AWARD SEASON: Robert Pattinson talks Good Time for IndieWire Award Spotlight
Love this!! Nice quickie with Rob talking about his work on Good Time. Make it full screen :)
Showing posts with label I love this guy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I love this guy. Show all posts
AWARD SEASON: Robert Pattinson talks Good Time for IndieWire Award Spotlight
Robert Pattinson All Smiles In A New Fan Pic From 6th June
Robert Pattinson All Smiles In A New Fan Pic From 6th June
This lucky lady managed to nab a pic with Rob at the fundraiser on 6th June in LA.
And here's what she had to say about meeting Rob:
If you missed the other pics from this night check them out HERE & HERE
This lucky lady managed to nab a pic with Rob at the fundraiser on 6th June in LA.
And here's what she had to say about meeting Rob:
“It was like the Samovar farewell, lots of nostalgia, speeches and Indian sculpture all around!” she told us even while hanging out with Hollywood teen sensation Robert Pattinson, whom she described as “shy, well-behaved and not at all starry, and he’s dying to come to India, specially Goa!”Source via / via
If you missed the other pics from this night check them out HERE & HERE
"Robert Pattinson Is A Really Sweet, Self Effacing Guy & A Handsome F***** Too" ~ Liam Cunningham
"Robert Pattinson Is A Really Sweet, Self Effacing Guy & A Handsome F***** Too" ~ Liam Cunningham
Well look who was interviewed by the Irish Independent and again had kind words to say about Rob. They obviously interviewed Liam while he was still in Budapest filming The Childhood of A Leader.
Here's the part of the interview where he mentions Rob. Sweet, self effacing, delightful, lovely to work with and f****** handsome, yeap, that sounds about right ;))
(We shall overlook the fact that they typo'd on Rob's name ;p)
Well look who was interviewed by the Irish Independent and again had kind words to say about Rob. They obviously interviewed Liam while he was still in Budapest filming The Childhood of A Leader.
Here's the part of the interview where he mentions Rob. Sweet, self effacing, delightful, lovely to work with and f****** handsome, yeap, that sounds about right ;))
(We shall overlook the fact that they typo'd on Rob's name ;p)
"Robert Pattinson Will Become The Biggest Movie Star In The World" ~ Guy Pearce
"Robert Pattinson Will Become The Biggest Movie Star In The World" ~ Guy Pearce
You had to love the whole bromance that Rob & Guy Pearce had going while making The Rover and while doing the promo last year.
They made such a good team. You could really feel their connection in the movie and you could tell that they became really good friends.
In an interview with Yahoo Guy gives us yet another reason to love him ........
Thanks Clara
You had to love the whole bromance that Rob & Guy Pearce had going while making The Rover and while doing the promo last year.
They made such a good team. You could really feel their connection in the movie and you could tell that they became really good friends.
In an interview with Yahoo Guy gives us yet another reason to love him ........
"Guy Pearce expects Robert Pattinson to become the "biggest movie star in the world".Check out the full interview over at Yahoo
The 47-year-old actor appears alongside the 'Twilight' star in thriller film 'The Rover' and he believes the hunk's great looks and superb acting ability can enable him to become the best in the industry if he puts his mind to it.
He said: "I'd met Robert briefly one Comic Con a couple of years ago and told him he was great - I'd only seen one of his films, 'Water For Elephants'.
"He's as interested in delving into character as much, if not more, than I am.
"I thought, 'This guy's totally my cup of tea.' Then I put two and two together and went, 'Hang on, he looks like that, he's that famous and he's this good .... Seriously, if he doesn't become the biggest movie star in the world there's something wrong.'
"Amazing as an actor and amazing looking - what a combination."
Thanks Clara
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson & The Maps to The Stars Cast Tell Their Audition Horror Stories
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson & The Maps to The Stars Cast Tell Their Audition Horror Stories
HILARIOUS and adorable!
Click on the pic to Watch
Thanks Clara
HILARIOUS and adorable!
Click on the pic to Watch
Thanks Clara
'He's Amazing, Heartbreaking ....... In The End I Was Nervous He Was Going To Steal The Film' ~ Guy Pearce Talks Robert Pattinson + New 'The Rover' Stills
UPDATE: Added another New Still & BTS Pic and older stills now in HQ
'He's Amazing, Heartbreaking ....... In The End I Was Nervous He Was Going To Steal The Film' ~ Guy Pearce Talks Robert Pattinson + New 'The Rover' Stills
Guy Pearce spoke about Rob and The Rover to Australia's GQ magazine and the praise he gives Rob is once again guaranteed to put a big smile on your face.
