Gorgeous HD Screencaps From "Breaking Dawn Part 2" With Robert Pattinson
Look at that face. Oh ya he's the man!
Sweet Smiley Edward
There are actually MORE After The Cut but you better grab all your safety gear before looking at those. That's your warning!See how much I love you all;-)
HD "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Trailer Screencaps With Robert Pattinson & Co
So what do you all think of the new trailer? Is everything there that you wanted?I'm really excited about the battle scene at the end of it because it was my least favourite part of the book. Anyway I did a "few" screencaps for you, HD of course.
Here's a few of my favourites
Would you buy a Volvo from this man? He could sell anything he wants to me once he comes included in the deal!
Oh Hot Damn "Breaking Dawn" Enhanced HD Screencaps With Robert Pattinson
First we inflict the pain (Torture Tuesday) and then we give you pleasure. Today your pleasure is coming in the form of gorgeous giggles & red hot kisses and all in glorious HD! What more could you ask for?
Make yourself comfy and sigh (and pass out) with me while you look at these
Oh Gosh *FansSelf*
Oh Hot Damn. Will I make it to the end ?
Adorable Giggles
Finger Porn
SO serious
Not for long :-)
Check out MORE Pics Below (if you think you can handle it)
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