Showing posts with label I'm so jealous of Uma and Christina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I'm so jealous of Uma and Christina. Show all posts

Larger Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" Screencaps & More GIF's

Yes I KNOW we already had Torture Tuesday but you know how much we LOVE to tease you (almost as much a DuRob) so here are some LARGER Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" Screencaps & More GIF's because you can never get enough of a good thing ;-)




Big thanks to Roberta & RobertPattinsonAustralia for these

"Bel Ami" Screencaps With Robert Pattinson (New Scene)

"Bel Ami" Screencaps With Robert Pattinson (New Scene)

Because the Longjohns HAD to be screencapped. Sorry they're not better quality/bigger.
But if the vid comes out in better quality I'll redo them for you.
Until then ENJOY





Loads more DuRob & his Long Johns & long fingers After The Cut

Christina Ricci Talks About How Great It Was Working With Robert Pattinson On "Bel Ami"

Christina Ricci Talks About How Great It Was Working With Robert Pattinson On "Bel Ami"

Great praise from Christina for Rob. Doesn't surprise me everyone who has worked with him has said pretty much the same thing! ;-)

Source via Source

HD Screencaps & GIF's Of Italian "Bel Ami" Trailer With Robert Pattinson

HD Screencaps & GIF's Of Italian "Bel Ami" Trailer With Robert Pattinson

I MAY have gone a little overboard. I can't think why......



Oh ya now I remember {giggle}



LOADS More After The Cut

Christina Ricci Talks About Getting Steamy With Robert Pattinson

Christina Ricci Talks About Getting Steamy With Robert Pattinson(I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm so jealous)
And also about "Bel Ami"

She talks about Rob around 0:52, 3:00 and again at 4:36
But it's worth listening to it all

Source via Gossipgyal

HD Screencaps Of New "Bel Ami" Clip With Robert Pattinson

Because we love DuRob and we love screencaps, I had to make some of the New "Bel Ami" Clip With Robert Pattinson


DuRob doing what he does best, charming the ladies



Click for HD

TONS More After The Cut

*NEW* "Bel Ami" Scene With Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman

*NEW* "Bel Ami" Scene With Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman

There's a really quick new "Bel Ami" Scene in this preview from
We've seen the still from the scene.


New part is around 0:27

In case you can't catch what Uma says she says: "Do you want to be the man who put down a government or do you want to be a fool"

*NEW* "Bel Ami" Poster With Robert Pattinson

This NEW UK "Bel Ami" Poster with Robert Pattinson is similiar to the 2nd poster we had.
This one is HQ and bigger is always better especially where DuRob is concerned (believe me!)


Click for HQ

Source via Source

"Robert Pattinson Is A Lovely Lovely Human Being" - Christina Ricci

"Robert Pattinson Is A Lovely Lovely Human Being" - Christina Ricci


Christina Ricci Talks about Robert Pattinson & "Bel Ami" on Ferne Cotton's Radio 1 Show.
Listen to the snippets below

Here she talks about doing nude scenes and how Rob is a lovely human being.
All together now........awwwwwwwwwwwww

Talks about Rob making fun of her making mistakes with the English accent

or listen to the full interview HERE starting around the 1:16 mark

Thanks to for the tip!

"Robert Pattinson Is A Good Kisser. And I'm Not Being Nice" - Christina Ricci Tells Total Film

"Robert Pattinson Is A Good Kisser. And I'm Not Being Nice" - Christina Ricci Tells Total Film.

Well you know Christina it's not that I don't believe you or anything but I think I should test that out for myself {giggle}


Check out what else she said to "Total Film" magazine below.


And love she does. If becoming this Parisian socialite sounds like Ricci's SoHo pipe dream come true, it's not the only fantasy on offer. There was also Pattinson. Locking lips and limbs with the Twilight star in a series of boudoir scenes, Ricci gets more R-Pattz ass than Bella Swan ever has. So come on, Christina, kiss and tell... "Everyone keeps asking me how it is to kiss Robert," she says. "He's a good kisser. And I'm not being nice. It's just like that."

She may be six years his senior - he was just four when Ricci made her film debut as swimming-obsessed moppet opposite Cher in 1990's Mermaids - but Ricci insists that she and Pattinson got on famously. "He's always the kind of guy that you can look at and go, 'Oh God, This is uncomfortable!' And he's really lovely to work with, especially in those kinds of scenes, because he's so quick to laugh at himself - and me! He's very self deprecating, as am I."

Click to Read

Source @RespectKStewx via Source

Another New Bel Ami Poster featuring Robert Pattinson: "Love Him And You Lose"

Another New Bel Ami Poster featuring Robert Pattinson: "Love Him And You Lose"

It's our 3rd Bel Ami poster and emailed to us by regular reader and Belgium screening informant, Astrid!


This is completely different from the first poster we saw and even the second poster from today. Love him and you lose. Eeeeeeep! Do you have a favorite? Astrid took the picture at her local cinema in Belgium. The film releases there Feb. 29, 2012. Thanks again, Astrid!

Robert Pattinson's attendance confirmed for Bel Ami premiere in Berlin

Robert Pattinson's attendance confirmed for Bel Ami premiere in Berlin

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!


We posted about the Bel Ami premiere date at the Berlin Film Festival but it has been confirmed again via distributor, Studio Canal Germany.

Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, and Christina Ricci are slated to attend the world premiere of Bel Ami on Friday, February 17th.

