VIDEO INTERVIEWS: Robert Pattinson Talks To Janet R. Napales & Collider About Filming 'The Lighthouse'
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and Mia Wasikowska talk about their clog dancing skills in Damsel and more!
Collider has a fun interview with Rob and Mia. Great questions! Click the image to view.

Source: Collider
VIDEO: Collider Interview Robert Pattinson, Josh & Benny Safdie
Click on the pic below or HERE to watch Rob, Josh & Benny talk Good Time in this great 20 min interview with Collider!
Try not to let Rob distract you with all his hair twirling!
Robert Pattinson talks one-on-one with Collider in an extensive and excellent interview about his career and many more treats
What an exceptional interview of great length! Can't they all be like this? There's such a respect for Rob's work and his intelligence. It's not a gossipy bit and we know it wouldn't have been based on the interviewer and interviewee. We also don't just dive into the same TLCoZ info we're familiar with at this point. We get to read more about Rob's attachment to Good Time than before, his joy with working on High Life with Claire Denis (shooting in August if the money holds together), and a tease about a new film he might be taking on. This interview is rich in professional flavor and more!
I've posted the start but please continue over to Collider to read the rest. You definitely will want to. It's the stuff Robsessed dreams are made of.
COLLIDER: You won’t remember this, but I actually interviewed you in New York for Remember Me, back in 2010. So, you’ve landed on your feet.
ROBERT PATTINSON: God. So long ago now and it was 2010.
Yeah. Long time ago.
PATTINSON: Doesn’t feel like a very long time ago.
Time goes by very fast. There’s something I want to talk to you about: I’m a legit fan of your acting. One of the things that I am impressed by is the movies you’ve done. You’re going for cool roles with good directors and you’re going after scripts. For example, I really enjoyed your work in The Rover. And I think that one of the things is a lot of actors have to work because of, you know, they have to pay the mortgage. And I think that one of the benefits you have is you gained that financial freedom after a certain franchise to be able to pick the projects you want to do. Can you sort of talk about what you’ve tried to do over the few years as an actor and the roles you’ve been gravitating towards?
PATTINSON: Yeah, that’s completely right. I mean, I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to do that. But I also think if you get sort of early success there’s always this part of you which feels like, “I need to address the imbalance, I need to kind of earn that success after the fact” [laughs]. And so I try to find roles that are hard and also, I still find now, even after I’ve done loads of really random movies, directors are really surprised that I want to play the parts that I want to play. They just assume that you want to only do the honorable good guy lead who saves the day or dies at the end [laughs]. It’s like, I don’t know, I just kind of don’t think any audience would want to see me do that, or I always think that you have to have a certain understanding of what an audience would want to see from you as a public person as well as a character. So yeah, I generally try and find ways to get my characters severely punished [laughs].
The other thing though is a lot of people I’ve spoken to talk about getting pigeonholed in a certain type of role and the only way you can sort of break that is to show people that you don’t want to do just this one role again and again and again.
PATTINSON: Yeah, and it’s amazing as well how people if you want to get a different role, the majority of time the producers or directors want to see you play a similar role already, whereas the only thing I really want to do is swing wildly from one end to the other [laughs]. But then I think after it’s just starting to kind settle into the kind of area that I want to be in. I knew it would take a long time, but like this year working with Claire Denis and I’m probably going to work—I don’t know if I can say it yet [laughs].
Yeah, don’t. I don’t want to get you in trouble. But by all means, say it.
PATTINSON: I think I’m going to do something with Antonio Campos as well. Do you know Antonio Campos is?
I do.
PATTINSON: The part with him is like –I mean, he actually wanted me to do a different part and I was like, “No this is the part.” It’s this absolutely degenerate [laughs]. But then I did this thing with the Safdie Brothers. I don’t know if you know the Safdies?
I’m not as familiar.
PATTINSON: They did that film called Heaven Knows What about west side junkies.
I definitely didn’t see it, and I don’t think I want to pretend that I did.
PATTINSON: It’s incredible. I have this movie coming out this year with them, which is really like, I don’t know why they trust me on it but it’s playing –It’s like so specifically Queens-related, and I’m obviously not at all acquainted [laughs].
You’re not from New York? I’m surprised to learn this!
PATTINSON: And everyone’s non-actors in it, and we’re pretty much…
Well, American Honey did a great job without traditional actors.