We also get some new stills & BTS Pics and some older ones that we've seen before but now in HQ.
Click for Larger
via Pattinson Artwork
Thanks PJ!
'He's Amazing, Heartbreaking ....... In The End I Was Nervous He Was Going To Steal The Film' ~ Guy Pearce Talks Robert Pattinson + New 'The Rover' Stills
Guy Pearce spoke about Rob and The Rover to Australia's GQ magazine and the praise he gives Rob is once again guaranteed to put a big smile on your face.
We also get some new stills & BTS Pics and some older ones that we've seen before but now in HQ.
Click for Larger
via Pattinson Artwork
Thanks PJ!
Guy Pearce Talks About Robert Pattinson & 'The Rover' In 'Total Film' Magazine ~ "He's Amazing"
Guy Pearce Talks About Robert Pattinson & 'The Rover' In 'Total Film' Magazine ~ "He's Amazing"
Total Film Magazine has a feature on Maps To The Stars in this months issue (on sale Friday) Click HERE if you missed our post about that.
But it also has a great interview with Guy Pearce where he talks about Rob, working with David Michod again on The Rover and lots more.
Total Film Magazine has a feature on Maps To The Stars in this months issue (on sale Friday) Click HERE if you missed our post about that.
But it also has a great interview with Guy Pearce where he talks about Rob, working with David Michod again on The Rover and lots more.
"He's had a very different existence as an actor than I did. He's just this megastar. I don't know if he struggles with feeling like a valuable actor, as I did, but he shouldn't, if he does. He's amazing.Check out the FULL interview with Guy below.....
"On the second day he was doing the scene where he falls out of the truck and he's sitting there bleeding and I was watching it on the monitor. I looked at David and said, 'Wow, he's really good, isn't he?' What he was offering up with regard to the power shifts between us meant I had such great stuff to work with."
Is Guy Pearce As Robsessed As Us?......... I Think He Just Might Be
Is Guy Pearce As Robsessed As Us?......... I Think He Just Might Be
I think you'll have to agree there is some serious Robsessing going on here.
Check out Guy's interview with Yahoo to see what I'm talking about!
Check out THIS snippet from his interview with 20 Mins
(Translation thanks to PattinsonAW)
I think you'll have to agree there is some serious Robsessing going on here.
Check out Guy's interview with Yahoo to see what I'm talking about!
Q: How aware of Robert Pattinson were you before the film and how was it working with him?Need some more convincing?
PEARCE: I was very aware of his fame, and I had only seen him for Water for Elephants, which I really enjoyed, and I really enjoyed him in it. That head is just incredible really isn’t it? That face really. And the sensitivity, it’s a beautiful sensitivity. And when David mentioned that he was interested in him for the role, and I went, ‘Oh wow, okay,’ because I think the vulnerability was something that was really crucial for me as far as I was concerned. And I didn’t want it to be, not that I am a big brute of a guy, but I didn’t want it to be too equal; I wanted it to be obviously top heavy, so that people would feel sorry for him if I really took it out on him. And I wasn’t aware of how good he was going to be, to be honest. Not that I didn’t think he would be, but certainly, on that second day, when I was watching some stuff on the monitor, and he did that scene where he crawled out of the truck and he was sitting against the tree at the beginning and he had just been shot and watching the way he was sort of trying to work out how he was going to deal with this situation, I just found it heart-breaking. So it was a great moment for me, to be honest and it just got better and better as far as I was concerned. So, it was exciting because one, you forget about all the fame business and you concentrate on the work that you are doing, but just to kind of work with somebody who is really delivering is fabulous, it’s always been inspiring.
Q: Are you glad you never quite experienced that level of fame? There were years where you were
pretty well known... But it wasn’t that sort of thing. Are you glad you didn’t have to deal with that in your career?
PEARCE: Yeah, I haven’t had to deal with it. I would certainly enjoy the benefits that come with it, as far as being offered great roles all the time, and all that sort of stuff and I am sure that’s fabulous. But the sh*t you have got to deal with at the same time I reckon is pretty full on. It’s amazing how he deals with it.
Q: He seems very natural and easy-going.
PEARCE: Yeah, he’s funny and he has a good sense of humour, but I think it gets to him totally. But interestingly, and not that he actually says this, but he wants to prove himself as a good actor. All of us do, all of us want to be able to do good work and I think he sees that stuff, all that Twilight stuff, and goes blech, whatever.
