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Just interviewed #RobertPattinson: so adorable. Wish I could put him in my luggage! the feature on the oct issue of @Glamouritalia #DiorRobUPDATE: More tweets and pics from the amazing DiorRob launch! Bottom of the post.
— Nina Verdelli (@ninaverdelli) June 13, 2013
The interview with Robert Pattinson was really cool. He is very nice and smart guy with a good sense of humor!
— Julia Kudryavtseva (@JKudryavtseva) June 12, 2013
@diorrob it will published in October issue
— Julia Kudryavtseva (@JKudryavtseva) June 13, 2013
@diorrob Baseball cap and sweater in grey, nice jeans and black leather Dior jacket)
— Julia Kudryavtseva (@JKudryavtseva) June 13, 2013
Behind this door, waiting for me was..Robert Pattinson.Thank you Dior, you are definitely on my christmas card list…
— Emily Dean (@Divine_Miss_Em) June 13, 2013
#RobertPattinson is a true Gentleman :))
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
To those asking,Robert Pattinson was beyond adorable,I might have to adopt him. And interview will be in the Oct issue of @instyle_uk
— Emily Dean (@Divine_Miss_Em) June 13, 2013
Here we are! Just 4hrs to go before the Rob Pattinson interview in L.A. for @sportetstyle magazine! #dday #RobDior…
— Yves Bongarcon (@Whybee1) June 13, 2013
InStyle has just interviewed the gorgeous new face of Dior - Robert Pattinson! Catch the exclusive chat in our October issue!The Ivy, another symbolic LA spot for the lucky and exclusive club of journalists celebrating DiorRob for the past 3 days.
— InStyle (@instyle_UK) June 13, 2013
Soon is upon us. The worst kept secret ever is no longer a secret.
The teasers have started... the press conference begins...
#Dior and #RobertPattinson what a combo for tonite...
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
#RobertPattinson is in front of me talking he is nice, cute, sweet and saying that loves the smell of London
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
"As an actor you are in your own" #RobertPattinson
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
We ready tumblr lovers the #Dior ad w #RobertPattinson is really sexy
— mariaestevez (@mariateam) June 12, 2013
Journalist Yves Bongarcon posted this on his Facebook earlier... with the caption "Rob says"! Take that as you may.
And the Dior party clues start... Tommy Raffa posted this PIC with the response
in the comments when asked...
Also a lucky party throwing @Jeremycsimon tweeted
"Today's was the fourth party I've thrown for Robert Pattinson" - KB
— Jeremy simon (@Jeremycsimon) June 12, 2013
We'll continue updating as the Robert Pattinson Dior Goodness rolls in.
Smells good in here!
DoG: You’re being modest…
Radcliffe: I promise it’s not false modesty though. There are very, very few actors whose name you know… even people like me and Rob Pattinson, who are at the moment big names and bankable - whatever that means - there are very few actors whose saying yes to something would mean a green light for that film. I think probably George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Johnny Depp, are the only three that have that kind of pull, and that comes from how they’ve had very long careers and are universally respected as actors and as professionals. So there’s a long way to go before we’re at that stage.
Joseph, who plays Klaus in the series, told omg! exclusively: "Provided he didn't mess it all up, Robert was guaranteed a fan base thanks to Twilight," Joseph told us. "His character is iconic and there's a huge following of the books but there's a tremendous amount of pressure that comes with that."
"People have their own very distinctive ideas of how a character should be portrayed especially when you're playing a vampire."
But the gorgeous star admits that Robert has needed more than just Edward Cullen to turned him into a superstar. He said: "Having the talent helped, Robert is quite charming and humble in the press during interviews which helps."
And Joseph revealed that he has the same fear as RPattz about being typecast (Tink: um....Rob doesn't have this fear and has stated multiple times he doesn't worry about that. Media just keeps bringing it up.), adding: "I do worry thought that after Vampire Diaries finishes how many fans will come with me to watch other projects that I do and if it's just the vampire phenomenon that made us [me and Robert] famous. It's harder for Robert though." (Tink: it, Joseph?)
Naturally we had to ask if he'd like to reach the dizzy Hollywood heights that Robert has to which he replied rather diplomatically… "That guy is more famous than anyone at the moment, of course I'd like to have Robert Pattinson's career but I don't like the whole celebrity aspect of it." (Tink: Oh you don't like it. Good thing you don't have it then.)
"I'm not interested in having a photo shoot in a magazine it allows people to buy into you too much. I'm not against talking about my personal life but I don't want it to be a soap opera."
"I'm not saying Robert's is, but he can't escape it - like the gossip around who is he dating, I don't want all that." (Tink: He can't escape it? We've seen Rob twice in 2012. Once at the People's Choice Awards and the second time, earlier this week from a fan pic. Next time? It'll be during the promo for Bel Ami next week. He's escaping pretty well for the new year.)
But that's what we REALLY need to know! Our final question to the actor was if he watched Twilight in preparation for his role in Vampire Diaries… "I watched the first one but didn't want to play it the same as Robert." (Tink: Thank God you didn't try because you would fail since there's only ONE Robert.)
"I thought he was good, there are so many parallels drawn between Twilight and Vampire Diaries that it was better for me not to watch it." (Tink: Ugh.)