This Empire Interview with Robert Pattinson is a must read.
It's lengthy but there are some new, different answers to questions.
Grab a cuppa, sit down and have a read.

His name is now synonymous with screaming fans, tousled hair and possibly sparkly skin, such that Robert Pattinson may find it difficult to escape the shadow of vampire Edward. But as we found out recently, he's largely at peace with the role these days and only slightly bemused at what the fans see in Edward. Here he is on becoming a vampire dad, behaving like a secret agent and going on guilt trips. Mild spoilers for those who haven't read the book...
Are you happy to say goodbye to Twilight? And what has its impact been on our culture?I guess I’m happy to move on, but it was nice to have good closure. I found Edward quite a restrictive character but in Breaking Dawn he kind of loosens up about everything. I mean, it’s almost impossible not to when you’re delivering babies and, you know, Bella is dying and all this stuff is happening. You can’t play it the same, and that was nice. It was nice to have arguments and things as Edward, which seemed very unusual. But um, what’s its contribution to the culture? Well one of the main things, which obviously the books did but the movies helped, was just getting young people reading again. Harry Potter started this thing, but anything which gets kids reading, it helps. As soon as you start reading one series then you start reading a bunch of other stuff. Just in terms of the film industry as well, I think Twilight showed that you can have a female audience for something and it does well.
What about its perception of romance? I think it’s a fairly traditional romance. I have never understood the fascination with vampires though. I mean, people are obsessed and I don’t know why. I know the history of it; I find it interesting to think there are true stories of things in, say, Romania. I like all the conspiracy theory aspects of it, but I guess when doing Twilight that is why all the vampire people hate us, because we didn’t have fangs, don’t get burnt in the sunlight or anything. I didn’t really have to do any research about vampires.
How was it shooting the films back to back? Was there a different kind of feel to it doing two movies?Yeah, it felt like a long time when we were shooting it. Also, at the beginning we were a lot less stressed than we were before. It became stressful later, when we suddenly realized we were basically shooting these two films. It became even more work in the end than normal, but for the first couple of months it was like “Eh, we got 8 months! This is easy!”.