Check out THIS snippet from his interview with 20 Mins
(Translation thanks to PattinsonAW)
20 minutes: And Robert Pattinson?via Clara
Guy Pearce: I spent the time on set eating sand with him, it creates links! Seriously, I was amazed by his talent and sense of adventure. He doesn't hesitate to make himself look ugly and try things. He is not a only a movie star: he has the makings of a great actor.
Funds Raised By Robert Pattinson Put To Good Use In Cambodia
Funds Raised By Robert Pattinson Put To Good Use In Cambodia
You might remember back in November last year we posted about Rob attending the Go Go Gala.
Rob bought himself a cello – made from trash found in a landfill – from the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, Paraguay, with his bid of $5,600 and also donated a ‘meet & greet’ on the set of ’Twilight Breaking Dawn’ for the online auction.
That meet & greet sold for $80,000 and that $80,000 went towards building a school for girls in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Check out these pics from the opening ceremony.
via Source
Thanks Mel for the heads up!
You might remember back in November last year we posted about Rob attending the Go Go Gala.
Rob bought himself a cello – made from trash found in a landfill – from the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, Paraguay, with his bid of $5,600 and also donated a ‘meet & greet’ on the set of ’Twilight Breaking Dawn’ for the online auction.
That meet & greet sold for $80,000 and that $80,000 went towards building a school for girls in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Check out these pics from the opening ceremony.
via Source
Thanks Mel for the heads up!
"He’s A Great Actor & I Wouldn’t Have Cast Him Otherwise" ~ David Michod Talks Robert Pattinson & 'The Rover' To ScreenDaily
"He’s A Great Actor & I Wouldn’t Have Cast Him Otherwise" ~ David Michod Talks Robert Pattinson & 'The Rover' To ScreenDaily
Screendaily spoke to director David Michod about the challenges of shooting The Rover, the punishing conditions they worked under, if he had any concerns about casting Robert Pattinson & more!
Screendaily spoke to director David Michod about the challenges of shooting The Rover, the punishing conditions they worked under, if he had any concerns about casting Robert Pattinson & more!
Why did you want to tell this story?
I wanted to tell a story about the effect today’s pathological greed and rampant resource exploitation might have on desperate people in some dark future manifestation of the world as we currently know it.
I wanted to throw together a murderous, resentful Australian man and a naïve American kid - a man who has witnessed the world fall apart and a kid who knows nothing other than things as they are, a kid who in different circumstances might just simply be looking for a girl to fall in love with in the next town, but who instead, here, is struggling just to stay alive.
Is this desert specifically Australia or could it be anywhere?
It felt like this story was specific to the Australian desert, specific to the last decade or more of the Australian resources boom, which saw the Australian economy basically propped up almost entirely by us digging up monumental amounts of dirt to fuel the growth of China and Asia more generally.
The world of the movie is one in which a catastrophic Western economic collapse has relegated Australia to the status of resource-rich Third World country - with all the violence and danger that entails.
Both Animal Kingdom and The Rover are full of menace and have a strong sense of place. Do you associate Australia with menace?
I associate Australia with both incredible beauty and incredible menace. It’s a landscape, a vast emptiness, that inspires both awe and terror. It does for me anyway.
How concerned were you about casting Robert Pattinson - an actor best known as the face of a teen franchise - in one of the two lead roles? Did his performance surprise you?
I loved the idea of it. I knew, even from my first meeting with him, before I even knew that The Rover was going to be my next film, that Rob had something far more interesting to offer than his work to date would suggest. And the prospect of giving a very recognisable performer the opportunity to do something right outside the parameters of people’s general expectations is exciting.
Rob didn’t exactly surprise me because I knew he could do what I was asking him to do - he’s a great actor and I wouldn’t have cast him otherwise. I’m pretty sure, however, that everyone else is going to be surprised by his performance because it’s about as far away from everything he’s done before as you can get.
How punishing were the conditions during shoot?
They were punishing. When we did our tech recce the week before the shoot we found ourselves standing around in 50 degrees Celsius temperatures. It was scary and dangerous. Fortunately, when we started shooting, the temperatures dropped down to around 43 degrees Celsius, which compared to 50 feels like a cool change. The conditions were tough, but it’s worth it - you can feel the conditions in every pore and nook and cranny of the movie.Read the full interview over at ScreenDaily
What were the biggest challenges for you during the production?
Distance and isolation were the biggest challenges. Travelling an hour or more to and from set every day, getting gear into difficult locations, and getting 35mm exposed rushes out. Everything’s dirty and nobody’s phone works. These are all things that make the experience special, though, too.
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: September 3 ~ Candid Pic From 2013
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: September 3 ~ Candid Pic From 2013
I love that we're triplets today and this candid moment was sure to be a winner!
