of the Desert gets a filming schedule, find out his full name in MTTS and more!
It's movie news time! First the big one of the post - Queen of the Desert will film for 1 month in Jordan, Morocco and London and includes Nicole Kidman,God Robert Pattinson, Damian Lewis and James Franco in the cast.

From Backstage:
We'll see if this holds but there have been rumblings about a late 2013/early 2014 shoot for a few months. Fingers crossed! Rob will have 3 films knocked out of the park by the new year.

In other movie news, we have a couple of bits for Maps To The Stars. First, unless you've ventured over to the IMDb page, you might not have known Rob's character's full name - Jerome Fontana!

What a fun and flashy name. Say it. Out loud. It's a name with flare. And lastly, if you're in Italy, it looks like you'll be seeing Mr. Jerome Fontana in May 2014. Click HERE to check out the distribution news.
That's all we have for now. The Rover hasn't had any recent movement and Life is still looking at February 2014. We'll keep you posted because you know how we are with our Rob movie news.
It's movie news time! First the big one of the post - Queen of the Desert will film for 1 month in Jordan, Morocco and London and includes Nicole Kidman,
From Backstage:
The following listings are not casting notices but instead reflect the best general information available about current casting assignments. …
Queen of the Desert (Drama) This film is based on the life and loves of Gertrude Bell, the English writer, archaeologist, and cartographer who mapped Iraq and Jordan in the early 1900s. With Nicole Kidman, Robert Pattinson, James Franco, and Damian Lewis. Directed by Werner Herzog. Shoots Dec. 15, 2013–Jan. 15, 2014, in London, Jordan, and Morocco.Alright! Let's give it up for the forward movement!
We'll see if this holds but there have been rumblings about a late 2013/early 2014 shoot for a few months. Fingers crossed! Rob will have 3 films knocked out of the park by the new year.
In other movie news, we have a couple of bits for Maps To The Stars. First, unless you've ventured over to the IMDb page, you might not have known Rob's character's full name - Jerome Fontana!
What a fun and flashy name. Say it. Out loud. It's a name with flare. And lastly, if you're in Italy, it looks like you'll be seeing Mr. Jerome Fontana in May 2014. Click HERE to check out the distribution news.
That's all we have for now. The Rover hasn't had any recent movement and Life is still looking at February 2014. We'll keep you posted because you know how we are with our Rob movie news.
Romain Gavras On Working With Robert Pattinson, His Favourite Scene In The Dior Homme Advert & More
UPDATED with more from the interview
Romain Gavras On Working With Robert Pattinson, His Favourite Scene In The Dior Homme Advert & More
Romain Gavras spoke to Italy's Io Donna magazine and had (not surprisingly) had some very nice things to say about Rob.
Where did you get the inspiration for the video?
Working closely with the team of Dior. A hundred lifetimes in a day and the words of James Dean : " Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. " The result is a character who goes through emotions and different places . Then, with the cinematographer André Chemetoff and production designer Jean -Michel Bertin , we looked for the best visual grammar to tell this story fragmented.
How would you describe the Dior Homme man?
The man we want to represent is a man who is light, at ease in any situation. He could be on a deserted beach , in a luxury hotel or in an empty house which he has just moved into: he would always be himself. We wanted to move away from the stereotype of the successful, rich and arrogant, and that is why we have added details such as the eighties car that leads to a certain point. The
woman is another great way to characterize a man: in the video is a simple girl, who isn't dressed in showy .
Tell us an anecdote , a particular story happened on the set?
We shot in Brooklyn, Rockaway Beach , immediately after the hurricane. Looking at the scene of the beach, you can note their signs , for example, the very high sand or cabins destroyed , which give the place a strange , unexpected look, in a video for a luxury perfume . Oh, and we also ended up in the sea with the car ... It took two boats and a tractor to bring it to dry land !
The main difficulty ?
