"I Love That People Have Made Friendships Because Of Twilight" - Robert Pattinson
Bravo interview Robert Pattinson at the Berlin press Junket where he talks about what he tried to take from the set, the great friendships people have made through Twilight, how he sees the same people at the events over and over & more.
My favourite part of this video is at the 1:40 mark {giggles}
Bill Condon compliments Robert Pattinson during Breaking Dawn Press Junket
From the Berlin press junket and the same people that inspired this awesomesauce post.
Robert Pattinson "Bravo" Interview Screencaps & GIFs
And if you missed the interview you have GOT to check it out HERE
Awww c'mon Rob you know it's only because we adore the faces you pull
Rob: Do I pull funny faces?
Rob: I don't think I do
Rob: How about this face? Is this better ?
Kate: Somebody call 911 __________________________
LOTS More After The Cut, oh and there may be a few of THESE too ;-}
Bravo Interview Robert Pattinson At The Berlin Press Junket
This interview is really great, the interviewer came up with something a bit different.
And really Rob? It's extremely easy to shoot sex scenes ;-)
Robert Pattinson picture and interview with Bravo magazine (Germany)
Crop of new pic from the Pattinson Ladies
The translation is after the cut. It gave me a headache. To remedy that, I cropped the pictures from the first batch of Bravo mag scans we posted.
(My expression when reading the translation)
Rob: Hehehe just TRY and figure out that interview.
Enter at your own risk...
Robert Pattinson Talks To Bravo.de (So Cute)
Hello Rob!
Robert Pattinson in "Bravo" Magazine (Germany)
Rob doesn't want to be a Vampire anymore! (Really LOL)
Thanks to Gossip_Dance
*New* Robert Pattinson Interview in Bravo (Germany)
Rob(laughing out loud): Am I a Hero?
B: For the fans you are. You play the outsider, who everyone loves…
R: It’s great to be an outsider
B: Are you talking from experience?
R: I was a loner in school. But you know what? It’s a compliment and the best thing that could have happened to me. When you are different from everybody else, it helps to be creative.(thinking) Maybe my point of view is a bit too romantic.
B: It’s ok to be romantic…
R: (grabs his hair and looks to the ground): I love being different. I don’t want to listen to other people or adjust myself, to fulfill expectations. As an outsider I became what I am.
B: Are you the same in relationships?
R: In relationships and friendships you have to adjust, so that it works together. Isn’t it the best proof of love to work on yourself, because you love the other person so much. But you shouldn’t fake it just to be liked.
Taylor: At school I didn’t have many friends either. Most of the time I was alone.
Kristen: We all feel like outsiders from time to time. Like today I felt like an outsider and I’m sure that the most popular girl felt lonely and misunderstood. I know how it feels to be unpopular. It shouldn’t bother me what people say about me but sometimes it’s hard, even for me.
B: In the movie you are perfect heroes. What about in your private life? Would you change something there?
T: I want to be so wild and strong like the werewolf-boys. I’m often shy and silent. Sometimes I want to be more extroverted.
R: I want to be a bit shorter.
K: (rolls her eyes): You are such an idiot, Rob! I don’t understand why you say such stupid things (Rob smiles embarrassed. Kristen shakes her head) What is going on with you? Did you drink to much coke? (Gozde: I love this :))
UPDATE: pbirdie told us that the translation is missing Robs reaction to Kris comment mentioned by the interviewer:
Rob lacht noch Lauter. Er scheint es zu moegen, when Kristen in so Neckt...
Rob laughs even louder. Looks like he likes it when Kristen teases him...
R: I have really long arms and legs and I’m a total klutz. It isn’t very elegant. If I ever had to dance on a stage I would die of shame. I’m not afraid of normal appearance anymore. I hope I can remember this moment 20 years from now.
B: Rob, you’ve accomplished a lot? Is it easy for you?
R: Sometimes I have to be motivated, to move my ass. I have the bad habit of hanging around. I have two options: either I want to do everything at once or I don’t want do anything.
B: And if you’re heartbroken, do you lock yourself up?
R: Oh no! You should never drown in sadness
B: …like Bella after the breakup?
K: I think it is important to go through a break up. Look at Bella: In the end she is stronger than before, because she found herself. Girls always want somebody who watches over them. But first you have to be strong. Then u can have a happy relationship.
T: I think the love triangle is really hard, in the movie. I feel sorry for Jacob, because Bella doesn’t love him back. When I read the book, I was like I don’t wanna experience that!
R: Being heartbroken always feels terrible. You have to go outside, meet some friends. But you shouldn’t ignore the pain, because someday it’s going to come back. But when you are young it doesn’t matter – after 5 days you fall in love again with someone else.
sources: Translation by Tina1287, scans, thanks to Thinking of Rob
Bravo Portugal Scans

Alunitza translated it for us:
Nobody but him can show you one of the most exciting towns in the world. London is very special and through his hands you can find out some of the places that are part of his life. This London boy lives in the beautiful neighborhood of Barnes, in the south-east of the capital. There is where he grew up, attended a wonderful school, the Harrodian School, with a pool and everything. (Alinutza: WTF???). What he likes most was the Dramatic Arts, that's why he started making his first steps into the theater company in his neighborhood. The Barnes&Noble (Gozde: LMAO! Really? I thought it was Barnes Theatre Company :))theater, to which he has a lot to thank. Robert was a true artist and, loyal to his instinct, he loved the cultural part. In his free time he used to take a walk in the London Soho, a place full of pubs, where he was seen more than once playing the guitar with his band, Bad Girls. "I would never move from this city, I adore London." he said. And we adore you, Rob. :-)
Gozde: I think the "CRAP!!!" and the "we adore you Rob:)" parts were added by Alina :)
The second one: This is the street of Barnes where he lives, despite the fact that he spends more time in LA, where the big stars are. But he would never give up his native London.
The third one: Barnes, the neighborhood of Rob, is a spectacular place. It's placed near a wonderful lake. We would adore to see it. Viewed from above, it looks like a postal stamp, don't you think?