Dear ROBsessors,
As Remember Me premiere approaches more and more people seem to get their hands on the script. It has come to our attention that some of you post spoilers from the movie in the comments section. PLEASE keep the comments spoiler free. If you REALLY have to post and talk to people like you who like being spoiled put a ***SPOILER WARNING*** at the beginning of your comment then leave 10 empty lines and post your spoiler, go nuts if you must :) But make sure you leave those empty lines so that people like ME who are spoilerphobes can go to the movie and be surprised when Tyler decides to become a Ninja...That's what I heard :)
I don't even watch the TV spots or the new clips from the movie. I know there are lots of people like me.
Don't make the monster judge you :)
Thank you in advance. On behalf of all Remember Me Virgins,