"*siiiiiigh* my heart"
"Because I still smile so big when I think about what he did for these kids. He’s a winner."
"I had a funny feeling that Tink, Kat and myself might be thinking along the same lines with today's 365 so I took a sneaky peek at their choices and I'm glad I did because I had chosen the same pic so just for a bit of variety I'm going with this one. We're still triplets today though (sort of)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the September calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
I love that we're triplets today and this candid moment was sure to be a winner!
"*siiiiiigh* my heart"
"Because I still smile so big when I think about what he did for these kids. He’s a winner."
"I had a funny feeling that Tink, Kat and myself might be thinking along the same lines with today's 365 so I took a sneaky peek at their choices and I'm glad I did because I had chosen the same pic so just for a bit of variety I'm going with this one. We're still triplets today though (sort of)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the September calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
"He Struggled With The Flies & The Heat But He Had A Nice Time" ~ Guy Pearce Talks About Robert Pattinson In Australia
"He Struggled With The Flies & The Heat But He Had A Nice Time" ~ Guy Pearce Talks About Robert Pattinson In Australia
At the Iron Man 3 Premiere Guy Pearce was asked what it's been like welcoming Rob to Australia.
We saw how attracted to Rob the flies were (and who could blame them?)
Check out what else Guy says by clicking on the pic below!
Starts around the 5:00 mark
I can't wait to see Rob and Guy on screen together in "The Rover" and doing promo for it!
Thanks to PJ for the tip!
At the Iron Man 3 Premiere Guy Pearce was asked what it's been like welcoming Rob to Australia.
We saw how attracted to Rob the flies were (and who could blame them?)
Check out what else Guy says by clicking on the pic below!
Starts around the 5:00 mark
I can't wait to see Rob and Guy on screen together in "The Rover" and doing promo for it!
Thanks to PJ for the tip!
Can't wait for this movie,
guy pearce,
I love this guy,
the rover
"I Think People Will Be Quite Surprised By Rob's Performance, He's Really Extraordinary In It" - Guy Pearce On Robert Pattinson In "The Rover"
"I Think People Will Be Quite Surprised By Rob's Performance, He's Really Extraordinary In It" - Guy Pearce On Robert Pattinson In "The Rover"
MORE great praise from Guy Pearce in this interview with Angela Bishop for Ten New.
He also talks about how he got on with Rob, how down to earth he is and shooting in the desert.
I think Guy has earned his Robsessed badge ;-)
Starts around the 0:56 mark
MORE great praise from Guy Pearce in this interview with Angela Bishop for Ten New.
He also talks about how he got on with Rob, how down to earth he is and shooting in the desert.
I think Guy has earned his Robsessed badge ;-)
Starts around the 0:56 mark
VIDEOS: Guy Pearce Talks Some MORE About "The Rover" & Robert Pattinson To Sunrise & The Morning Show
VIDEOS: Guy Pearce Talks Some MORE About "The Rover" & Robert Pattinson To Sunrise & The Morning Show
Bring it on! Loving that they're all asking Guy about "The Rover" and hopefully there's more to come!
This time Guy Pearce did interviews with Australia's "Sunrise" & "The Morning Show" and they briefly brought up "The Rover".
In his interview with "Sunrise".......
And a brief mention of "The Rover" in this interview with "The Morning Show" where Guy says there were no funny anecdotes from the set of "The Rover" because it was a pretty heavy experience
Click on the screencap to watch
Around the 4:45 mark
And in case you missed the earlier post about Guy talking about Rob check it out HERE
Bring it on! Loving that they're all asking Guy about "The Rover" and hopefully there's more to come!
This time Guy Pearce did interviews with Australia's "Sunrise" & "The Morning Show" and they briefly brought up "The Rover".
In his interview with "Sunrise".......
- He talks about how David is a really clever guy & brings some really unusual things to the screen
- Says how it's a really dark film and how himself and Rob got to do some really interesting stuff together (EXCITE!!)
- Talks about how they filmed in The Flinders Rangers and finished 3 weeks ago
And a brief mention of "The Rover" in this interview with "The Morning Show" where Guy says there were no funny anecdotes from the set of "The Rover" because it was a pretty heavy experience
Click on the screencap to watch
Around the 4:45 mark
And in case you missed the earlier post about Guy talking about Rob check it out HERE
LA Times talks to Robert Pattinson at the Golden Globes: Find out his favorite movie of the year!
LA Times talks to Robert Pattinson at the Golden Globes: Find out his favorite movie of the year!
