Robert Pattinson Talks MTV Best Kiss, Looking At Fans Sites & More With ET Canada

ET CanadaAfter filming Cosmopolis right here in Toronto, RPatz has brought his entire crew back to T Dot for the Canadian premiere tonight! Well, everyone except his girlfriend Kristen Stewart that is (darn!)
But he did tell ET Canada‘s Roz Weston today he was excited about winning MTV’s Best Kiss Award, which Kristen picked up for both of them last night in LA.
“It’s nice that it’s been quite a few times,” he says of the trophy. “I would be disappointed if it wasn’t, then I would know it’s all rigged.”
Cosmopolis is of course a far cry from Twilight – and the actor wasn’t convinced at first… but thankfully everyone else around him was: “It took about 40 people to tell me I am being an idiot for not doing it… I got so many people to read the script.”
And Twihards, here is an interesting fact: Rob goes on the fan sites to see what you think of his movies, so be kind!
(Kate: O.O)“I think Reese Witherspoon said when you are feeling good about yourself you don’t look at it, when you feel bad you look at it to make yourself feel worse,” Rob reveals.
More tonight on ET Canada!
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