Bill Condon was Interviewed by
Twilight Moms and a few other lucky twilight websites at Comic-Con.
It's a great interview, check out some of it (the Rob parts) below.

Q: With the birth, like you talked about, it’s a violent birth, and the impending fight with the Volturi, then the honeymoon and the sex scenes. Knowing all those aspects, did you find it hard to balance the boundry between PG-13 and R? Did you sort of go to R and cut back? How did you approach that?Bill: You know, I think it’s a good challenge because the thing that makes something R is literally showing it and if you give yourself that rule: I’m not gonna show, it’s not going to be frontal nudity, no one wants that, that is not appropriate here, but they are going to have intense love making scenes.
(Kate: :-D Bill, I think I love you) Or we’re not going to, again, show splattering blood against the walls, but it’s gonna be very visceral. It actually becomes a fun challenge to make sure you feel like you have the same experience without having to watch something clinical. I think it makes it better. There are great romantic scenes in PG-13 movies, you know?
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