PAST: He started playing roles in plays because his father forced him and because his father thought that he’ll have more and better chance at girls. His ‘trip’ at Barnes Theatre Company turned more serious than he planned: Not only as model he has been discovered, but they saw his talent, too. After The Times saw him in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, they wrote ‘United Kingdom’s next big star, the next Jude Law’ about him.
PRESENT: He got the big ‘break-out chance’ from the movie version of the novel of Stephenie Meyer. He played one of the leads of the movie: the vampire who’s between his instincts and emotions.
FUTURE: He played the legendary artist Salvador Dalí in Little Ashes, and of course it couldn’t be that they give the role of Edward Cullen someone else in the next Twilight movie. And he doesn’t remiss the “harder” genres: he’s planning that he’ll play a lot of roles in theatres in the next year – but only in demanding movies with a role what’s hard to play. It seems he can allow himself to select.