Russian Magazine I Love You has an interview with Emma Watson and HarryPotterspage.com has the translation. It sounds NOTHING like Emma and as polished as she is I call WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP on this "interview" :) It actually sounds like the interviewer had a dream and typed it up. Read the whole thing and you'll see what I mean :) and to remind you just how polished Emma is there is a video from Access Hollywood from December 2009.
Q: Well, but what about Rob Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
A: OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He’s driving me crazy…But we’re just friends and can just be talking on the phone for hours, because I know, that there’s something’s going on between him and Kristen Stewart. And I’m really happy that Rob became so popular on Twilight. He’s so gorgeous, that I wasn’t even surprised by that!
Thanks to Melissa for the link :))