The LA Times got a chance to talk to Rob at the Golden Globes and find out quite a bit! From LA Times:
Robert Pattinson likes the Golden Globes and came to present voluntarily opposite Amanda Seyfried for adapted screenplay -- a rather surprising admittance from the press-shy Pattinson. The 26-year-old actor is thrilled to not have to talk about vampires ever again, though he said all his questions on the red carpet were bloodsucker-related. Pattinson is clearly here just to celebrate and is rooting for Joaquin Phoenix, though he's never met the actor. "The Master" was his favorite movie of the year. Eddie Redmayne, a fellow Brit, saunters over to the table. "We're at the same table," he sings to Pattinson, clearly excited to be seeing his old friend. Redmayne is also in a celebratory mood, thrilled he has nothing to do Monday and happy to hang with old friends. "Let's go find the bar, now," he says to Pattinson, and the two head for a quick drink before the festivities begin.
Love this! Great info from the Los Angeles Times. :)
The LA Times got a chance to talk to Rob at the Golden Globes and find out quite a bit! From LA Times:
Robert Pattinson likes the Golden Globes and came to present voluntarily opposite Amanda Seyfried for adapted screenplay -- a rather surprising admittance from the press-shy Pattinson. The 26-year-old actor is thrilled to not have to talk about vampires ever again, though he said all his questions on the red carpet were bloodsucker-related. Pattinson is clearly here just to celebrate and is rooting for Joaquin Phoenix, though he's never met the actor. "The Master" was his favorite movie of the year. Eddie Redmayne, a fellow Brit, saunters over to the table. "We're at the same table," he sings to Pattinson, clearly excited to be seeing his old friend. Redmayne is also in a celebratory mood, thrilled he has nothing to do Monday and happy to hang with old friends. "Let's go find the bar, now," he says to Pattinson, and the two head for a quick drink before the festivities begin.
Love this! Great info from the Los Angeles Times. :)
VIDEO: More Praise For Robert Pattinson From David Cronenberg At The Q&A From The Museum Of Moving Art
VIDEO: More Praise For Robert Pattinson From David Cronenberg At The Q&A From The Museum Of Moving Art
You'll remember that there was a Q&A the other night (16th) from the Museum of Moving art Screening of "Cosmopolis" well now we have video of that Q&A thanks to
Lots of praise again for Rob from David.
So grab yourself a cuppa and make yourself comfortable for the next 40mins
I could seriously listen to David talk forever
You'll remember that there was a Q&A the other night (16th) from the Museum of Moving art Screening of "Cosmopolis" well now we have video of that Q&A thanks to
Lots of praise again for Rob from David.
So grab yourself a cuppa and make yourself comfortable for the next 40mins
I could seriously listen to David talk forever
More Information About The Filming Of Robert Pattinson's "The Rover"
The Herald Sun (a prominent newspaper in Melbourne, Australia) has revealed new details regarding the upcoming filming of Robert Pattinson's The Rover.
It's reporting that the shoot will begin in late January 2013 and will last nine weeks. The cast is expected to shoot on-location in the South Australian outback for seven weeks, plus two weeks of interior shooting at Adelaide Studios. The Rover‘s production budget is said to be $12,250,000.
Check out the FULL article HERE and more Rover info from the other day (in case you missed it) HERE
And to keep up with everything about "The Rover" make sure to follow
"Robert Pattinson Is Refreshingly Normal" Sarah Gadon Mentions Rob & "Cosomopolis" To Pulp Magazine
Sarah Gadon mentioned Robert Pattinson & "Cosomopolis" To Pulp Magazine in an interview (it's from last year but we haven't had it before) and of course she only had good things to say about him!
Check it out under the pic

Check out the rest of the interview with Sarah over at Pulp Magazine (pages 20-21)
via CaitlinCronenberg's Blog Thanks to Gossipgyal for the tip
Check it out under the pic
Check out the rest of the interview with Sarah over at Pulp Magazine (pages 20-21)
via CaitlinCronenberg's Blog Thanks to Gossipgyal for the tip
Video Of Robert Pattinson's Interview With Kyle & Jackie O Show
Video Of Robert Pattinson's Interview With Kyle & Jackie O Show
This is a must watch!
I love this interview
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Australia
This is a must watch!
I love this interview
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Australia
Robert Pattinson + Glasses = Smart & Sexy (Translation Added)
Robert Pattinson & the glasses AGAIN.
This time with a translation of what was said thanks to RobPattzNews
Any excuse for me to post this video again ;-}
Translation Is After The Cut !
This time with a translation of what was said thanks to RobPattzNews
Any excuse for me to post this video again ;-}
Translation Is After The Cut !
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