Probably the fact of having to take in so many places at once . We had to run all over New York with Rob, who is a big star in Hollywood, dodging paparazzi and all the rest , not to reveal the images of the campaign prior to submission. Also, before you know Rob had no idea how it would go because we were waiting hectic , very active , and sometimes the actors do not like working under pressure. But he was great , he gave more than we asked , he was with me one hundred percent . In addition, during the shoot, we had great fun .
What is your favorite scene ?
I really like the part on the beach, it was the first scene we shot . During the first shot something interesting is always happening and at that moment you know if what you had in mind will work or not. It was very nice to hear that it would work.
How was working with Rob ?
Rob is extremely curious, he's leaving the phase of the " poster boy " of Twilight to play more mature roles . He's already making interesting and courageous choices. Speaking as a director, I can say that he is an actor who is very easy to work , he's able to give so much .
Source via RobPattinsonmoms / Flavia
Translation via Google Translate (tweeked by me ;-))
Romain Gavras On Working With Robert Pattinson, His Favourite Scene In The Dior Homme Advert & More
Romain Gavras spoke to Italy's Io Donna magazine and had (not surprisingly) had some very nice things to say about Rob.
Where did you get the inspiration for the video?
Working closely with the team of Dior. A hundred lifetimes in a day and the words of James Dean : " Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. " The result is a character who goes through emotions and different places . Then, with the cinematographer André Chemetoff and production designer Jean -Michel Bertin , we looked for the best visual grammar to tell this story fragmented.
How would you describe the Dior Homme man?
The man we want to represent is a man who is light, at ease in any situation. He could be on a deserted beach , in a luxury hotel or in an empty house which he has just moved into: he would always be himself. We wanted to move away from the stereotype of the successful, rich and arrogant, and that is why we have added details such as the eighties car that leads to a certain point. The
woman is another great way to characterize a man: in the video is a simple girl, who isn't dressed in showy .
Tell us an anecdote , a particular story happened on the set?
We shot in Brooklyn, Rockaway Beach , immediately after the hurricane. Looking at the scene of the beach, you can note their signs , for example, the very high sand or cabins destroyed , which give the place a strange , unexpected look, in a video for a luxury perfume . Oh, and we also ended up in the sea with the car ... It took two boats and a tractor to bring it to dry land !
The main difficulty ?
Probably the fact of having to take in so many places at once . We had to run all over New York with Rob, who is a big star in Hollywood, dodging paparazzi and all the rest , not to reveal the images of the campaign prior to submission. Also, before you know Rob had no idea how it would go because we were waiting hectic , very active , and sometimes the actors do not like working under pressure. But he was great , he gave more than we asked , he was with me one hundred percent . In addition, during the shoot, we had great fun .
What is your favorite scene ?
I really like the part on the beach, it was the first scene we shot . During the first shot something interesting is always happening and at that moment you know if what you had in mind will work or not. It was very nice to hear that it would work.
How was working with Rob ?
Rob is extremely curious, he's leaving the phase of the " poster boy " of Twilight to play more mature roles . He's already making interesting and courageous choices. Speaking as a director, I can say that he is an actor who is very easy to work , he's able to give so much .
Source via RobPattinsonmoms / Flavia
Translation via Google Translate (tweeked by me ;-))
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview & Dior Promo Pic In GQ (Italy)
UPDATE: Added Better Quality iPad Version of the new pic
UPDATE: Added Translation of the interview below
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview & Dior Promo Pic In GQ (Italy)
Click for LARGE

Scan Thanks to: @fearlessmore & Robert Pattinson Moms
via RPAU
iPad Scan Thanks to Tarah
Translation & Interview Quotes (After The Cut)
UPDATE: Added Translation of the interview below
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview & Dior Promo Pic In GQ (Italy)
Click for LARGE
Scan Thanks to: @fearlessmore & Robert Pattinson Moms
via RPAU
iPad Scan Thanks to Tarah
Translation & Interview Quotes (After The Cut)
*NEW* Glamour Italy Talk With Robert Pattinson (Interview & Audio)
UPDATE: Added Glamour Print Mag Scans (bottom of the post)Also includes a bigger version of that new DiorRob Promo pic (and they didn't flip it ;-))
UPDATE: Added You Tube below
*NEW* Glamour Italy Talk With Robert Pattinson (Interview & Audio)
Aaaaaaaah I LOVE audio!!! It's so great to hear his voice
From Glamour Italy
It's Robert Pattinson speaking, the former vampire who bewitches even without biting. That's what happens in the Dior Homme cologne adv. That's what happens one day in Los Angeles, where we met and interviewed him for the October issue of Glamour Italy…
"Do you mind if I chew a piece of gum during the interview?."
First info: Robert Pattinson is a polite Hollywood star. Twilight, the vampire saga that made him famous, yielded him a popularity second only to the post-Titanic "DiCaprio-mania". However, Robert remained a 27 year old down-to-earth guy who asks for permission.
And who quickly changes his mind: "Actually, I'm going to spit it: this is disgusting!". He waits for a hint of approval, then rips the corner of a newspaper, wraps in the "gross piece of gum", and smiles, while hiding the "misdeed" with his hands.
Second info: Rob, as his friends call him, with his flipped back baseball cap and his three days' stubble , is also funny.
"Do you want to try an Italian one?" I ask him. "Really? Thank you!". He delicately takes the package. While opening it, with his half British half American accent, he reads: "Denti bianchi, sorriso protetto (i.e.: white teeth, protected smile)". He hasn't got a single word, but looks enthusiastic. He tries one, then reclines his head, so all that one can see is his thick eyebrows, and, right below, two blue slits. He whispers: "Yours are much better".
Third info: Pattinson could win anyone over with just one look.
Or even one smile: it happens in the adv for the Dior Homme cologne, of which he recently became spokesperson, taking over Jude Law's role. The commercial begins and, for the first 20 seconds, Robert is serious, thoughtful, intense. Then Camille Rowe, his partner on set, pretends to kiss him, while in fact attempts to bite his lips. That comes unexpected: he smiles, and the public melts. Every woman, no matter her age, secretly wishes to be in the shoes of the only creature who is able to light up the handsome, gloomy guy.
UPDATE: Added You Tube below
*NEW* Glamour Italy Talk With Robert Pattinson (Interview & Audio)
Aaaaaaaah I LOVE audio!!! It's so great to hear his voice
From Glamour Italy
It's Robert Pattinson speaking, the former vampire who bewitches even without biting. That's what happens in the Dior Homme cologne adv. That's what happens one day in Los Angeles, where we met and interviewed him for the October issue of Glamour Italy…
"Do you mind if I chew a piece of gum during the interview?."
First info: Robert Pattinson is a polite Hollywood star. Twilight, the vampire saga that made him famous, yielded him a popularity second only to the post-Titanic "DiCaprio-mania". However, Robert remained a 27 year old down-to-earth guy who asks for permission.
And who quickly changes his mind: "Actually, I'm going to spit it: this is disgusting!". He waits for a hint of approval, then rips the corner of a newspaper, wraps in the "gross piece of gum", and smiles, while hiding the "misdeed" with his hands.
Second info: Rob, as his friends call him, with his flipped back baseball cap and his three days' stubble , is also funny.
"Do you want to try an Italian one?" I ask him. "Really? Thank you!". He delicately takes the package. While opening it, with his half British half American accent, he reads: "Denti bianchi, sorriso protetto (i.e.: white teeth, protected smile)". He hasn't got a single word, but looks enthusiastic. He tries one, then reclines his head, so all that one can see is his thick eyebrows, and, right below, two blue slits. He whispers: "Yours are much better".
Third info: Pattinson could win anyone over with just one look.
Or even one smile: it happens in the adv for the Dior Homme cologne, of which he recently became spokesperson, taking over Jude Law's role. The commercial begins and, for the first 20 seconds, Robert is serious, thoughtful, intense. Then Camille Rowe, his partner on set, pretends to kiss him, while in fact attempts to bite his lips. That comes unexpected: he smiles, and the public melts. Every woman, no matter her age, secretly wishes to be in the shoes of the only creature who is able to light up the handsome, gloomy guy.
"Breaking Dawn" Part 2 Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (Now Uncropped)
"Breaking Dawn" Part 2 Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (Now Uncropped)
We had the cropped version before but this is the full length one.
I couldn't help getting rid of the writing (for your viewing pleasure)