Tweet which opened up to Studio Canal Germany's facebook page

Facebook page announcement


Photobucket we come!

Source: Studio Canal Germany | Facebook | Twitter | via

Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" GIF's

I thought you might like some Robert Pattinson GIF's from the HD "Bel Ami" trailer
If you missed it, check it out HERE and you can download the HD screencaps HERE







Loads MORE After The Cut

Better quality still of Robert Pattinson and Uma Thurman in Bel Ami

Better quality still of Robert Pattinsona and Uma Thurman in Bel Ami

We've seen this already
but now it's LARGER...and who doesn't love a LARGER Rob ;)


Source via Spunk Ransom

Uma Thurman mentions Robert Pattinson

Uma Thurman mentions Robert Pattinson

In a recent article, Uma mentions her daughters feelings about meeting Rob:

"She asked me: ‘Why are you acting in movies with these young boys' and I replied: ‘Honey, at least I don't do it in real life'! My daughter met Robert [Pattinson] but she was so blasé about it," Thurman said. (Tink: oh the sweet, young, child. She will learn. She will learn)

Nothin' blasé about this ;)


Source via PattinsonStew

Christina Ricci Warns: Prepare Yourself For Robert Pattinson The Cad

Christina Ricci Warns: Prepare Yourself for Robert Pattinson the Cad

Oooh I can take it Christina I'm a big girl


Moviegoers are used to seeing Robert Pattinson onscreen as the most-stand up vampire around. But Christina Ricci warns that's going to end very soon.

Pattinson and Ricci both completed "Bel Ami" which Pattinson plays a young man rising to power in Paris using the city's most influential and wealthy women.

"The world is used to seeing him one way, and he's very, very different in this movie," Ricci tells PopcornBiz from the Blackberry Torch from AT&T launch party, "But he's an actor, that's what it's about. And he's really great in this."

Pattinson, who somehow has managed to stay a faithful and sexless through three "Twilight" films, works his way through Parisian society in "Bel Ami." At the press conference during the "Eclipse" release, Pattinson gleefully talked about his "Bel Ami" character Georges Duroy who he called "a completely amoral, evil character." (Kate:YAY)

"He seduces his wife and seduces absolutely every single one of his wife’s friends. Any influential woman he can get he has an affair with," said Pattison. "And then ends up screwing over the entire society and ends up making millions and millions of francs."

Pattinson taps into some serious actresses in Ricci and Uma Thurman. (Kate: You can say that again!) His Duroy is such a cad that he not only dumps Ricci once, but several times as he rises to the top.

"We have an on-off relationship through the whole movie and I get my heart broken a few times," says Ricci. (Kate: Christina I hope you don't expect pity from me, coz it's not going to happen! )

And does she handle her onscreen heartbreaks with less drama than Pattinson's co-star Kristen Stewart who famously went through vampire withdrawal during "New Moon" in a big way?

"Yes, I do," she admits. "But there's a little screaming, but that's par for the course for a relationship."

While filming is complete, no official release date has not been set for "Bel Ami," -- though it looks to hit US screens in the spring of next year.

Folks who prefer the nice Rob won't have to wait long. Pattinson will be back to his filming his faithful vampire character, Edward Cullen, in the fall for the final two "Twilight" installments. (Kate: I'm looking forward to seeing Rob the cad for a change! ) via RobPattzNews

Robert Pattinson Promises Us Hot Scenes with Uma & Christina In "Bel Ami"

Topp Magazine interviewed Rob in London last week and it will be published in a future issue of the magazine.

In the meantime they are teasing us and telling us about meeting Rob.

Thanks to Marystat for the translation :))

TOPP met Robert Pattinson

What is it like to meet one of the most popular movie stars?

Friday January 22nd. TOPP reporter Stine Hartman got to chat with a hugely popular teen idol in London.

The 23 years old ”Twilight” favorite, Robert Pattinson, who in a few years have risen from a relatively unknown ”Harry Potter” actor to be mentioned side by side with the biggest stars in Hollywood, is the hot topic at the moment and on Thursday he took time off from his busy day to be interviewed.

Many of you will probably be envious as you now get to hear that we have met the RPattz in person, but we are saving the interview for the next issue of the magazine.

What we now want to hear is how it really was like to meet Robert in real life.

- He is deadly handsome; even though his face almost disappeared in the heavy facial hair he has now. He almost looked like a guy who had lived in the forest for a couple of months, but was still very attractive. He is no diva and seems to be like the guy next door where he sat next to me drinking one diet coke after another, admits Stine to

- At the beginning he seemed very tired. This was after all his only day off for a while now as he goes straight into filming Bel Ami, which premieres next year. But he was able to promise us steamy hot scenes with both Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, explains Hartmann.

- He wore very casual clothing – woolen sweater, black jeans, sneakers and a cap and didn’t really seem to care that much about fashion. However he could reveal that he did like Marc Jacobs a lot. A plus for me who sat there with my brand new Marc Jacobs! He smiled when I said that I liked Marc Jacobs a lot too, reveals Topps reporter to

- But unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures of him or ask questions about his private life, but I still managed to pry a couple of things out of him, says Stine.

You can read about if he is a romantic or not and how he picks up a girl in the next issue of Topp…

Source Topp

Photo credit: INF Daily

Thanks to Olia and Maria for the tip
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