This is funny :))

From Ahlan Live:
There’s a hot new gang in celebville. They’re super-cute and talented, they’re all besties and a certain Mr Pattinson is their leader...
The wanderer
Sam Bradley
Age: 22
Brit Pack Connection: Sam met Rob when they were 12 and the pair co-wrote Never Think (Too Far Gone) for the Twilight Soundtrack, which the actor then recorded.
Sam On Rob: “There’s no formula for [fame]. But he’s taking it in stride. This is his job now.”
The muso
Bobby Long
Age: 22
Brit Pack Connection: Bobby co-wrote Let Me Sign with Marcus, simply saying of the track, “[We] wrote it, and [Rob] took it away and recorded it.”
What’s Next? The boys are hoping to get some songs on the New Moon soundtrack too.
The geezer
Marcus Foster
Age: 23
Brit Pack Connection: Marcus co-wrote Let Me Sign with Bobby Long, which was sung by Rob for the Twilight Soundtrack. And he’s old pals with Sam and RPatz – “I went to school with Rob and Sam, and I’ve known Bobby for a few years now,” he says. “They’re my boys!”
Watch out! Sienna’s About: Sisi recently caught Marcus’s London gig – “[They] were snuggling up to each other,” said a spy.
The shy boy
Tom Sturridge
Age: 23
Brit Pack Connection: Tom’s siblings went to posh Brit school, Harrodian with Rob – and that’s how he and Tom met. Until recently they lived together in a “cool little ex-crack den” in London. “We spent the better part of a year just getting drunk every night,” admits Rob. “I don’t know if that counts as ‘struggling.’”
Yes, he’s single! “I can’t talk to girls,” says Tom. “I never know what to say!”