Click for Larger

Scan @TwilightItalianMoms
via ThoseBritishBoys
We had the cropped version before but this is the full length one.
I couldn't help getting rid of the writing (for your viewing pleasure)
Click for Larger
Scan @TwilightItalianMoms
via ThoseBritishBoys
Firenze Interview From Cannes With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg (Translation)
UPDATE: Added HQ scans
Firenze Interview From Cannes With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg (Translation)
Thanks to RobertPattinsonMoms for sending us the translation of this interview with Rob in Cannes from Firenze
The author of the article, Giovanni Bogani, is the same guy in THIS video that you may remember seeing.
There's not really anything that new in it but there are a couple of newish quotes

Click for HQ

Translation After The Cut
Firenze Interview From Cannes With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg (Translation)
Thanks to RobertPattinsonMoms for sending us the translation of this interview with Rob in Cannes from Firenze
The author of the article, Giovanni Bogani, is the same guy in THIS video that you may remember seeing.
There's not really anything that new in it but there are a couple of newish quotes
Click for HQ
Translation After The Cut
Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg interviews promoting Cosmopolis: "He's desperately searching for any kind of chaos."
Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg interviews promoting Cosmopolis: "He's desperately searching for any kind of chaos."
UPDATE: Added another print interview from David. I like what he says about Rob. :)) Scroll down
UPDATE: Another interview with Rob talking to FilmBeat via CineVue
Love this interview from Cannes. I like the home video quality too. LOL
IntellectualRob talks about Eric and the "misweave". I'm seriously praying David and Rob do a DVD commentary.
Plus, super cute Rob speaking italian at the end with his giggle and toothpick. I die.
Spoiler at :30-:40 and 2:45-2:50
David spoke to Total Film and the Rob mention is within the first 2 minutes but the whole interview is worth a listen.
UPDATE: Another David interview, this one from the Irish Times. An excerpt:
Great interview from David in TimeOut. No Rob mention in this part but I liked his answer :D
I love that David keeps bringing up how Rob's fans are supporting Cosmopolis and interested in Cosmopolis. :) There's also a Rob interview on Flicks & Bits HERE but there's nothing new. It sounds like it was pieced together from the presscons and junkets videos we've seen.
UPDATE: Added another print interview from David. I like what he says about Rob. :)) Scroll down
UPDATE: Another interview with Rob talking to FilmBeat via CineVue
Love this interview from Cannes. I like the home video quality too. LOL
IntellectualRob talks about Eric and the "misweave". I'm seriously praying David and Rob do a DVD commentary.
Plus, super cute Rob speaking italian at the end with his giggle and toothpick. I die.
Spoiler at :30-:40 and 2:45-2:50
David spoke to Total Film and the Rob mention is within the first 2 minutes but the whole interview is worth a listen.
UPDATE: Another David interview, this one from the Irish Times. An excerpt:
Not surprisingly, the marketing men are focusing much attention on their leading man. For some time, our own Colin Farrell was pencilled in to play the protagonist. Sadly, scheduling commitments on the upcoming remake of Total Recall ruled him out.Click HERE to read in its entirety.
“What age is the character? Colin Farrell was 33 or 34. Are we going to go with that? We were thinking of him. At which point, we maybe would have had Marion Cotillard as his wife. But once we got Rob, it was clear she’s not the right wife. You don’t just cast one person; you cast the whole movie. Maybe, Colin was too old.”
So, why Robert Pattinson?
“Don’t you think he’s good?” he says.
I do actually.
“I knew he would be good, but I had to convince him he would be good. He is a serious enough cinephile that he doesn’t want to fuck the movie up. All actors have this insecurity that they’re going to be the bad actor in the piece. Even guys like Olivier worried that they were not good enough. It goes with acting. It’s up to me to say: ‘You can do that’.”
Great interview from David in TimeOut. No Rob mention in this part but I liked his answer :D
Does it frustrate you when critics accuse your recent films of being talky, as if your early work was somehow different?This section, David talks about Eric Packer and Rob.