PATTINSON: Yeah, I think it’s the same, man. Elaine or Jen, who cast that? God, my memory is so shit. Yeah, I think it’s the same casting people who did American Honey. But a lot of the people from American Honey came from the Safdie Brothers’ first movie Heaven Knows What.
Oh, there you go.
PATTINSON: Yeah. But she is an amazing street-casting person, she is incredible. And some of the people in—There’s this movie called Good Time, and it’s crazy. I literally can’t wait for it to come out.
That’s what Megan was saying.
PATTINSON: Oh really?
She was saying, “You need to see this movie,” and I’m like, “Okay!”
PATTINSON: It’s just really fun. I mean, it’s kind of like, it’s so scrappy and stuff but you know, I watch so many movies and I find a lot of them very predictable, and also, a little bit playing it safe.
That’s why you should go see The Handmaiden.
PATTINSON: I love The Handmaiden. It’s fucking amazing.
If you want to talk about movies that take twists and turns. I was sitting in the theater, jaw on ground, six times.
PATTINSON: No! I literally thought it was absolutely incredible. And also, I didn’t really know what it was about, and I remember watching in this theater in New York and there’s so many dirty, creepy old men sitting around [laughs] and I was watching like “What? This movie is crazy sexy! I had no idea at all!”
But you mentioned, that’s the type of movie you will not get made in America anymore. Maybe, I don’t even know if it could have ever been made in America.
PATTINSON: It’s that main period where it could have been, but like…
Maybe the early 70s?
PATTINSON: Or 80s. There’s a bunch of…
Oh, that’s true!
PATTINSON: Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I just find it so – I mean, I love going to a theater and just being like, “Wow!” That and I mean, Embrace of the Serpent. Did you ever see that?
I have not, but I’ve heard of it.
PATTINSON: Unbelievable. But yeah, I don’t understand. But this thing I did with the Safdies, it’s kind of very sort of subversive, but at the same time it’s a real genre film. So I think people will see it and kind of be quiet, it seems it’s weirdly accessible for a very strange movie. So, I hope people will like it.
Well, jumping into why I get to talk to you, the actual movie, The Lost City of Z.
PATTINSON: Yeah, sorry!
He's the best. I can hear him saying sorry with that big smile of his. Maybe a laugh too. Now I want audio! LOL
Click HERE to continue reading this awesome interview. They get into TLCoZ, of course, but also cover the choice to have a beard, Rob's long love of M&Ms makes an appearance, Good Time 411 pops up again, the merits of film vs digital, memorable TLCoZ filming experience, preparing for High Life, the superhero genre, Guardians of the you get the point? This interview! Perfection.
Source: Collider
"Robert Pattinson Is Incredible, The Kid Has Chops. This Dude Can Act" ~ Watch Collider Movie Talk Discuss 'The Lost City Of Z' & Robert Pattinson
It never fails to bring a smile to my face when others realise what we've known all along. Watch the Collider Movie Talk guys discuss how they're looking forward to seeing The Lost City of Z and what their thoughts are about Rob.
Tom Holland Joins James Gray's 'The Lost City of Z'
ICYMI: The future Spider-Man is going on an indie film adventure prior to getting his own film. Find out a little bit about 'The Lost City of Z'.
Posted by on Sunday, August 23, 2015
Robert Pattinson in wider LIFE still from Entertainment Weekly + positive buzz for the still!
UPDATE: Dane DeHaan tweeted an untagged version of the still!
Caitlin Cronenberg captured a great shot of Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan!
Entertainment Weekly also expanded their write up in the online edition:
It’s 1955 and Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock has convinced a young James Dean to take a road trip from Los Angeles to New York to Dean’s hometown of Fairmont, Indiana, so Stock can photograph Dean in the environments that “affected and shaped the unique character” of Dean, the photographer said in an interview describing their adventure.
However, that fateful trip, where Stock shot Dean’s famous Times Square photo, is the subject of a new film directed by Dutch director Anton Corbijn. Starring Dane DeHaan as Dean and Robert Pattinson as Stock, the film, called Life, is currently shooting in freezing Ontario, Canada, which is doubling for Indiana.
In the shot, the two young actors are heading from the train station to Dean’s childhood home. Corbijn is happy with the film’s progress thus far. When we spoke to the director he had been shooting for eight days and was already pleased with the connections formed between the two men. More importantly, they’ve each sparked to their disparate roles.
