From People Magazine:
She may not know anything about losing Rachelle Lefevre as a Twilight castmate, but Nikki Reed has a pretty good idea why fans swoon for costar Robert Pattinson.
With news still fresh on Lefevre being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse, the third film of the popular series, Reed, who plays vampire Rosalie Hale, tells PEOPLE she hasn't "talked to [Lefevere] yet." "I don't know anything about it other than a schedule conflict," said Reed at the Express TXT L8TR Campaign party at Nobu in West Hollywood Wednesday night – the same day the news broke of the switch.
Summit Entertainment defended the decision Thursday to use Howard as the villainous vampire Victoria due to Lefevre's commitment to the Dustin Hoffman film Barney's Version, which is slated to film at the same time as Eclipse.
But one thing is for sure: No one will be replacing Pattinson as Edward Cullen, as fans are absolutely dedicated to the actor. Why does Reed think he's got such a following? "Rob is sort of feminine looking and I think young girls like boys that look like women," she said. (Gozde: Oh Nikki....I am not even bothering to refute that but since I like you (and think there "usually" is no base for people to not like you) here is a suggestion: you don't want to anger fans more than they already are. You claim you know nothing about the Rachelle situation? You might want to check the comments on the Rachelle news and see who they want replaced instead of her. I'm just sayin'...)
Thanks to Kim and Leann for the link :))