‘It’s inevitably a little frustrating. You feel that they haven’t been paying attention. A casual filmgoer is forgiven, they’re allowed to be careless. You pay your money, you can pay as little attention as you want. But for a film journalist, it’s not very professional to drop that ball
Is it fair to say that ‘Cosmopolis’ is more interested in mood and tone than in logic or narrative?
‘I’m glad to hear you say that! People who are used to Hollywood movies where everything is explained may be frustrated. There’s no way anybody can follow some of the things Samantha Morton’s character says, for instance. At least not the first time. I think of it like a sci-fi movie where the intergalactic pilot is explaining the way his spaceship works. You don’t need to know what he’s talking about, you just need to believe that he knows what he’s talking about. Eric Packer understands when his Chief of Theory is explaining how the future connects with capitalism. It excites him, and that’s all you need to know.'
What do you think about Eric Packer – and is it important to like your central character?
‘I think it’s important to feel empathy, not necessarily sympathy. You need to have some understanding of him, but it doesn’t mean you have to like him. You need to be fascinated enough to stay with him throughout the movie. Which is why you need a charismatic actor like Rob, who has a face you want to keep looking at.’
Does casting a star like Robert Pattinson have any significance for you, beyond the fact that he’s right for the role?
‘No. It’s similar to when I cast Viggo [Mortensen, in ‘Eastern Promises’]. It’s important for the financing. If Rob hadn’t been famous from “Twilight”, I couldn’t have had him in the movie. But for me creatively that means nothing. Once you’re on the set, it’s just you guys. There’s no-one else there. It’s as if he never made another movie and I never made another movie.’
Do you like the idea that Twi-hards might have their horizons widened by ‘Cosmopolis’?
‘I do. A lot of girls who are fans of Rob’s have created “Cosmopolis” websites, and some of them are really elaborate and beautiful. And they’re reading the book and talking about it. They know it isn’t “Twilight” and they’re still excited. We had some girls standing outside at 3am while we were shooting. They’d made a T-shirt that said “Nancy Babich” and had a pistol on it [a reference to Pattinson’s bodyguard]. So I happily wore that for them! Undoubtedly there will be some Rob fans who’ve never heard of Don DeLillo, or me, who will see this movie. It’s not the cake, but it’s the icing on it.’
I love that David keeps bringing up how Rob's fans are supporting Cosmopolis and interested in Cosmopolis. :) There's also a Rob interview on Flicks & Bits HERE but there's nothing new. It sounds like it was pieced together from the presscons and junkets videos we've seen.
Coming Soon (Italy) on Set Interviews With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg
Coming Soon (Italy) on Set Interviews With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg
There's also some extended "Cosmoplis" clips (which are unfortunately dubbed)
THANKFULLY the interview parts are NOT dubbed! ;-)))
There's a new bit at the end of this video which you haven't seen before
Original Vids After The Cut
There's also some extended "Cosmoplis" clips (which are unfortunately dubbed)
THANKFULLY the interview parts are NOT dubbed! ;-)))
There's a new bit at the end of this video which you haven't seen before
Original Vids After The Cut
BTS Vid From "Breaking Dawn" Italian DVD With Robert Pattinson
We had screencaps from this yesterday (check them out here if you missed them) now here's the BTS Vid From "Breaking Dawn" Italian DVD With Robert Pattinson
LOL @ he looks a little like an ice-cream delivery guy
And some cute gifs via patronuska

via Robstenation
LOL @ he looks a little like an ice-cream delivery guy
And some cute gifs via patronuska
via Robstenation
Screencaps From The Italian "Breaking Dawn" DVD With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Check out these Screencaps From The Italian "Breaking Dawn" DVD With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Rob in a white suit kills me everytime

And in case you missed Part 1 of the Movie Screencaps that Tink posted last night check them out HERE
Source via Alice_InTwiLand
Rob in a white suit kills me everytime
And in case you missed Part 1 of the Movie Screencaps that Tink posted last night check them out HERE
Source via Alice_InTwiLand
Christini Ricci talks about kissing Robert Pattinson to Vanity Fair (Italy)
Christina Ricci was quoted in Vanity Fair (Italy) about locking lips with Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami.

