NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson talks to NYT about his career turning point, a German director in his sights and more!
Another great read about Rob and his career. Lots of great quotes from Rob and a thoughtful editorial. Enjoy!
New York Times,
Robert Pattinson Knows What You Think, but He Can Work With That:

CANNES, France — On Wednesday, I had an espresso with Robert Pattinson on a rooftop terrace overlooking the Mediterranean.
That is the kind of preposterous sentence that a critic sometimes finds herself writing from the Cannes Film Festival, where Mr. Pattison’s new movie, “Good Time,” is in competition. The next morning, the movie shook up a largely listless event that has been stuffed with near-misses and entries that tend to preach at viewers or punish them, often both. “Good Time,” by contrast, is pure cinematic pleasure about an often funny, sometimes shocking rush into the abyss, one that earned Mr. Pattinson a lot of critical love here if no awards.
Mr. Pattinson plays Constantine Nikas, a.k.a. Connie, a calamitously inept bad guy who, during one terrible New York adventure, leaves ruin and broken bodies in his wake. Directed by the brothers Josh and Benny Safdie, “Good Time” is thrillingly energetic and focused. It doesn’t peddle a message or redemption, but instead tethers you to an oblivious narcissist who pushes the story into an ever-deepening downward spiral. As errors turn into catastrophes, Connie grows increasingly feral, becoming a character who is a biliously funny reproach to the American triumphalism that suffuses superhero flicks and indies alike and insists that success isn’t just inevitable but also a birthright.
“Good Time” is part of a fascinating course correction undertaken by Mr. Pattinson, who in recent years has appeared and almost disappeared in art cinema titles like “The Childhood of a Leader” and “The Lost City of Z.” Although he brushed against blockbuster fame playing a doomed character in the “Harry Potter” franchise, he became a global name in the role of Edward Cullen, the pallid vampire heartthrob in the “Twilight” series. That celebrity turned frenzied when Mr. Pattinson and his co-star Kristen Stewart began a long on-and-off relationship that quickly turned into fodder for the publicity grinder and was almost inevitably folded into the “Twilight” brand and saga.
During his “Twilight” years, Mr. Pattinson was not always treated kindly by critics who did not necessarily see beyond his beauty or his utility as one of that series’ cinematic objects of desire. Unlike Ms. Stewart, he also did not have an earlier body of work that indicated he could do more than pout prettily, even if his turns in small movies like “Remember Me” (2010) showed promise. It was, however, “Cosmopolis,” the 2012 dystopian fantasy from David Cronenberg, based on the Don DeLillo novel, that effectively set Mr. Pattinson’s career path.
“I think it was the first time when I worked on something that was quite complex,” he said.
“Cosmopolis” was, he added, essentially the first movie he made after he finished the final chapter of the “Twilight” series.
“I especially love the fact that it came out really at the height of my popularity,” he said. Cast as a master of the universe who endures a spectacular, increasingly violent and humiliating fall, Mr. Pattinson sees the movie as
“the big turning point for me — I just realized that was what I wanted to do.”
Click HERE to finish the article at NYT!