Oddball? Goth? Robert Pattinson is actually a laugh
Former vampire, future Batman and 'The Lighthouse' star Robert Pattinson is surprisingly fun to hang out with
Robert Pattinson is every bit as intense as you might expect. He rests his famously chiselled chin on a clenched fist and considers the question I’ve put to him. ‘How do you make a spectacular wank?’ he muses. ‘A prize-winning wank?’
The London-born actor is telling me about a memorable episode in his latest film, ‘The Lighthouse’. It is, in his own words, a ‘ferocious masturbation scene’. To make matters more bizarre, they shot it on the opening day of filming. ‘It was fun doing it on the first day,’ he admits. ‘It was an icebreaker.’
Was there an element of wanting to impress director Robert Eggers? ‘We’d just done a week of rehearsals where I’d basically hidden everything from him,’ he says. ‘I felt I had to prove myself on the first day, so I went [for] the most extreme and grotesque… grotesquery.’
So how do you conjure up a ‘prize-winning wank’? He looks me in the eye and says in all seriousness: ‘Throw up on yourself.’
He reflects on this for a second. ‘They didn’t use that take in the end,’ he recalls. ‘It was a bit too much.’
Okay, aside from the whole making himself vomit while tossing himself off thing, he’s not that intense. He’s quite a laugh, actually. Which is handy, as we’ve decided to pelt him with petals and shove a load of flowers in his face for our photoshoot. And for the most part, he rolls with it. There’s only one thing he won’t do, which is holding flowers up to his eyes like glasses. ‘That’s where I draw the line,’ he says firmly. ‘It’s a little too Teen Vogue for moi.’
Read the full interview over at Time Out
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