Kristen Stewart Talks About Why She WON'T Confirm/Deny Robert Pattinson Rumors
Kristen Stewart sits down with ET's Samantha Harris and talks about everything from how Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are different, to commenting on rumors that she and Rob are dating offscreen.
Kristen tells Samantha about those who ask whether she and Rob are an item: "The only way that I'm able to stay sane is to protect myself, and like, I know that it doesn't matter how you answer a question, it's going to tip. Someone's going to say, 'She's totally with him,' or, 'No, I don't think she is,' so it's sort of like, I don't care. You just have to seriously be like, have it, have it all. Take my, you know what I mean, just like, you want my shoes? Here you go, what size do you wear?"
She also explains how Rob and Taylor are different in real life, "I mean, they're just completely different guys. I mean, Taylor's like really happy-go-lucky. He's really light and actually that sort of mirrors, that's how Jacob is too. He's always smiling and he's sort of ... he's just a really good guy."
On Rob she says, "Rob is a really good guy, too. He's like a little bit more ... I don't want to say that he's more complicated because I bet if you broke down their character, I bet they're both equally complex. I think Rob considers things a little bit more, I think he drives himself a little bit crazier, like as well as I do. If we could take a lesson from Taylor, I think me and Rob could probably both have easier lives."
PopStar September 2009 – New Moon Mini Mag Scans and a Letter to People Mag
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the scans. Above are the pages with Robert Pattinson for the rest of the 16 page magazine check RPUnlimited out ;)
And one of our regulars Diane sent a letter to People magazine about her frustrations with their Robert Pattinson coverage. It's a shame People sank to the lows of other gossip rags. Her letter to the editor is the 3rd one under Rob. Thanks to ShowMe for sending me the scan :)
What a LOAD of Crap: Famous, People, OK!

Does the picture look familiar? Oh yes it does. Thanks to Phosphorus for providing the link to it :))

What a Load of Crap: OK Magazine Cover
The so unreliable OK magazine (which publishes interviews that did NOT take place, it was UK OK! that published but they are the same mag, different countries) has a new cover and I am posting it in the name of fair bloggerism :) My thoughts? I said it here before...

Fittingly, they bunked in a cottage called the Valentino – as in Rudolph, the silent-screen romantic idol – and it made for an idyllic nest, with its two bedrooms, two baths, full kitchen and even a quaint window seat.
"They were very sweet together," an insider tells OK! of Kristen and Robert. "They were lovely."
But before the vampire saga's global fan base gets all dewy-eyed, there's a bit of a glitch: Kristen, by all accounts, is still involved with her longtime boyfriend, Michael Angarano. The results? A love triangle of Brangelinian proportions.
"Robert is completely frustrated. If Kristen isn't interested in a serious relationship, she needs to tell him so he can move on," says one source, adding that R-Patts, 23, is giving 19-year-old Kristen a couple months to sort things out while he's in NYC filming Remember Me, an indie flick about star-crossed lovers (production begins June 15).
The actor wants a resolution by the time he and Kristen reunite in Vancouver this fall to shoot Eclipse.
"He's asked her to choose between him and Michael this summer," says the source. "Robert's not willing to be strung along."
_____________And here is an interview Kellan gave to Extra denying the rumors: