Thanks to lovely Darja for the scans and translations of the magazines :)
Joy Slovenija (July 2009 issue) (Crap)

Translation: Robert Pattinson plays Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali, who was madly in love with writer Federico Garcia Lorca in the 20's of previous century. Movie concentrates on their relationship, so Robert, 23, and Javier Beltran, 25, had several "action" scenes.
It is not known, how his new girlfriend, brazilian model Annelyse Schoenberger, 21, reacted to those scenes.
Gozde: Joy Slovenija (July 2009 issue) gets the "Oh NO YOU DIDN'T" (lack of journalistic integrity) award by this sentence: "It is not known, how his new girlfriend, Brazilian model Annelyse Schoenberger, 21, reacted to those scenes. "
If you are new to the "Robert Pattinson Rumor Mill" you may not have heard of the infamous Annelyse Schoenberger. Here is some Rob "What a load of Crap" History for y'all:
Last year a rumor started that Rob was dating a Brazilian model by the name of Annelyse. I don't remember how it started but it was internet based. The rumor was fueled by Anne herself (and her friends) when they started posting very "(mis)leading" updates on their myspace/facebook pages. And the rumor got out of control when a Rob picture at Kings of Leon concert surfaced:

People claimed the girl next to him was Anne.
It was a fun time for some of us :) That picture, the following "crap"-"not crap"-"oh please!" arguments, the non-sense banter and censorship led to the creation of ROBsessed.
The KOL concert was on October 17th ROBsessed Blog was born on October 24th :)
Later on Rob said he never even met Annelysse and no comment on ROBsessed was ever deleted (unless it was of pornographic nature).
The End ;)
Nova Slovenija July 6th 2009 (Crap):
Translation: Robert Pattinson's family hates Kristen
Robert and Kristen are denying rumours of their relationship, but obviously there is something going on.
Robert's aunt Diana Nutley said Kristen is a bad choice for Robert, the rest of his family want him to end their relationship.
Recently there was a rumour that Robert who is in NY filming Remember Me talks every day to Kristen, who is in LA filming The Runaways. There is no secret, their relationship is growing stronger and deeper. There is attraction and their bond is very special. A source told.
And in a tabloid world with no shame here is STOP Magazine from Slovenija that puts others to shame by having sense:Playing a romantic vampire in Twilight made 23yrs old Robert Pattinson not just beloved by teenage girls but also trashy media.
It is
Leonardo di Caprio story from his
Titanic era all over again
: every girl he is seen with is his girlfriend. It is supposed to be Emilie de
Ravin, 27, Claire Littleton from
Lost at the moment. He is making
Remember Me in NY with blonde actress and "those in the know" say they get along very well and they have a "very strong connection". Robert was supposedly the one who get Emlie the part in the movie.
A selection of guys with best bodies made by female journalists: some guys are not teenagers anymore but take good care of their bodies, and some youngsters who don't have to work out yet.
23y old Englishman is messing with teenagers' minds as loving vampire in Twilight movie - btw, sequel is coming this year. Robert will be hotter and less clothed than in the first movie.
He plays guitar and piano - so his fingers are sensitive.
He likes darts and snooker as far as sports is concerned - so he will have to work on his muscles in future.
Hello magazine voted him the most attractive man of 2008.
Glamour UK July 2009
OK! UK July 7th 2009
Hello UK July 13th 2009:
Story Slovenia (June 5th 2009)