Another ridiculously adorable pic of rob with fans in Yarmouth last night.
He could spill his drink on me anytime he wants LOL
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Thanks Flavia
A post shared by Michelle Cottreau (@michellecottreau) on
A video posted by Michelle Farrell💋 (@michellethatonegirl) on
On Friday, Aug. 16, Robert Pattinson, actor and star of mega-hit movies "The Twilight Saga" and "Water for Elephants" dropped by Children's Hospital Los Angeles to spread cheer and visit with patients.
Teens from across the hospital—including the Acute Rehabilitation Center, the Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases and The Heart Institute—gathered in the hospital's Teen Lounge for a surprise guest.
Just thought I would share the rest of the story with you all... Well, we all know this picture right? I was visiting Insta-gator in Louisiana last weekend with some fellow twilighters and happened to spot it on the wall. I raced over to it and, although the pic doesn't show it clearly, the paper above the pic says that the alligator, appropriately named, Hollywood, lives at the ranch and that if you ask the tour guide, you can meet him!!!! I immediately went into stealth mode knocking people over trying to find the guide because anything that touched Rob, I MUST TOUCH! Anyway, finally found the guide, who we had nicknamed Marshmallow Man, because he fed the gators marshmallows and because he was hot, and he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about, all braun, no brains, I guess. He told us to go ask the short, red-headed guy. So I did, and do you know what he told me? He said, "Hollywood's not here anymore. Rob paid to have him released back into the wild. It's the only time we've ever done that." Needless to say, tears started to form, not because I didn't get to meet the gator, but because our Rob is that sweet! I cried and love him even more if that's possible! And that my friends, is the rest of the story.
The D-backs Give Back League is a program designed for Arizona Diamondbacks employees to contribute toward the community. We are an independent co-worker coalition, acting beyond any scope of employment with the Arizona Diamondbacks.
The Home Plate Project is a fundraiser for local non-profits. The idea of the program is to get members of the Arizona community to decorate home plates that will be provided to them. The plates will then be put on-line here for auction. Participants are encouraged to decorate their plate any way they like that shows their personality, their company’s personality, mission, what they do or just any fun idea they choose. They may paint the plate, attach crafts, apply a photo or again; any way they want to creatively use the space. There is one rule; be creative!!!
For the first year, the Home Plate Project will benefit Ozanam Manor. Ozanam Manor is a local non-profit that helps people with transitional housing. They specialize in helping people over 50-years old who are homeless, or other people with a handicap due to illness or disease, regain their pride and get back on their feet. Many are U.S. Veterans. The money raised from this project will help renovate areas of their building, which was built in the 1930s, and other needs like a storage shed. Ozanam Manor has a success rate of 75% and they need more funding and volunteer help to continue their impressive success rate. Our team will be hands-on helping with projects or other ways like running a “Toiletry Drive” so residents have the things we take for granted each day. You can learn more about this impressive organization by clicking HERE.Do you love Rob more or what??? Thank you, lifeloveartfilm, for the heads up on this awesome Rob news!