NEW PIC Of Robert Pattinson In Costume For 'The Lost City Of Z'
The twitter that posted this pic is the stunt company working on The Lost City Of Z so I would imagine the guy on the right is who they're using as Rob's stunt double. Obviously Rob is one of a kind but it's a pretty good match, don't you agree?
A closer look is needed (as always)! Look at those boots *fans self*...... see you in the DR ;)
NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson Out and About in NYC (Dec. 18)
There were rumors on twitter of Rob in New York City filming a commercial but it wasn't anything solid but now......we have pics of Rob out and about yesterday!
Remember that MTV coat??? Click HERE for a refresher :) Noticing the clean shave....
About that rumored commercial....hmmmmmmmmmmmm ;))
UPDATE: More pics in the thumbnails. Nick and Dean are with Rob which suggests some work. We need a poll...why do you guys think Rob is in NYC?
Click for HQ! ManagerNick and BodyguardDean! Most definitely work then, non?
HQs: Source | Source: eyesontaybert | Via: Clara
Robert Pattinson was spotted at Dimples Supper Club in Burbank California last night. He attended friend Shannon Woodward's birthday party. Katy Perry was also in attendance. Radar Online wrote a slimy little story about how Katy and Rob looked "more than just friends" and how Rob was drunk blah blah blah. It's Radar Online...
Rob and Katy attended Shannon's birthday party last year and the same "Rob and Katy are so doing it!" stories were told... 1 year later, same people, different venue, same story :)
The videos below are STALKERAZZI videos, zoom lens & all. You've been warned, watch at your own risk:
Thanks to Donna who did some cyber stalking to find these tweets and figured outKarli Henriquez (Kiis FM and MTV) and Aaron Light were also at the karaoke bar :)
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