The second interview is from Claire Denis regarding High Life, one of Rob's films in pre-production. She too has kind words to share but also notes something Josh mentioned - Rob is a go-getter. We pretty much know this already from Rob's admission but I love reading it from these directors he admires. Especially Denis. She doesn't realize he's had her name on his lips for yeeeears. That's one of Rob's bucket list directors and I think it's inspiring he was unwavering in what he desired professionally.
The Safdie Brothers talk about Rob and Good Time (excerpt):

LCDC: We are one month away from the festival: is the film complete?
Josh: Almost: Oneohtrix Point Never made the music, and for the end they wanted a song en interaction with the film. We asked Iggy Pop, and he sings an incredible song in the style of Johnny Cash. Do you know how I learned we were in competition? Six months ago I was in Los Angeles at Robert Pattinson's house. He has Japanese toilet that blows hot air. I had never experienced such a thing ... I loved it so much that Robert said to me: if we go in competition, I buy you the same. And we were invited out of competition. Six hours before the press conference, we had a meeting to find out if we were really out of competition, because at the same time we were invited to La Quinzaine, and Rob was trying to contact me over and over again, but i was at this meeting, and suddenly he sent me a text message with a photo of the toilet! Thierry Frémaux had just announced him we were in competition. I was extremely surprised! It was extraordinary.
LCDC: This is the first time you work with a star.
Josh: Pattinson is English, and the actors around him come from the world of the film. He spent five months working on his character. He doesn't have the experience of this life. I wrote him a biography from the day he was born to the first minutes of the film. We wanted to shoot into the streets, but wherever we went, people wanted to take a picture of him. We developed the appearance of his character so that nobody recognizes him. But he is so professional! He is never complaining. It's him who contacted us. He had seen a picture of Mad Love in New York on the Internet, he asked to see the movie, he saw it, and told us: whatever you want me to do, I will do it.Click HERE to visit PAW and read the entire translation!
Claire Denis talks Rob and getting High Life going:

LCDC: What about your science fiction project?
Claire Denis: It's a SF project, but in my own way, very software (laughs)! (...) I'm strarting the preparation in a few weeks. It's an English-language movie that will be filmed in Germany. (...) It takes place in the space, not on Earth. This is a project I have had in my mind for the last fifteen years. At the time I thought of Vincent Gallo to play the leading role but the producers are often afraid of him. One day Robert Pattinson contacted the person who was doing the English casting. I was intrigued but I tought he was too young. Every time I went to London to meet some actors, he was there. His desire to work with me has never faltered. And now he is a little less young and it's perfect.
LCDC: He is one of those actors whose we can feel the intelligence when they play.
Claire Denis: Yes, absolutely. He has a lot of humor too. I tought it was so strange that this young man wanted so much to work with me when he could do whatever he wanted. I was almost embarrassed. But his unwavering envy and our mutual recognition have done their work.Source: Les Cahiers du Cinéma | Translation and images via: PAW - Good Time; PAW - High Life