Whole shoals of Z-list wannabes, scrabbling for their 15 minutes of recognition on increasingly degrading reality-TV shows, desperate for fame of any kind.
So it's time to sort the chaff from the wheat, and resolve once and for all who really counts in the world of celebrity in this country.
This is quite a simple one. Pattinson's the handsome young star of the Twilight films, beloved of teenage girls and other moody types. That fact makes him a nailed-down cert to be the most sought-after British movie star of 2010.
And that, in turn, makes him 'matter'. The only problem for Pattinson is that, as my grandmother always likes to say, 'One day you're the cock of the walk, the next you're a feather duster.' And nowhere is that more true than in good old Tinseltown. So I wish him well, but urge him to watch his back.
And not just because of the millions of girls all over the world who'd like to attach themselves to his shapely shoulders as a matter of urgency.