“Rob has an intensity that I think Dennis would have. When I see Rob, I see an inner turmoil that is great for the role,” he said. “And Dane is really interesting. He has a beautiful face, but it’s a hard face to grasp. It’s hard to see how Dane reads sometimes, and the same thing goes for James Dean.”I love what he had to say about Rob and this shot really is fantastic. I cropped the HQ version we posted yesterday for us.
Here's a roundup of a couple of media outlets that had fun things to say about the first look. The Playlist gave us hopes for a fall festival circuit, Collider calls Life a fascinating drama and Moviefone knows what's up. ;)
Here's some good news. While Anton Corbijn has generally taken his time between films—three years passed between "Control" and "The American," and it was four more until the forthcoming "A Most Wanted Man"—the filmmaker is already onto his next gig, currently in the midst of production in Canada on "Life" starring Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan. And yes, that's the first look at the pair above.
No release dates yet for this one, but one wonders if the quickly moving Corbijn could have it done in time for the fall festival circuit.Collider:
It’s tough to judge how much DeHaan embodies the role of Dean based on this one slightly obstructed image, but the pieces are all in place for a fascinating drama that provides an interesting point of view on Dean’s life.Moviefone:
The photo just shows two dudes in a car, but man are those dudes handsome.
Bill Condon Tells Collider A Funny Robert Pattinson Story
He also says he doesn't think there'll be a cast commentary :-(
The bit about Rob starts at the 10:05 mark and the part about the commentary is around 3:00
This interview is possibly a little bit spoilerish if you haven't seen the movie already
Robert Pattinson and Cosmopolis mentions in Collider and FilmINK
From Collider/Top 5 weekly post:
#3. New Poster and NSFW International Teaser Trailer for David Cronenberg’s COSMOPOLIS
As unfair as it is, I’m just as guilty as the next guy or gal of writing off Robert Pattinson in any role because he’s, well, Edward Cullen. In this NSFW international teaser trailer for David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis adapation, though, Pattinson is far from a sparkly vampire with self-control issues. In fact, he kind of seems like a badass. Say what you will, but I think that a little Cronenberg gore and violence is exactly what the doctor ordered to help begin laying Cullen to rest.I will always love and support Rob's creative choices but it saddens me that his role as Edward gets bashed so much. I'll always love his Edward and Twilight. But whatcha gonna do. Our fandom isn't for everyone and my Edward love is welcomed in the DR. ;)
David Cronenberg was interviewed by FilmInk and Rob & Cosmopolis were briefly mentioned. I transcribed the excerpt because it's difficult to read the scans:
Fortunately, despite the fear that is currently paralyzing the film business, Cronenberg already has his next film in the can. Cosmopolis is an adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel about 24 hours in the life of a Manhattan multimillionaire. "I wrote the script in six days because the book is so cinematic - the dialogue is incredible," Cronenberg says. "That was unusual for me - to write a script that quickly. But then it was waiting to go." The project was brought by him by veteran Portuguese producer, Paolo Branco. "He flew to Toronto," Cronenberg says, "He came with his son and said, 'My son says that you are the right director for this project.'"I really couldn't be more excited for this film. There aren't enough words to express my excitement for Rob as Eric Packer.
The only issue was that Cronenberg was lined up to shoot A Dangerous Method. "But Paolo said, 'I will wait for you.'" And he did, securing the services of one Robert Pattinson in the meantime to play the leading role of Eric Packer, an asset manager who endures a surreal odyssey across New York when he sets out in his hi-tech limo to get his hair cut and finds the car stuck in a monumental traffic jam. "About 70% of it takes place in the back of a limo," confirms Cronenberg who still had to deal with legions of R-Patz fans during the shoot. "It sometimes was a little difficult. But Toronto is relatively repressed, i.e civilized."
Gif: Source | Scans: Source | Via: Source
Bill Condon Talks "Breaking Dawn " & If There Will Be A Directors Cut
Thanks to Gordana for the tip
"Robert Pattinson Is Terrific, A Very, Very Good Young Actor" - High Praise From Colm Meaney
You have another period piece with Bel Ami coming out. Do you enjoy doing that type of work?
MEANEY: It’s interesting because I haven’t done a lot of period work in the past, but I always wanted to because I’m interested in history. Also, as an actor, my background is in the theater and I feel that my strong suit is period work, but I actually didn’t do much of it at all, until the last three or four years. I’m loving it!