Italian version:

Source: RPItalia | Via: SpunkRansom
Italian version:
VF: A marzo dovrebbe uscire il suo nuovo film, BEL AMI, nel quale lei ha una relazione con ROBERT PATTINSON. E' consapevole di essere una delle donne piĂą invidiate del mondo?
C.Ricci: Lo so, lo so. Tutti mi continuano a chiedere com'è baciare Robert. Come ho già detto, bacia molto bene. E non si tratta di essere gentile. E' proprio così.Thank you @fritzerina for the English translation!
VF: On March "Bel Ami" will be released in theatres, in this movie you have an affair with Robert Pattinson, do you realize that you are one of the most envied woman in the world?
CR: I know I know, everyone keep asking me how it is to kiss Robert. Has I already said he is a pretty good kisser, and I'm not just being nice, he really is.Oh yes he is....
Source: RPItalia | Via: SpunkRansom
Robert Pattinson talks to MSN (Italy) about Breaking Dawn Sex Scenes
Robert Pattinson talks to MSN (Italy) about Breaking Dawn Sex Scenes
Oh this one is goooood. Anytime Rob talks about himself in the little robe and thong...I love it.
Click the image to view original source!

Source: MSNit | Via: RobPattsMoms
Oh this one is goooood. Anytime Rob talks about himself in the little robe and thong...I love it.
- Broken beds and other things that can't be discussed on TV ;)
- If people are shy, the sex scenes are harder
- Talks about how unnecessary it was to wear a thong on set (SO FUNNY!)
- Talks about the last scene
- Marrying the wrong or right woman
Click the image to view original source!
Source: MSNit | Via: RobPattsMoms
A Smilie Robert Pattinson Talks To Sky (Italy)
Robert Pattinson is so giggly in the interview with Sky (Italy)
I had a big smile on my face while watching it.
As well as talking about "Breaking Dawn" he also talks about working with David Cronenberg on "Cosmopolis"
I had a big smile on my face while watching it.
As well as talking about "Breaking Dawn" he also talks about working with David Cronenberg on "Cosmopolis"
"Coming Soon" (Italy) Interview With Robert Pattinson & Co
Robert Pattinson Talks "Cosmopolis" In An Interview With Sky Cine (Italy)
Robert Pattinson Talks "Cosmopolis" & "Breaking Dawn" In An Interview With Sky Cine (Italy)
Rough Translation from (using google translate)
Robert Pattinson on Cosmopolis / David Cronenberg: "At first I was terrified, but it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It's really nice to work with Cronenberg, he is so sure of himself, he doesn't make you feel pressured. My character has extreme attitudes: like me, either I'm fine or I'm devastated! "
Robert on Breaking Dawn: "Breaking Dawn is my second favorite movie after Twilight, which is the most important, it changed my life! When Kristen came close to 'altar terrified, I suddenly felt the weight of the situation, like a real marriage! "
via Source
Rough Translation from (using google translate)
Robert Pattinson on Cosmopolis / David Cronenberg: "At first I was terrified, but it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It's really nice to work with Cronenberg, he is so sure of himself, he doesn't make you feel pressured. My character has extreme attitudes: like me, either I'm fine or I'm devastated! "
Robert on Breaking Dawn: "Breaking Dawn is my second favorite movie after Twilight, which is the most important, it changed my life! When Kristen came close to 'altar terrified, I suddenly felt the weight of the situation, like a real marriage! "
via Source
*NEW* Robert Pattinson WFE Still In "Girlfriend" Magazine (Italy)
There's a gorgeous new still of Robert Pattinson as Jacob in "Water For Elephants" in the Italian "Girlfriend" Magazine.

Check out the full scans at the Source RobertPattinsonitalia and if you want to read a translation of the article head over to RobertPattinsonMoms
Check out the full scans at the Source RobertPattinsonitalia and if you want to read a translation of the article head over to RobertPattinsonMoms
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