Who are you playing in Bel Ami, and what was that cast like to work with?
MEANEY: It takes place in France, in the last 1870′s and 1880′s, with all the shenanigans and wheeling and dealing going on in the business world. The story is about this young man who gets out of the army. He was an officer in the army and he goes to Paris to get a job, but he’s not doing too well. He’s down on his luck. And, he meets a friend of his who was an officer with him in the army, who works the press, and he gets him a job on the newspaper he works for. And then, he meets this guy’s wife, and he meets the wives of the editors, and he ends up having relationships with all these woman, and basically screws his way to the top. That’s the story.
It was a great cast. The three women were Kristin Scott Thomas, Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci. And, Robert Pattinson is terrific. He’s a very, very good young actor. For him, it was an important step away from the whole Twilight thing. I think they’re having some post-production questions about it, so it’s taking a lot of time to come out, but it was such a pleasure to do. Kristin Scott Thomas is such an actress. What an amazing actress. My character is married to Kristin.
Read the rest of the interview over at Collider
Robert Pattinson Full Breaking Dawn Press Conference Video
Robert Pattinson on the 'Love and Distrust' poster (The Summer House)
Click the image to purchase Love & Distrust (The Summer House)
Screencaps Of Collider Interview With Robert Pattinson
He was very serious in this interview bt still manages to pull some funny faces. Oh how I love his expressions
Loads More After The Cut!
Robert Pattinson Exclusive Video Interview from Collider
Robert Pattinson Exclusive Video Interview REMEMBER ME
by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub
Last week I got to interview Robert Pattinson for his new movie Remember Me. Since he’s answered every possible question regarding the Twilight franchise and his other upcoming projects, what I decided to do was ask the people who follow me on Twitter to supply me with questions. While I knew I’d get a few things to ask…I was not prepared for the amount of emails and tweets that would be sent my way. I was blown away.
Since so many of you asked about certain things like would he do a commentary on the Remember Me DVD and what was up with his music, I didn’t single out any one person when I asked the questions. Just know I read every single email and tweet you sent in. Saying that, I mentioned who provided me with the first question, and we also talked about what he’d like to do if he had a free day in New York City and will he ever get into social networking. If you’re a fan of Robert Pattinson, I’m confident you’ll like this interview as I made sure to ask a few things that haven’t previously been asked.
Source and thank to Dana for the tip!
I believe this was the interview where I asked the interviewer on Twitter to ask Rob "Do you Remember Me?" - oh, I make myself laugh!
Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami" Starts Fliming Feb 7th & Full Cast List Is Revealed
Here’s the synopsis:
Bel Ami is the story of Georges Duroy (Robert Pattinson), who travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.
Based on the synopsis, I think Pattinson’s female fanbase is going to be very happy watching this movie. (Kate: LOL, You think ? )
The other bit of news we were informed of is exactly who each actor is playing in the film and some more casting info.
Here’s what we were sent:
Robert Pattinson plays Georges Duroy in this erotically charged story of ambition, power and seduction. Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) is Madeleine, Kristin Scott Thomas (Nowhere Boy, I’ve Loved You So Long) is Virginie, Christina Ricci (Monster, The Ice Storm) is Clotilde, Holly Grainger (Scouting Book for Boys) is Suzanne, Philip Glenister (Life on Mars, Calendar Girls) is Charles, and Colm Meaney (The Damned United, The Snapper) plays Duroy’s adversary, Rousset.(Kate: Squeeeeee. Colm Is Irish so I'm excited)
The screenplay is written by Rachel Bennette from the novel by Guy de Maupassant, and the film is directed by the influential and innovative Cheek By Jowl directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod.
BEL AMI is produced by Uberto Pasolini (The Full Monty, Machan) with Simon Fuller as executive producer. The director of photography is Hagen Bogdanski (The Young Victoria, The Lives of Others); Attila F. Kovacs (Sunshine, Meeting Venus) is production designer; the costumes are designed by Odile Dicks-Mireaux (An Education, The Constant Gardener); the hair and make-up designer is Jenny Shircore (The Young Victoria, Elizabeth: The Golden Age) and the editor is Masahiro Hirakubo (The Duchess, Trainspotting).
With interest in Robert Pattinson very high, I’d imagine as soon as they are filming at any outside location, images are going to leak from the set. More as we get it.
Ooh It's all getting exciting now huh?
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip